Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Toxicology of Bile Salts in Animals,2008,27,1,1-26,Deng Toxicological and Chemical Aspects of Sarin Terrorism in Japan in 1994 and 1995,2007,26,3,231-274,Tu Part 4: Evidence That Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Peptide Lt-10 Binds to Proteins and an Exploration of Its Potential Use in the in Vitro Assay of Toxins,2008,27,2,125,Lipps Part 2: Conversion of the Active Domain of Natural Opossum Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor to a Synthetic Peptide Lt-10,2008,27,2,93-107,Lipps Part 1: Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor from Opossum Serum,2008,27,2,81-92,Lipps Environmental and Biomedical Sample Analysis in Support of Allegations of Use of Chemical Warfare Agents,2007,26,3,275-298,Black Development of an on-Site Detection Method for Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents,2007,26,3,299-312,Matsushita Biotoxins from Freshwater and Marine Harmful Algal Blooms Occurring in Mexico,2008,27,1,27-77,Altamirano Bioherbicides: Research and Risks,2007,26,4,313-342,Hoagland Lessons learned from nerve agent attacks in Iran and Japan: Is it really necessary to stockpile oximes?,2009,28,4,255-259,Suzuki Strychnine old still actual poison: description of poisoning cases reported to French Poison Control Centers over the past thirteen years,2022,41,4,1172-1178,Labadie