Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The social side of school: why teachers need social psychology,2010,22,3,349-362,Gehlbach Adolescents at risk for violence,1995,7,1,7-40,Powell A Review of Research on School Bullying among African American Youth: An Ecological Systems Analysis,2013,25,2,245-260,Allen-Meares Factitious disorder by proxy in educational settings: a review,2012,24,1,47-61,Feldman Associations between language and problem behavior: a systematic review and correlational meta-analysis,2018,30,1,61-82,Wehby What schools need to know about fostering school belonging: a meta-analysis,2018,30,1,1-34,Vella-Brodrick Why do children become rejected by their peers? A review of studies into the relationship between oral communicative competence and sociometric status in childhood,2019,31,3,699-724,van der Veen Impact of school-based interventions for building school belonging in adolescence: a systematic review,2022,34,1,229-257,Reupert Expertise Research and Clinical Practice: A Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training Model,1997,9,3,279-296,Rosenberg Suicide prevention: Guidelines for schools,1993,5,2,135-154,Range