Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Interpretation in a suicidal woman,1970,34,5,835-845,Burger The suicide of melancholics,1968,32,3,574-594,Grunberger Apropos of masochistic aggressiveness and of bodily counter-investment,1966,30,,Suppl:93-6,Shentoub Clinical note on an anxiety state after war wounds,1953,17,4,548-555,Roumajon The death instinct as nontransgression (survival and transfiguration of the incest taboo),1968,32,3,465-502,Barande Murder of the imago and the individuation process,1969,33,3,375-414,Gillibert A thought disorder,1969,33,5,845-855,Cosnier Thought disorders in clinical psychoanalysis,1969,33,5,727-843,Luzes Repetition difference replication. On re-reading "Beyond the Pleasure Principle",1970,34,3,461-501,Green Creativeness and sex deviation,1972,36,4,535-556,McDougall Narcisse séparé,2001,65,2,541-556,Cournut-Janin L'effondrement de la construction,2008,72,5,1667-1673,De Coulon Judas betrayed in translation: Translation betrayal and voluntary death from the Scriptures to Sylvia Plath,2008,72,4,973-989,Dauzat Pulsion de mort et destructivité,2009,73,4,987-1004,Ribas ART délire et narcissisme,2014,78,1,150-165,Denis The murder of a woman,2014,78,4,1107-1119,André La vie après le suicide de joanne andré,2018,82,2,557-561,Parat Magritte: the canvas obverse of the absence of reflection of the maternal gaze,2022,86,4,775-786,Pirlot Adolescent suffering ;; Des souffrances adolescentes,1990,54,1,153-162,Arnoux A subject is being killed ;; On tue un sujet,1991,55,6,1789-1792,Ribas Death as origin a figure of self-generation: 'The Dock' by Chris Marker ;; La mort comme origine une figure de l'auto-engendrement: 'La jetée' de Chris Marker,1991,55,5,1237-1241,Ribas Thésée sa vie nouvelle or how to live with one's dead without dying from it,2023,87,4,967-977,Selz