Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Record of 8 months of activity of the Marseilles poison Control Center,1969,106,2,145-153,Jouglard Failure to assist a person in danger (article 63 number 2 of the penal code),1968,105,10,799-804,Kornprobst Acute poisoning due to colchicine (2 cases),1968,105,2,93-97,Poyen Poisoning in children (apropos of 240 observations),1965,102,6,527-532,Bernard Acute poisoning by Mandrax. Evaluation of known cases at the Marseilles Poison Control Center (88 cases in 27 months),1972,109,9,565-567,Jouglard The Marseilles Poison Control Center. Evaluation of its 1971 activities,1972,109,9,527-536,Levy Epidemiologic and statistical observations on suicide attempts observed in the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Hopital Sainte-Marguerite (apropos of 1400 cases),1972,109,7,461-472,Mouren Post-commotion syndrome in cranium injuries,1957,94,6,407-414,Mouren Familial poisoning,1959,96,,535-539,Casanova Traffic accidents; role of the physician,1959,96,1,7-8,Arnaud Factors in diving accidents,1961,98,,755-758,Rispe Vertebro-medullary injuries in divers,1961,98,,851-864,Perria Clinical and radiological study of vertebro-medullary injuries at the cervical level caused by diving,1961,98,,831-838,Paillas Barotrauma of the ear and sinuses,1961,98,,803-810,Pagano Decompression paraplegia in skin divers,1961,98,,767-780,Langlois Decompression accidents. Definition mechanism description treatment,1961,98,,761-766,Perrimond-trouchet Legal medicine and civil responsibility in diving accidents,1961,98,,795-802,Fiorentini Attempted suicide,1961,98,,595-606,Mouren The eyes and the sea,1961,98,,647-648,Maggiore Cerebromeingeal complications caused by sunstroke,1961,98,,671-675,Paillas Physiopathology of drowning in the sea,1961,98,,733-742,Garcin Diffuse cerebromeningeal reactions in sunstroke and heat exhaustion,1961,98,,665-670,Arnaud Salicylate poisoning in children,1963,100,,159-166,Giraud Carbon monoxide poisoning and electrocardiographic changes (apropos of 17 cases),1965,102,,115-122,Medvedowsky Various human physiological problems posed by astronautic flights,1962,99,,415-425,Tabusse A little-known cause of diving accidents: myocardial ischemia,1962,99,,63-66,Brahic Acute poisoning due to tricyclic antidepressants,1969,106,4,287-305,Jouglard Sugar diabetes and trauma,1969,106,10,755-764,Vague Scorpion stings in the Marseilles area,1970,107,11,917-919,Jouglard Acting of the information sector of the Marseilles Poison Control Center. Comparative study of 1970 with respect to preceding years (1968-1969),1971,108,10,687-690,Jouglard Acute poisoning by a domestic antiseptic: Cresyl,1971,108,6,425-431,Jouglard Quadriparesis and tetany caused by hypokalemia during nervous emaciation: role of the abuse of laxatives,1966,103,1,56-59,Codaccioni Drowning; therapeutic conclusions,1961,98,,743-751,Grinda [Electro-shock treatment in an anxious melanol after two suicide attempts one of which caused a fracture of the spine],1946,83,,95-98,Ollivier