Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Physical assault by patients against physiotherapists working in mental health settings,2009,95,3,170-175,Stubbs The risk of assault to physiotherapists: beyond zero tolerance?,2009,95,2,134-139,Winstanley An evaluation of back rests designed to relieve drivers' low back pain,1983,69,12,438,Clarke Ergonomics of seat design,1984,70,2,40-43,Brunswic Recent athletic injuries and their treatment,1949,35,7,105-108,Woodard Mechanised man: biological considerations in accident prevention,1969,55,10,486-490,Capener Safety in sport for the disabled,1968,54,7,235-237,Gough Physiotherapy with the amateur football club,1956,42,10,275-277,Hollingworth Athletic injuries of the lower limb,1963,49,,213-214,Simpson Athletic injuries of the lower limb,1963,49,,209-212,Newman Step length appears to be a strong discriminant gait parameter for elderly females highly concerned about falls: a cross-sectional observational study,2011,97,2,126-131,Sampaio Outdoor mobility -- the situation today,1974,60,9,264-267,Large Physiotherapy in the treatment of balance problems,1969,55,2,415-420,Lane Interventions for preventing hamstring injuries: a systematic review,2011,97,2,91-99,Jones Human kinetics and good movement,1971,57,4,169-176,Anderson The development of movement in young children,1971,57,4,149-158,Horton The contribution of motor behaviour to child development,1971,57,4,159-162,Rosenbloom Specific injuries of sport,1972,58,6,194-199,Wilson Budgeting,1972,58,5,169-171,Codd Biomechanics of injuries,1973,59,6,176-179,Reeves Sport injuries,1973,59,11,354-357,Sperryn Clumsiness and perceptuo-motor disorders in children,1974,60,10,311-314,Gordon Closed circuit television in assessment of disability following severe head injury,1975,61,9,272-274,Graham Assessment of disability following severe head injury,1975,61,9,268-272,Stichbury Head injuries,1973,59,12,380-382,Proctor Physiotherapy students' experience confidence and attitudes on the causes and management of violent and aggressive behaviour,2011,97,4,313-318,Stubbs Violence towards those who care,2011,97,4,271-272,Harms Physiotherapy students' experiences of bullying on clinical internships: an exploratory study,2013,99,2,178-180,Stubbs Frequency and circumstances of falls in people with inclusion body myositis: A questionnaire survey to explore falls management and physiotherapy provision,2014,100,1,61-65,Hanna Physiotherapy students' experiences of bullying on clinical internships: A qualitative study,2014,100,1,41-46,Stubbs Test-retest reliability and comparability of paper and computer questionnaires for the Finnish version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia,2014,100,4,356-362,Kautiainen Physiotherapy and the treatment of gunshot wounds,1974,60,2,42-46,Thompson Prevention of injuries in sport,1979,65,4,114-119,Wright Improvement in arm and hand function following head injury: a single case study,1982,68,3,74-76,Kerley Physical treatment for clumsy children--not enough?,1978,64,7,198-203,Abbie Riding for the disabled,1978,64,10,297,Walker Water sports,1978,64,10,296,Roberts Risk factors for chronic disability in a cohort of patients with acute whiplash associated disorders seeking physiotherapy treatment for persisting symptoms,2014,101,1,34-43,Lamb "If I can get over that I can get over anything"-understanding how individuals with acute whiplash disorders form beliefs about pain and recovery: a qualitative study,2014,101,2,178-186,Lamb A psycho-motor approach to the assessment and treatment of clumsy children,1981,67,12,356-363,Baker The experience of spinal cord injury: using Frank's narrative types to enhance physiotherapy undergraduates' understanding,2010,96,1,52-58,Smith Bathwide management pool hygiene and resuscitation,1971,57,10,471-475,Harris Do measures of reactive balance control predict falls in people with stroke returning to the community?,2015,101,4,373-380,Bayley Musculoskeletal pain characteristics associated with lower balance confidence in community-dwelling older adults,2015,102,2,152-158,Stubbs The effectiveness of a video-supported group-based Otago exercise programme on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a preliminary study,2015,102,3,280-286,Benavent-Caballer Falls screening and assessment tools used in acute mental health settings: a review of policies in England and Wales,2015,102,2,178-183,Humphrey Dual-task testing to predict falls in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review,2015,102,1,29-40,Muir-Hunter Interactions of sex and aging on spatiotemporal metrics in non-pathological gait: a descriptive meta-analysis,2015,101,3,266-272,Bruening Exploring the experiences and implementing strategies for physiotherapy students who perceive they have been bullied or harassed on clinical placements: participatory action research,2015,103,1,73-80,Thomson A novel approach to falls classification in Parkinson's disease: development of the Fall-Related Activity Classification (FRAC),2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rochester Development and delivery of an exercise programme for falls prevention: the Prevention of Falls Injury Trial (PreFIT),2018,104,1,72-79,Lamb Do patients with migraine experience an increased prevalence of falls and fear of falling? A cross-sectional study,2018,104,4,424-429,Bigal The Berg Balance Scale as a clinical screening tool to predict fall risk in older adults: a systematic review,2018,104,4,383-394,Perracini Long-term follow-up of exercise interventions aimed at preventing falls in older people living in the community: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,105,2,187-199,Seers What is the best clinical assessment tool for identification of adults aged ≥80 years at high risk of falls?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Abreu 'PDSAFE' - a multi-dimensional model of falls-rehabilitation for people with Parkinson's. a mixed methods analysis of therapists' delivery and experience,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ashburn Fear of falling does not predict self-reported physical activity: an observational study with community-dwelling older adults,2022,116,,50-57,Franco A systematic review on the effectiveness of perturbation-based balance training in postural control and gait in Parkinson's disease,2022,116,,58-71,Coelho Aspects of violence leading to distress and changed attitudes for physiotherapists: a qualitative investigation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang "You've broken the patient": physiotherapists' lived experience of incivility within the healthcare team - an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2022,117,,89-96,Killingback "I haven't got a clue what policies are in place for this!": physiotherapy students' preparedness to deal with self-harm,2024,124,,21-28,Gamblin