Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Relationship Between Emotion Dysregulation and Deliberate Self-Harm Among Inpatients with Substance Use Disorders,2010,34,6,544-553,Tull Aggressive cognitions of violent versus nonviolent spouses,2008,32,3,351-369,Holtzworth-Munroe Development and Validation of a Stages of Change Measure for Men in Batterer Treatment,2011,24,2,175-199,Gelles Men's Attitudes Condoning Marital Aggression: A Moderator between Family of Origin Abuse and Aggression against Female Partners,2011,24,2,159-174,Margolin Disgust Propensity as a Predictor of Intrusive Cognitions Following a Distressing Film,2012,36,3,190-198,Amir Cognitive distortions and self-regulatory personality traits associated with proactive and reactive aggression in early adolescence,2012,36,6,776-787,van Aken Examination of increased mental contamination as a potential mechanism in the association between disgust sensitivity and sexual assault-related posttraumatic 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outcomes,2014,38,3,291-301,Eckhardt Adherence to masculine norms and attributional processes predict depressive symptoms in recently unemployed men,2010,34,6,533-543,Addis The interactive effects of the capability for suicide and major depressive episodes on suicidal behavior in a military sample,2016,40,1,22-30,Joiner Thwarted belongingness mediates the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and suicidal ideation,2016,40,1,31-37,Joiner Stress-related symptoms and suicidal ideation: the roles of rumination and depressive symptoms vary by gender,2016,40,5,606-616,Jeglic Childhood maltreatment exposure and disruptions in emotion regulation: a transdiagnostic pathway to adolescent internalizing and externalizing psychopathology,2016,40,3,394-415,McCauley Impact of non-suicidal self-injury scale: initial psychometric validation,2017,41,1,130-142,Alloy Treatment of depression from a self-regulation perspective: basic concepts and applied strategies in self-system therapy,2017,41,1,1-15,Strauman Dampening positive rumination and positive life events: associations with depressive symptoms in children at risk for depression,2017,41,1,31-42,Luby Reducing child-related negative attitudes attributions of hostile intent anger harsh parenting behaviors and punishment through evaluative conditioning,2017,41,1,43-61,Milner The role of executive functioning in adolescent rumination and depression,2017,41,1,62-72,Ciesla Loneliness and psychotic symptoms: the mediating role of depression,2017,41,1,106-116,Lincoln The Catastrophic Thoughts About Insomnia Scale (CTIS): development and validation,2017,41,1,143-154,Hadjistavropoulos The role of distress tolerance in multiple facets of hostility and willingness to forgive,2017,41,2,170-177,Cougle Social anxiety disorder is associated with reduced eye contact during conversation primed for conflict,2017,41,2,220-229,Lim The effects of psychotherapy for major depressive disorder on daily mood and functioning: a longitudinal experience sampling study,2017,41,2,266-277,Eddington Examining optimism and hope as protective factors of suicide risk in Hungarian college students: is risk highest among those lacking positive psychological protection?,2017,41,2,278-288,Chang Latent growth curve analysis of gender differences in response styles and depressive symptoms during mid-adolescence,2017,41,2,289-303,Gomez-Baya Interactive effects of traumatic brain injury and anxiety sensitivity on PTSD symptoms: a replication and extension in two clinical samples,2018,42,4,510-523,Schmidt Interactive effects of traumatic brain injury and anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns on post-traumatic stress among active duty soldiers,2017,41,6,902-910,Rudd Thought-action fusion in individuals with a history of recurrent depression and suicidal depression: findings from a community sample,2018,42,6,782-793,Crane Posttraumatic mental contamination and the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide: effects via DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters,2019,43,1,259-271,Badour Fearlessness about death is related to diminished late positive potential responses when viewing threatening and mutilation images in suicidal ideators,2020,44,3,621-635,Schmidt Does nonsuicidal self-injury prospectively predict change in depression and self-criticism?,2019,43,2,345-353,Alloy Understanding the constellation of adolescent emotional clarity and cognitive response styles when predicting depression: a latent class analysis,2018,42,,803-812,Alloy Understanding drinking game behaviors: a consideration of alcohol expectancies and motives to play and drink,2018,42,3,302-314,Zamboanga Differential effect of emotional stimuli on performance on verbal and facial priming tasks and their relation to PTSD symptoms in girls with intrafamiliar sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanz-Martin Does hopelessness accurately predict how bad you will feel in the future? Initial evidence of affective forecasting errors in individuals with elevated suicide risk,2022,46,4,686-703,Bryan PTSD symptoms intolerance of uncertainty and alcohol-related outcomes among trauma-exposed college students,2022,46,4,776-790,Gorka An experimental investigation of the impact of blame appraisals and moral injury beliefs on psychological outcomes,2022,46,2,319-332,Nickerson Negative posttraumatic cognitions color the pathway from event centrality to posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms,2022,46,2,333-342,Schulte-Herbrüggen Always saying the wrong thing: negative beliefs about losing control cause symptoms of social anxiety,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radomsky Characterising negative mental imagery in adolescent social anxiety,2022,46,5,956-966,Clark Effects of training body-related interpretations on panic-related cognitions and symptoms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilhelm Prospective relation between ruminative subtypes and suicide ideation: moderating role of problem 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between perfectionism and psychological maladjustment: Social problem solving as a buffer,2002,26,5,581-595,Chang Identification and evaluation of cognitive affect-regulation strategies: Development of a self-report measure,2006,30,2,227-262,Kamholz Perceived burdensomeness as an indicator of suicidal symptoms,2006,30,4,457-467,Joiner Jr. Dispositional optimism as a moderator of the relationship between negative life events and suicide ideation and attempts,2007,31,4,533-546,Hirsch Efficacy of a problem-solving therapy for depression and suicide potential in adolescents and young adults,2008,32,2,227-245,Demir Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and self-discrepancy in recovered depressed patients with a history of depression and suicidality,2008,32,6,775-787,Hepburn Adult attachment orientations depressive symptoms anger and self-directed aggression by psychiatric patients,2010,34,3,272-281,Gormley Emotion dysregulation and vulnerability to suicidal ideation and attempts,2012,36,6,833-839,Gallagher An examination of optimism/pessimism and suicide risk in primary care patients: Does belief in a changeable future make a difference?,2013,37,4,796-804,Chang Discomfort intolerance and the acquired capability for suicide,2013,37,6,1269-1275,Anestis Is doubling up on positive future cognitions associated with lower suicidal risk in Latinos?: A look at hope and positive problem orientation,2013,37,6,1285-1293,Chang Optimism reduces suicidal ideation and weakens the effect of hopelessness among military personnel,2013,37,5,996-1003,Bryan Rumination and hopelessness as mediators of the relation between perceived emotion dysregulation and suicidal ideation,2013,37,4,786-795,Gallagher The joint influence of disordered eating and anxiety sensitivity on the acquired capability for suicide,2013,37,5,934-940,Smith Initial Psychometric Properties of the Attentional Fixation on Suicide Experiences Questionnaire,2015,39,4,492-498,Adler Perfectionism as a 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tolerance,2018,42,4,483-496,Martin Reasons for Living Among U.S. Army Personnel Thinking About Suicide,2018,42,6,758-768,Bryan Stress accounts for the association between ADHD symptoms and suicide ideation when stress-reactive rumination is high,2018,42,4,461-467,Pettit Dynamic Changes in a Desire to Escape from Interpersonal Adversity: A Fluid Experimental Assessment of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide,2019,43,5,926-936,Stritzke The Relationship Between Negative Cognitive Styles and Lifetime Suicide Attempts is Indirect Through Lifetime Acute Suicidal Affective Disturbance Symptoms,2019,43,2,354-364,Rogers Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Pilot with Suicidal Youth Experiencing Homelessness,2020,44,2,402-411,Walsh Conservative Beliefs Male Gender and Beliefs About Means Safety Among Firearm Owners,2020,44,1,1-9,Anestis Correction to: Effects of Neuropsychological Systems on Psychopathology Through Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Individuals with 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