Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Electrocardiographic study of drivers over 60 years old,1968,16,9,871-874,Botteghelli Eyelid orbicular reflex time and simple optical reaction time in subjects aged between 17 and 77,1968,16,8,855-862,Wyss The effect of age on driving capability evaluated by psychotechnical exams,1968,16,8,815-825,Indovina First statistical data about elderly craftsmen from Salento urgently hospitalized in the space of two years owing to labour accidents: some suggestion for precautionary measures,1970,18,7,589-622,Della Tommasa Traumatisms in aged persons,1965,13,8,839-854,Lombardi-Comite Alcoholism and old age: incidence of mental pathology. Some clinico-statistical considerations,1967,15,1,51-61,Madeddu Alcoholism in the senile age. (The strictly alcoholic pathology),1967,15,1,129-135,Johannes The locomotor apparatus in advanced age. Historical introduction,1970,18,11,995-1000,Zanobio Evaluation of the ecological conditions of the aged in rest homes,1971,19,6,411-450,Fabris Alcoholism and the ocular apparatus in old age,1967,15,1,75-83,Fedrizzi Need for early and active measures for prevention of alcoholism,1967,15,1,145-147,Frick Depression and cognitive impairment in the elderly,2008,56,2 Suppl 1,25-33,Gala