Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Engineering professional ethics in a broader dimension,2008,33,3,226-233,Durbin Interdisciplinarity: some models from the human sciences,2007,32,2,123-134,Strathern Philosophical underpinning for systems thinking,2008,33,3,202-213,Dias Spider-Man? Sure! The neuroscience of suspending disbelief,2008,33,4,312-320,Holland Surviving childhood in India and Ethiopia,2007,32,1,11-26,Sargent The intertwining of ethics and methodology in science and engineering: a virtue-ethical approach,2008,33,3,234-243,Consoli Towards an 'engineered epistemology'?,2008,33,3,254-262,Doridot Torture: a challenge to medical science,1983,8,4,320-328,Aalund Why do we engage (and keep engaging) in tragic and sad stories? Negativity bias and engagement in narratives eliciting negative feelings,2023,48,3,460-463,Simon