Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Identification of small amounts of barbiturate sedatives in biological samples by a combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry,1970,6,3,371-385,Schubert Suicidal poisoning by ingestion of aniline oil,1968,4,4,553-562,Marchiori Acute arsenic poisoning per os. A study of the cases reported in literature with special attention to chronologic problems,1968,4,4,516-542,Montagna A case of attempted dissimulation of homicidal strangulation by throwing the victim out of a window,1967,3,4,522-531,Umani Ronchi A case of homicide-suicide by hanging,1967,3,1,102-115,Chini Cases of death due to poisoning in Zagreb and Fiume in the 5 years from 1965 to 1969,1971,7,3,420-428,Palmović Methyldopa poisoning. Report of the first published fatal case,1971,7,3,415-419,Alha Medico-legal importance of compulsory insurance in the matter of civil responsibility for damages caused by motor vehicles,1970,6,3,342-356,Barni How reliable are post-mortem alcohol determinations?,1970,6,2,219-225,Moller Esthetic damage and private insurance against accidents,1969,5,1,37-50,Antoniotti Dynamic reconstruction of a traffic accident,1968,4,4,581-606,Durante Diatoms in the diagnosis of drowning. II. The medico-legal problems,1968,4,2,187-244,Gualdi Diatoms in the diagnosis of drowning. I. Biology of diatoms,1968,4,1,31-74,Gualdi On the production mechanism of steering-wheel impresions on the thorax in 2 fatal cases of road accident,1968,4,1,123-139,Graziola The intervention of the forensic physician in on-the-site examinations and findings of the judicial police,1967,3,4,439-452,Gerin Medico-social considerations on the chronological limits for review of worsening of eye damage caused by a work accident,1967,3,2,153-165,Cati Death due to electric current. Macroscopic and microscopic study of the rhombencephalon. Medico-legal value,1972,8,1,77-95,Piacentino Problems of work accidents from the surgical point of view,1972,8,1,11-23,Korin Traumatic ruptures of the aorta,1971,7,4,461-478,Cortivo 2 cases of fatal acute poisoning by ethyl alcohol,1961,24,,369-387,Angelini rota On diatom demonstration in the bone marrow of the drowned dead body,1961,24,,263-273,Tamaska Murder and sexual assault of an old woman,1963,26,,460-465,Jayewardene The medicolegal evaluation of lesions of the clavicle. Observations on 175 cases in traffic accidents,1963,26,,433-459,Macchiarelli Ultrastructural hepatic findings in experimental asphyxia caused by drowning,1963,26,,420-432,Montaldo Ultrastructural pulmonary findings in experimental asphyxia caused by drowning,1963,26,,334-352,Montaldo The identification of barbiturates in forensic toxicology. I. Considerations on the results of chemico-toxological investigations in 19 cases of fatal poisoning by 55 substituted barbiturates,1963,26,,146-162,Marozzi 2 cases of acute poisoning by formalin,1963,26,,163-180,Marcialis On the significance of hematic findings in subjects drowned in fresh water,1963,26,,114-145,Santini Studies on cases of the Roman medico-legal sector. Statistical findings on death due to drowning (6 year period 1957-1963),1964,27,3,422-442,Carella Statement on the question of fatal accidents in children,1964,27,,42-56,Kenyeres Poisoning due to amanita phalloides,1964,27,,112-144,Aragona Electrocardiographic findings in drowning in fresh water,1962,25,,199-217,Dell'Erba An unusual means of homicidal throat-cutting,1962,25,,224-232,Faraone Relation between death in water and drowning,1962,25,,57-67,Dell'Erba 2 cases of homicide by atypical strangling,1962,25,,88-98,Carella Contribution to the knowledge of organic changes in parathion poisoning. Behavior of the antigens of the mitochondria and the soluble part of rat liver homogenates in acute poisoning,1962,25,,34-42,Camba Medicolegal aspects of death caused by burns,1967,3,1,13-52,Dell'Erba Comprehensive anthropological analysis of a case of homicide. Criminogenetic considerations,1967,3,3,288-297,Carriero Poisoning by apiole. II. Histopathological aspects and pathogenetic discussion,1967,3,3,356-372,Martini Poisoning by apiole. 3. Toxicological studies: Labat reaction and determination with chromotropic acid,1967,3,4,504-511,Barni 2 cases of fatal sodium fluoride poisoning,1968,4,2,269-284,Fazekas Criminological study of the personality of victims of incest,1969,5,1,75-104,Canepa A case of throat-cutting associated with atypical attempted strangulation,1969,5,1,137-147,Durante Legal medicine in the Saar,1969,5,3,305-326,Wagner Generic indetermined chemico-toxicologic research. Value of its findings in order to eliminate suspicion of poisoning,1969,5,3,345-379,Marozzi Death of a 3-year-old child after ingestion of unripe poppy pods,1969,5,4,604-610,Virágos-Kis Histamine content of cadaveric blood in violent death,1969,5,4,569-586,Berg Homicide followed by criminal incineration of cadavers of newborn infants. Medico-legal considerations. II,1970,6,2,226-257,Bonnet On the histological changes caused by acute nicotine poisoning,1970,6,2,200-218,Kosa Experimental studies of the resistance of the human kidney to pressure,1971,7,2,294-301,Kosa Doctrinal bases of physiognomical damage in various juridical domains. I. Premises and historical notes,1971,7,2,219-254,Antoniotti Gas chromatography--mass spectrometry as a routine procedure in forensic chemistry,1971,7,3,399-414,Bonnichsen Lessons to be drawn from the mass arsenic poisoning in Hódmezövásárhely,1972,8,1,48-76,Kosa On the presence of diatomes in pleural exudates and transudates in living subjects,1964,27,3,454-458,Macchiarelli Determination of magnesium in the cardiac wall by means of spectrophotometry by atomic absorption for diagnosis of death by drowning,1964,27,3,295-306,De Zorzi Renal ultrastructural findings in experimental asphyxia due to drowing,1964,27,,145-157,Montaldo On the passage of fluids into the pleural cavities in drowning,1961,24,,415-420,Carriero Suicide by burning,1998,71,1,91-106,Cipolloni Suicide and the psychiatric reform. A preliminary epidemiological study of suicide in the City of Rome during the years 1976-1982,1992,65,1-2,99-114,Donini Case history involving a suicide performed with two shots from a firearm,1990,63,1,81-88,Arcudi The evolution of variations in the effects of exogenous toxics (1936-1991),1991,64,2-3,231-252,Centini