Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Predictors of Batterer Intervention Program Attrition -- Developing and Implementing Logistic Regression Models,2006,43,2,35-54,Buttell Female Perpetrators of Intimate Abuse,2006,41,4,1-31,Nicholls Exploring the Relevance of Attachment Theory as a Dependent Variable in the Treatment of Women Mandated into Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenses,2006,41,4,33-61,Buttell Variables associated with treatment failure among adolescent sex offenders,2006,42,3,23-40,Eastman Investigating Intersections Between Gender and Intimate Partner Violence Recidivism,2006,41,4,99-124,Renauer A Century of Social Work in Criminal Justice and Correctional Settings,2002,35,2,1-17,Brownell Psychological and Demographic Predictors of Treatment Attrition Among Women Assaulters,2004,38,4,7-25,Buttell Predictors of Stable Employment Among Female Inmates in New Jersey -- Implications for Successful Reintegration,2006,43,1,1-22,Blitz Violence exposure and health related risk among African American adolescent female detainees: A strategy for reducing recidivism,2010,49,8,571-584,Woodson Parental Incarceration during Childhood Family Context and Youth Problem Behavior across Adolescence,2011,50,1,18-36,Kjellstrand Women as the Aggressors in Intimate Partner Homicide in Houston 1980s to 1990s,2006,41,4,83-98,Titterington Personality Profiles of Women and Men Arrested for Domestic Violence -- An Analysis of Similarities and Differences,2006,41,4,63-81,Lehmann Responses to Violence Related Questionnaires by Delinquent Truant and State-dependent Boys Receiving Treatment in an Extended Day Program,2008,47,4,407-432,Polanksy Male Batterer Profiles -- Support for an Empirically Generated Typology,2007,44,2,117-131,Chiffriller Adapting Violence Rehabilitation Programs for the Australian Aboriginal Offender,2000,30,1,121,Howells Implementing a batterer's intervention program in a correctional setting: A tertiary prevention model,2010,49,7,456-478,Yorke Inmates' Cultural Beliefs About Sexual Violence and Their Relationship to Definitions of Sexual Assault,2010,49,3,180,Mullings An Empirical Evaluation of Juvenile Awareness Programs in the United States: Can Juveniles be “Scared Straight”?,2010,49,4,254,Klenowski Identifying Violent-Toward-Staff Juvenile Delinquents via the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory and Neuropsychological Measures,2000,32,1,147,Caggiano Level of Moral Reasoning Among African-American and Caucasian Domestic Violence Offenders Prior to Targeted Professional Intervention,2000,30,1,95,Buttell Neuropathology and Criminal Violence -- Newly Calibrated Ratios,2000,31,1,87,Hennessy Patterns of Violent Behavior and Victimization Among African American Youth,2000,30,1,47,McGee Violent Victimization and Fear of Crime Among Canadian Aboriginals,2000,30,1,107,Weinrath Violent youth in boot camps for non-violent offenders,2000,31,3,113,Benda Batterers' intervention: how group leaders assess the risk levels of participants,2012,51,6,414-433,Weisz Personality profiles of intimate partner violence offenders with and without PTSD,2012,51,4,239-256,Hoyt Distinguishing Characteristics of Male and Female Child Sex Abusers,1994,21,1-2,73-88,Allen Therapeutic Wilderness Programs and Juvenile Recidivism: A Program Evaluation,1992,17,3-4,19-46,Soderstrom A Longitudinal Investigation of Delinquency Among Abused and Behavior Problem Youth Following Participation in a Family Preservation Program,2000,31,1-2,143-162,Jenson Co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders within a countywide system: Who interfaces with the jail and who does not?,2011,50,1,1-17,Zeoli Safety for aboriginal women in couples counseling where there is a history of intimate partner violence,2014,53,6,478-500,Riel A Randomized Trial of a Multimodal Community-Based Prisoner Reentry Program Emphasizing Substance Abuse Treatment,2013,52,4,287-309,Davidson Community maintenance programs for sexual offenders,2013,52,3,217-232,Youssef Sex Offender Situational Competency Test (SOSCT) Pretreatment and Posttreatment Effects for Inpatient Sex Offenders in Hypothetical High-Risk Situations,2013,52,1,16-28,Reddon Short-Run Prosocial Behavior in Response to Receiving Corrections and Affirmations in Three Therapeutic Communities,2013,52,4,270-286,De Leon The experiences of registered sex offenders with internet offender registries in three states,2013,52,1,29-45,Ackerman Does ADHD matter? Examining attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder on the likelihood of recidivism among detained youth,2012,51,8,497-518,Gordon Towards a strength-based juvenile correctional facility: sustainability and effects of an institutional transformation,2012,51,7,435-452,Barton Project Rose: an arrest alternative for victims of sex trafficking and prostitution,2014,53,1,57-74,Hickle Barriers to education: policies and perceptions of individuals with histories of sexual offenses in higher education,2019,58,8,720-731,Jeglic A framework for developing justice reinvestment plans for crime prevention and offender rehabilitation in Australia's remote Indigenous communities,2019,58,6,520-543,Davidson Service providers' perspectives on content to address in counseling with Aboriginal couples following intimate partner violence,2019,58,1,50-74,Languedoc Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms among men and women in a substance use and mental health treatment court sample,2020,59,3,117-137,Tossone Psychopathic and non-psychopathic alcoholic offenders,1997,26,1-2,125-140,Walsh An "extended care" community corrections model for seriously mentally ill offenders,2007,45,1-2,55-57,Sabbatine A story telling of tragedy: Mental illness molestation suicide and the penalty of death,2007,45,1-2,59-68,Forsyth Predicting suicidal ideation with the depression hopelessness and suicide screening form (DHS),2008,47,1-2,74-100,Mills The role of loneliness in prison suicide prevention and management,2008,47,4,433-449,Brown Sucide risk,1994,21,3-4,173-186,Plutchik Execution-inspired murder: A form of suicide?,1995,22,3-4,1-10,Van Wormer Suicidal ideation during the transitioning from prison to the community: financial hardship relational distress health issues and gender,2023,62,6,337-357,Liu