Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bezold-Brücke effect and misunderstanding of traffic signals,1969,20,6,636-638,Iinuma Ocular manifestation of so-called whiplash injury,1970,21,2,154-160,Watanabe A case of spinal fluid accumulation under the right upper lid following a traffic accident,1967,18,2,180-182,Ide Histological studies on optic organ changes due to rat poison "Dethmor",1961,12,,757-759,Taki A rare case of eye-injury probably caused by the air shot with an air-gun,1961,12,,737-740,Nakatani A statistical review of ophthalmologic symptoms developing after head injuries,1965,16,9,548-553,Morinobu Injuries of the eye in child,1964,15,,141-146,Tanabe Ocular muscle paralysis caused by traffic accidents,1962,13,,633-636,Yamamoto Head injury and visual field,1962,13,,628-631,Yagasaki A case of head injury with unusual change of visual field,1962,13,,632,Ueda A review of the blast pressure heat and radiation dose of an atomic bomb received by survivors with ophthalmological disturbances,1962,13,,653-656,Sugimoto Relationship between the occurrence of arcus senilis of the cornea and condition subjected to the exposure of an atomic bomb,1962,13,,652,Hirose Eye fatigue in automobile drivers,1962,13,,270-271,Makiuchi A motor factor in intermittent divergent squint,1967,18,5,572-584,Uemura A statistical study on ocular injuries at the Department of Ophthalmology Osaka City University Medical School in 1965. 7. Ocular injuries in sports,1967,18,7,754-758,Sunada A statistical study on ocular injuries at the Department of Ophthalmology Osaka City University Medical School in 1965. 6. Ocular injuries by violence,1967,18,7,749-753,Yoshida A statistical study on ocular injuries at the Department of Ophthalmology. Osaka City University Medical School in 1965. 5. Ocular injuries in traffic accidents,1967,18,7,743-748,Tanaka Changes in the anterior segment of the eye due to contusio bulbi,1967,18,7,739-742,Miyaura Statistics on eye injuries,1967,18,7,717-722,Ishibashi Retinal detachment after perforated injury of the eye due to an iron particle,1966,17,5,632-635,Watanabe A case of wood chip lodged in the orbit,1966,17,11,1121-1123,Nakatani Problems of vision disorders following head injuries,1967,18,11,1121-1123,Ikui A review on the borderline between A-bomb cataract and other lenticular opacities with special reference to future research areas,1970,21,3,237-244,Sugimoto Cases of atomic bomb radiation cataract in the last 10 years,1970,21,3,233-236,Fujinaga The traumatic cervical syndrome,1970,21,7,533-536,Someda An orthopaedic aspect of whiplash injury,1970,21,7,529-532,Ono Ophthalmological study of cases with whiplash injury,1970,21,7,525-528,Katano On the visual field of whiplash injury,1970,21,7,510-524,Todo Visual function on the traumatic cervical syndrome,1970,21,7,507-509,Koyama Whiplash injury and its ocular symptoms,1970,21,7,499-506,Mine A five-year review of ocular injuries,1971,22,2,70-71,Fukado Reflected laser beam causing accidental burn of the macula,1971,22,3,137-140,Hattori Eye injury in children,1971,22,12,1023-1026,Takeda Establishment of an outpatient vision rehabilitation clinic by request of patients blinded by diabetic retinopathy,1995,46,9,950-953,Yamada