Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author On the epileptic's fitness for driving,1968,14,2,267-274,Fabiani Value of the electroencephalographic examination for determination of fitness for driving motor vehicles,1971,17,1,3-10,Ardito Suicide in the province of Macerata (years 1966-1970),1971,17,1,30-42,Colleluori Statistico-epidemiologic aspects of cranial injuries,1980,26,4,508-514,Mennonna Space-time pattern of movement in the evaluation of motor development and its disorders in children,1967,13,2,291-294,Milani Comparetti Changes of visuo-motor and visual perception times induced by an intensive and prolonged stimulation of a sensorial path,1966,12,3,339-343,Federici Contribution to the study of deliria of the paranoic type in alcoholics. Psychopathological psychodiagnostic and psychodynamic considerations,1967,13,4,763-797,Agostini Observations on the personality of minors with antisocial development,1968,14,3,409-412,Fossi Peripheral neuropathy and attempted suicide,1984,30,2-3,343-350,Angelini Cerebellar ataxia due to acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1973,19,3-4,197-206,Savoldi Peripheral toxic neuropathy caused by gummy adhesives,1966,12,1,93-97,Del greco Case of poisoning as a result of ingesting fish containing ciguatoxin,1982,27,2,239-245,Corsi