Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Degrees of destitution: a typology of homelessness in developing countries,2004,19,3,465-482,Speak Disability embodiment and the meaning of the home,2004,19,5,745-763,Imrie Employment of low-income African American and Latino teens: does neighborhood social mix matter?,2015,30,2,192-227,Galster When social assistance reproduces social inequality: intimate partner violence survivors' adverse experiences with subsidized housing,2017,32,7,912-930,Barata Racist housing practices as a precursor to uneven neighborhood change in a post-industrial city,2017,32,2,186-208,Sadler Housing options for women leaving domestic violence: the limitations of rental subsidy models,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blunden The U.S. housing crisis and suicide rates: an examination of total- sex- and race-specific suicide rates,2016,31,2,173-189,Pridemore