Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Healthy choices in context: How contextual cues can influence the persuasiveness of framed health messages,2009,4,3,248-255,McElroy Cognitive determinants of affective forecasting errors,2010,5,5,365-373,Hoerger Predicting (un)healthy behavior: A comparison of risk-taking propensity measures,2012,7,6,716-727,Peltzer Risks deter but pleasures allure: is pleasure more important?,2015,10,3,204-218,Peltzer The coexistence of overestimation and underweighting of rare events and the contingent recency effect,2009,4,6,447-460,Barron What drives opposition to suicide? Two exploratory studies of normative judgments,2022,17,1,164-188,Shah