Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Domestic violence: Attributions recommended punishments and reporting behaviour related to provocation by the victim,2001,8,1,76-85,Pavlou An Examination of a Potential Reform to the Provocation Defence: The Impact of Gender of the Defendant and the Suddenness Requirement,2005,12,2,388-400,Dennison Community attitudes to domestic violence: Attributions of responsibility and suggested punishments related to alcohol consumption and level of violence,2000,7,1,51,Knowles Violence against Women: Devastating Legacy and Transforming Services,2010,17,4,503-522,Hague Descriptive Model of the Offence Process of Women Violent Offenders: Distal Background Variables,2010,17,3,368-384,Ward The Impact of Expert Testimony in Trials of Battered Women Who Kill,2004,11,1,1-12,Schuller Understanding the Battered Woman Who Kills her Violent Partner -- The Admissibility of Expert Evidence of Domestic Violence in Australia,2002,9,2,177-199,Bradfield Advances in Management of Alcohol Use Disorders and Intimate Partner Violence: Community Reinforcement and Family Training,2009,16,Suppl S,S74-S80,Blaauw Risky Business: Predicting Recidivism,2010,17,1,88,Glazebrook Homophobia Heteronormativism and Hegemonic Masculinity: Male Same-Sex Intimate Violence from the Perspective of Brisbane Service Providers,2010,17,3,412,Jeffries Lessons from western Kosovo for the documentation of war crimes,2000,7,2,235,Smith Self‐defence and domestic violence: A reply to Bradfield,1999,6,1,51-56,Hubble Attributions about domestic violence: A study of community attitudes,1997,4,2,125-145,Freckelton Armed forces alcohol abuse and responsibility for war-time violence: applying the attention-allocation model,2013,20,1,105-122,Olusanya The deaths of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and of his psychiatrist Professor von Gudden: Warnings from the nineteenth century,2012,19,1,1-10,Freckelton A comparison of sex offenders and other types of offenders referred to intellectual disability forensic services,2012,19,4,566-576,Lindsay A descriptive model of female violent offenders,2012,19,3,412-426,Vess Allegations of child sexual abuse in family court cases: a qualitative analysis of psychiatric evidence,2012,19,4,482-496,Schweitzer An integrated theory of sexual reoffending,2012,19,2,236-248,Thakker Appetitive violence: a new phenomenon?,2012,19,5,745-763,Daffern Assessing alleged child sexual abusers in noncriminal contexts: proposed guidelines for practice,2012,19,4,464-481,Ogloff At what age can females consent to sexual activity? a survey of jury-eligible Australians,2012,19,2,198-208,Mellor Differentiating genuine and false rape allegations: a model to aid rape investigations,2012,19,5,682-691,Bull Do child molesters show abnormal disgust and fear of contamination reactions?,2012,19,2,282-294,Beech Interviewing victims of repeated domestic violence: investigators' beliefs and strategies,2012,19,5,672-681,Ask Intrafamilial adolescent sex offenders' response to psychological treatment,2012,19,2,221-235,Grant Rape victims' attitudes to rape myth acceptance,2012,19,3,345-357,Egan Risky business: developmental neuroscience and the culpability of young killers,2012,19,5,692-710,Midson The development of the sex offender relationship frames model,2013,20,1,60-72,Navathe You have to hit some people! Endorsing violent sentiments and the experience of grievance escalation in Australia,2012,19,3,299-313,Kelty Brief interventions: solving the 'internet sex offender paradox',2013,20,2,182-187,Neto Demographic differences in public attitudes towards sex offenders,2013,20,2,230-247,Willis Internet sexual offending: overview of potential contributing factors and intervention strategies,2013,20,2,168-181,Neto Maternal infanticide in Australia: mental disturbance during the postpartum period,2013,20,2,301-311,Coles No-one knows you're a dog on the internet: implications for proactive police investigation of sexual offenders,2013,20,2,294-300,Lincoln Sexually abused children - prosecutors' experiences of their participation in the legal process in Sweden,2013,20,2,273-283,Berterö Staff use of mandatory notification as a means of reducing suicide and self-harm in nsw correctional centres,2013,20,2,255-272,Ware The influence of angle of view on perceptions of culpability and vehicle speed for a computer-generated animation of a road traffic accident,2013,20,2,248-254,Norris A cross-cultural comparison of criminological characteristics and personality traits in sexual offenders against children: study in Spain and the United Kingdom,2013,20,3,344-352,Egan Children as witnesses to homicidal violence: what they remember and report,2013,20,3,366-383,Leander The psychological basis of threatening behaviour,2013,20,3,329-343,Ogloff Approach-avoidance goals and active-passive self-regulation styles in homicide offending: a pathways analysis,2013,20,4,590-607,Gilligan Gender bias in the education system: perceptions of teacher-student sexual relationships,2013,20,4,608-618,Geddes The duty of care owed to a mentally ill person in the community who may require involuntary apprehension,2013,20,5,660-685,Scott You have to hit some people! Why problem-solving skills are more criminogenic than hostile attributional biases for adult male violent offenders,2013,20,5,713-734,Kelty Assessment of past aggression: Examination of the convergent validity of three instruments,2013,20,6,882-886,Daffern Coming of age: legal and psychological implications related to juvenile vulnerability and incarceration,2013,20,6,824-833,Lennings Is this injury reasonable? Do psychological injury expectations affect mock jurors' legal decisions in a sexual harassment case?,2013,20,6,834-852,Winter Victim blame sexism and just-world beliefs: A cross-cultural comparison,2013,20,6,932-941,Strömwall How Children Report True and Fabricated Stressful and Non-Stressful Events,2013,20,6,867-881,Evans An examination of police officers' beliefs about how children report abuse,2014,21,1,127-138,Powell Balancing efficiency and accuracy: guidelines for the psychological assessment of extended supervision orders for child sex offenders in New Zealand,2014,21,1,139-157,Wilson Battered women who kill: impact of expert testimony type and timing,2014,21,1,1-15,Plumm Counterintuitive expert psychological evidence in child sexual abuse trials in New Zealand,2014,21,4,511-522,Seymour Examining the scientific validity of rape trauma syndrome,2014,21,6,858-876,O'Donohue Firesetting patterns symptoms and motivations of insanity acquittees charged with arson offences,2014,21,6,937-946,Green Neurocognitive functioning and subtypes of child molesters: poorer working memory differentiates incestuous from non-incestuous offenders,2014,21,4,585-590,Egan Prediction of jury verdicts in child sexual assault trials,2014,21,4,567-576,Seymour The impact of question type and empathy on police interviews with suspects of homicide filicide and child sexual abuse,2014,21,6,903-917,Ost Implementation of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework across the Juvenile Justice Agencies in Singapore,2014,21,6,877-889,Chu Apology in Restorative and Juvenile Justice,2014,21,2,176-190,Allan Psychological Maturity of At-Risk Juveniles Young Adults and Adults: Implications for the Justice System,2010,17,1,57-69,Casey Sorry Justice: Apology in Australian Family Group Conferencing,2011,18,1,95-116,Blecher The differential effect of numeracy and anecdotes on the perceived fallibility of forensic science,2015,22,4,616-623,Scurich Women's experiences of the processes associated with the Family Court of Australia in the context of domestic violence: a thematic analysis,2015,22,4,599-615,Delfabbro Professionals' views on child sexual abuse attrition rates,2015,22,4,542-558,Powell Disrupting the encoding of misinformation delivered in closed specific and open presumptive questions,2015,22,4,535-541,Powell Family court judges' decisions regarding post-separation care arrangements for young children,2015,22,4,520-534,Blackwell (Mis)understanding psychopathy: consequences for policy and practice with offenders,2015,22,4,500-519,Polaschek Clinical diagnostic features and dynamic risk factors in a New Zealand inpatient forensic mental health setting,2015,22,4,483-499,Sakdalan Legal mandates and perceived coercion in residential alcohol and other drug treatment,2015,22,5,756-768,Howard The relationship between anger and aggressive script rehearsal in an offender population,2015,22,5,731-739,Daffern Attitudes towards sex offenders in Canada: further validation of the CATSO-R factor structure,2015,22,5,723-730,Corabian Expert evidence and jurors' views on expert witnesses,2015,22,5,673-681,Seymour Use of intimate photography in sexual assault prosecution: who is being deterred?,2015,22,5,682-687,Spangaro Child sexual abuse research: challenges of case tracking through administrative databases,2015,22,6,912-919,Baksheev Prosecutors' perspectives on clarifying sexual acts in child abuse interviews,2015,22,6,903-911,Powell Children's reporting about sexual versus physical abuse: patterns of reporting avoidance and denial,2015,22,6,890-902,Leander Fitness to stand trial: views of criminal lawyers and forensic mental health experts regarding the role of neuropsychological assessment,2015,22,6,880-889,Batchelor What are the factors associated with criminal behaviour for young people with mental health problems?,2015,22,6,869-879,Purcell Human rights protections for people with mental health and cognitive disability in prisons,2015,22,6,842-868,Mackay A qualitative examination of "ground rules" implementation practice in investigative interviews with children,2015,22,6,830-841,Cherryman When snitches corroborate: effects of post-identification feedback from a potentially compromised source,2016,23,1,148-160,Lampinen Authority and punishment: on the ideological basis of punitive attitudes towards criminals,2016,23,1,113-134,Jackson One more time without feeling: detecting fabricated remorse using linguistic analysis,2016,23,1,102-112,Moberley Effects of emotional testimony and gruesome photographs on mock jurors' decisions and negative emotions,2016,23,1,85-101,Matsuo Gender mental disorder and law at the borderline: complex entanglements of victimization and risk,2016,23,1,69-84,Langer The fast track refugee assessment process and the mental health of vulnerable asylum seekers,2016,23,1,62-68,Procter The impact of coaching on faking-good/under-reporting on the PAI,2016,23,1,29-36,Lushington A psychiatrist's duties in relation to the risks of patient suicide Smith v Pennington [2015] NSWSC 1168 (Garling J),2016,23,1,1-28,Freckelton Protecting Australia's children: a cross-jurisdictional review of domestic violence protection order legislation,2015,22,6,800-813,Jeffries Psychopathic personality traits and iowa gambling task performance in incarcerated offenders,2015,22,1,134-144,Dolan Cyberbullying: the shades of harm,2015,22,1,106-123,Langos Boldness explains a key difference between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder,2015,22,1,94-105,Sellbom The role of psychologists in the South Australian fitness to stand trial process,2015,22,1,75-93,Hawkins Interviewees' psychological well-being in investigative interviews: a therapeutic jurisprudential approach,2015,22,1,60-74,Holmberg Tensions and risks in the blanket use of locked door policies in acute mental health inpatient facilities: balancing human rights clinical utility and public and patient protection,2015,22,1,32-48,Wardle "It's not really stalking if you know the person": measuring community attitudes that normalize justify and minimise stalking,2015,22,2,291-306,McEwan Exploring individual factors associated with critical incidents in a secure psychiatric setting: a preliminary study,2015,22,2,259-272,Ireland Characteristics of mentally disordered youth referred to a forensic satellite clinic for violence risk assessment: a case control study,2015,22,2,235-246,Purcell Juvenile offenders on trial: does alibi corroboration evidence and defendant age interact to influence jurors' perceptions and verdicts?,2015,22,2,224-234,Dempsey Changes in the prevalence and nature of violent crime by youth in Victoria Australia,2015,22,2,213-223,Daffern Does resilience predict recidivism in young offenders?,2015,22,2,198-212,Daffern Sentencing of sex-offenders: a survey study investigating judges' sentences and community perspectives,2015,22,2,184-197,Devilly Can ego depletion and post-event discussion change the way we remember a crime?,2015,22,2,172-183,Mullan Giving the vulnerable a voice in the criminal justice system: the use of intermediaries with individuals with intellectual disability,2015,22,3,453-464,Hepner Looking for a needle in the haystack: arsonists with intellectual disability in Australia,2015,22,3,444-452,Day Reward expectation modulates the identification of facial expressions of emotion in antisocial offenders,2015,22,3,417-424,Barbosa Adult attention deficit disorder and aggressive behaviour: an exploration of relationships between Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales and the Aggression Questionnaire,2015,22,3,407-416,Byrne Law student stress: relationships between academic demands social isolation career pressure study/life imbalance and adjustment outcomes in law students,2015,22,3,388-406,Bergin Risk assessment: a reflection on the principles of tools to help manage risk of violence in mental health,2015,22,3,378-387,McCallum Elements underpinning successful implementation of a national best-practice child investigative interviewing framework,2015,22,3,368-377,Powell A qualitative exploration of young Australian adults' understanding of and explanations for alcohol-involved rape,2015,22,3,337-354,White Apologising for personal injury in law: failing to take account of lessons from psychology in blameworthiness and propensity to sue,2015,22,4,624-634,Vines Offenders with intellectual and developmental disabilities: sentencing challenges after the abolition of execution in the United States,2016,23,3,321-335,Qc Risk management and the suicidal patient,2016,23,3,336-360,Scott The doctrine of necessity and the detention and restraint of people with intellectual impairment: is there any justification?,2016,23,3,361-387,White The psychodynamics of factitious sexual harassment claims,2016,23,3,388-394,Bales Themes in judges' sentencing remarks for male and female domestic murderers,2016,23,3,395-412,Hall The role of impulse control disorders in assessing criminal responsibility: medico-legal perspectives from South Africa,2016,23,3,413-429,Stevens Improving the quality of medical reports for mental health tribunals,2016,23,3,430-434,Hallett Measuring community and service provider attitudes to child sexual abuse in remote Indigenous communities in Western Australia,2016,23,3,435-445,Powell Fraudulently claiming following a road traffic accident: a pilot study of UK residents' attitudes,2016,23,3,446-461,Roach Forensic psychology: are two doctorates better than one?,2016,23,3,462-472,Bongar The asperger's defence in digital child pornography investigations,2016,23,3,473-482,Steel Does mental illness impact the incidence of crime and victimisation among young people?,2016,0,0,1-14,Cashman Prison mental health in-reach: the effect of open referral pathways,2016,24,1,152-158,Craig Apologies in a legal setting: insights from research into injured parties' experiences of apologies after an adverse event,2016,24,1,10-32,Allan The feelings of others don't impress me much - effects of living group climate on empathy in adolescent male offenders,2016,24,1,118-127,Stams Critical incidents during leave from an Australian security hospital - a 12 year audit,2016,24,1,47-60,Scott Just spaces: does courtroom design affect how the defendant is perceived?,2016,23,6,885-892,McKimmie Traversing the space between threats and violence: a review of threat assessment guidelines,2016,23,6,863-871,Mitchell Male and female parole decisions: is paying your dues or saying you're sorry more important?,2016,23,6,893-907,Culhane From custody to community: outcomes of community-based support for mentally ill prisoners,2016,23,5,798-808,Green Exploring anger among offenders: the role of emotion dysregulation and alexithymia,2016,24,1,128-138,Daffern Prediction tool for parole breach: testing the U.S. Salient Factor Score in a population of Western Australian parolees,2016,23,6,941-955,Ferguson Psychologists' collection and management of clients' information: an ethico-legal perspective,2016,23,6,826-841,Allan A critical review of mental health court liaison services in Australia: a first national survey,2016,23,6,908-921,Burgess For the greater good: protection of psychological test material,2016,23,6,842-848,Mathews Religious fundamentalism and attitudes toward the insanity defense: the mediating roles of criminal attributions and attitudes toward the mentally ill,2016,23,6,872-884,Miller Integrating individual and group-based offence-focussed psychological treatments: towards a model for best practice,2016,23,5,746-764,Daffern Mode of children's testimony and the effect of assumptions about credibility,2016,23,6,922-940,McKimmie A psychological perspective on preventive detention decisions,2016,23,4,629-645,Sivasubramaniam The influence of the sex of and prior relationship between the perpetrator and victim on perceptions of stalking: a qualitative analysis,2016,23,5,716-732,Scott A lie and a mistress: on increasing the believability of your alibi,2016,23,5,733-745,Horselenberg Challenges in determining how dynamic risk factors manifest in incarcerated sexual offenders,2016,0,0,1-17,Daffern A study of the relationship between investigators' personal characteristics and adherence to interview best practices in training,2016,23,5,782-797,Cyr Erratum,2016,23,5,iii-iii, The influence of aggressiveness on rape-myth acceptance among university students,2016,23,5,709-715,Bhogal Effects of terrorist charges and threatening conduct on mock jurors' decisions,2015,23,5,696-708,Goodman-Delahunty Criminal Responsibility and the Insanity Defence in Ghana: The Examination of Legal Standards and Assessment Issues,2015,0,0,1-12,Adjorlolo Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice: The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Jurors' Perceptions of Criminal Defendants,2015,0,0,1-12,McKimmie Fitness to Stand Trial in the New Zealand Youth Court: Characterising Court-Ordered Competence Assessments,2015,0,0,1-9,MBChB Structured Risk Assessment Instruments: A Systematic Review of Implementation Determinants,2015,0,0,1-27,Nilsen Does Offenders' Facial Attractiveness Affect Police Officers' Judgment?,2015,0,0,1-14,Shechory-Bitton Good or Essential? The Effects of Victim Characteristics and Family Significance on Sentencing Judgments and Perceptions of Harm,2015,0,0,1-19,Mitchell Eyewitnesses with Pervasive Developmental Disorders,2015,0,0,1-6,Ferraro Tipping the Scales: How Defendant Body Type May Result in Eyewitness Biases,2015,0,0,1-8,Shaw Fitness to Stand Trial in One Australian Jurisdiction: The Role of Cognitive Abilities Neurological Dysfunction and Psychiatric Disorders,2015,0,0,1-13,Batchelor The Effect of Evidence Timing and Witness Motivation upon Juror Evaluations of Alibi Witnesses and Defendants,2015,0,0,1-13,Fawcett Reinforced Self-affirmation and Interrogative Suggestibility,2015,0,0,1-9,Polczyk Decision-making in Psychopathy,2015,0,0,1-17,Dolan Person Perception Aspects of Judgments of Truthfulness in Public Appeals,2015,0,0,1-16,Canter The Robustness of the Early and Late Start Typology of Criminal Behaviour in Major Mental Disorder: A Conceptual Replication,2015,0,0,1-12,Hendry Professionals' perspectives about the challenges of using interpreters in child sexual abuse interviews,2016,24,1,90-101,Powell Covert and implicit influences on the interpretation of violence risk instruments,2016,24,2,292-301,Shepherd Australian psychiatrists' support for psychiatric advance directives: responses to a hypothetical vignette,2016,24,1,61-73,Fullam What is over and above psychopathy? The role of ability emotional intelligence in predicting criminal behavior,2016,24,1,139-151,Curci Spontaneous violent and homicide thoughts in four homicide contexts,2017,24,4,605-627,McCrea Factors impacting upon attitudes toward sex offenders: the role of conservatism and knowledge,2017,24,4,496-515,Jeglic Biased symptom reporting and antisocial behaviour in forensic samples: a weak link,2017,24,4,530-548,Merckelbach Violence risk among youth referred to a forensic mental health service,2017,24,4,561-575,Denaro Characteristics of successful and unsuccessful appeals against conviction for child sexual abuse,2017,24,5,655-669,Sharman The development of a conceptual model of perceived victim credibility in child sexual assault cases,2017,24,5,760-769,Klettke Duty to avoid injury to oneself and thereby psychiatric injury to others,2017,24,6,802-811,Qc Psychological and legal aspects of dangerous sex offenders: a review of the literature,2017,24,6,812-824,Palk The 'worst of the worst': detectives' beliefs about dangerous violent offenders and how to deal with them,2017,24,6,843-852,Westera Attributions of blame in acquaintance rape scenarios: the role of blame scale presentation order,2017,24,6,853-865,Gonsalkorale Examining the effects of violence and personality on eyewitness memory,2017,24,6,923-935,Walsh Responsive versus treatment-resistant perpetrators in batterer intervention programs: personal characteristics and stages of change,2017,24,6,936-950,Gracia Evaluation of a database for tracking cases of child sexual abuse,2017,24,6,951-957,Baksheev When hurt heroes do harm: collective guilt and leniency toward war-veteran defendants with PTSD,2018,25,1,32-58,Salerno Analysis of violent and non-violent versatility in self-reported juvenile delinquency,2018,25,1,72-85,Born Narcissistic rage and the murder of Allison Baden-Clay,2018,25,1,131-151,Scott Shared psychotic disorder and the killing of a policeman,2018,25,2,157-173,Scott Individual differences relate to support for insanity and postpartum depression legal defenses: the mediating role of moral disengagement,2018,25,2,219-236,Miller Psychological assessment of intimate partner violence,2018,25,2,237-256,Haines The psychological effects of road traffic accidents (RTAs): an exploration of a United Kingdom medico-legal examiner's career of rta assessments,2018,25,2,303-324,Cartwright Domestic and family violence mental health and well-being and legal engagement,2018,25,3,341-356,Douglas The experiences of young complainant witnesses in criminal court trials for sexual offences,2018,25,3,357-373,Seymour The use of alcohol and/or drugs in intimate partner homicide: themes in judges' sentencing remarks,2018,25,3,404-416,Hall Unmaking a murderer: behaviour sequence analysis of false confessions,2018,25,3,425-436,Clarke Assessing violence risk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders: considerations for forensic practice,2018,25,3,452-464,Day Impact of gruesome photographic evidence on legal decisions: a meta-analysis,2018,25,4,503-521,Scurich Judicial sentencing considerations in cases of violent offenders versus sexual offenders,2018,25,5,653-674,Butrus The effect of expert witness testimony and complainant cognitive statements on mock jurors' perceptions of rape trial testimony,2018,25,5,693-705,Westera Saving damsels sentencing deviants and selective chivalry decisions: juror decision-making in an ambiguous assault case,2018,25,5,724-736,Cox 'I am not drunk I have an ABI': findings from a qualitative study into systematic challenges in responding to people with acquired brain injuries in the justice system,2018,25,5,737-758,Baidawi Children who are coached to lie: does linguistic analysis help in understanding why these children are so believable?,2018,25,5,789-805,Warren Man Haron Monis and the Sydney Lindt Café siege - not a terrorist attack,2018,25,6,839-901,Scott Intimate partner homicide: themes in judges' sentencing remarks,2018,25,6,922-943,Hall Other misconduct evidence in appeals against conviction in child sexual abuse trials,2018,25,6,944-956,Sharman Associations between unintended pregnancy domestic violence and sexual assault in a population of Queensland women,2019,26,4,541-552,Douglas Australian arsonists: an analysis of trends between 1990 and 2015,2019,26,4,593-613,Watt A retrospective examination of antisocial and risk-taking behaviours,2019,26,4,644-658,Freeman When psychological science fails to be heard: the lack of evidence-based arguments in a ministerial report on child sexual abuse,2019,26,3,385-395,Dodier Police officers' perceptions of a sex offender registration scheme: identifying and responding to risk,2019,26,3,396-413,Kebbell The role of moral disengagement and cognitive distortions toward children among sex offenders,2019,26,3,414-422,Pace Instances of online suicide the law and potential solutions,2019,26,3,423-440,Diesfeld A descriptive study of psychosocial characteristics and offense patterns in females with online child pornography offenses,2019,26,2,295-311,McLearen Disengagement from street gangs: a systematic review of the literature,2019,26,1,21-49,Stephenson Australian stakeholders' views on improving investigative interviews with adult sexual assault complainants,2019,26,5,724-739,Zajac Fear of crime and related factors in relatives of individuals with mental disorders,2019,26,6,851-867,Ergün Professional reports for sentencing courts: recommendations for reporting on child exploitation material offenders' risk of recidivism and prospects for rehabilitation,2019,26,6,868-885,Proeve Interviewing persons with mental illness charged with murder or attempted murder: a retrospective review of police interviews,2019,26,6,904-919,Meurk Parental substance use disorder and child abuse: risk factors for child maltreatment?,2019,26,6,959-969,Blaauw A typology of familicide perpetrators in Australia,2019,26,6,970-988,Fritzon A behaviour sequence analysis of serial killers' lives: from childhood abuse to methods of murder,2020,27,1,126-137,Yaksic An exploration of individual differences in a sample of youth charged with violent sexual and non-sexual crimes,2020,27,1,44-60,Woodworth Sympathy for the applicant: investigating its role in decisions about state compensation for violent crime victimization,2020,27,1,26-43,Kunst Sexual offender treatment effectiveness within cognitive-behavioral programs: a meta-analytic investigation of general sexual and violent recidivism,2020,27,1,1-25,Ahlmeyer Demographic clinical and social characteristics of forensic patients diagnosed with schizophrenia at the Free State Psychiatric Complex Bloemfontein South Africa,2020,27,2,192-201,Joubert Victim/survivors of crime in the workplace: interactions between workplace injuries and criminal injuries compensation and financial assistance,2020,27,2,214-233,Guthrie Hating Adolescents Test (HAT): a preliminary development of a measure to assess hating among adolescents,2020,27,2,234-245,Pace Attenuation of deviant sexual fantasy across the lifespan in United States adult males,2020,27,2,246-264,Jeglic Why did she send it in the first place? Victim blame in the context of 'revenge porn',2020,27,3,386-396,Lavis Forensic risk assessment interviews with youth: how do we elicit the most reliable and complete information?,2020,27,3,428-440,Powell Sex offender registries: exploring the attitudes and knowledge of political decision-makers,2020,27,3,478-492,Martin 'You can tell a victim by the tilt of her head as she walks': psychopathic personality and social-emotional processing,2020,27,4,538-557,Fritzon Developing a model of perceptions of security and insecurity in the context of crime,2020,27,4,620-636,Zdravković Offenders convicted of child sexual exploitation material offences: characteristics of offenders and an exploration of judicial censure,2020,27,4,647-664,Christensen 'Rape myths' and a 'reasonable belief' of consent R v Lazarus [2017] NSWCCA 279,2020,27,5,750-777,Scott The relations between deception narcissism and self-assessed lie- and truth-related abilities,2020,27,5,880-893,Elaad Mental health inquiries in the case of homicide,2020,27,5,894-911,Merry The Christchurch mosque shooting the media and subsequent gun control reform in New Zealand: a descriptive analysis,2021,28,2,274-285,Bell Measuring stalking: the development and evaluation of the Stalking Assessment Indices (SAI),2021,28,3,435-461,McEwan Australian lawyers' experience of exposure to traumatic material: a qualitative study,2021,28,3,363-381,Sheeran Adult memory for specific instances of a repeated event: a preliminary review,2021,28,5,711-732,Paterson Trauma-informed sentencing of serious violent offenders: an exploration of judicial dispositions with a gendered perspective,2021,28,5,748-773,Kulkarni Juror perceptions of the stereotypical violent crime defendant,2021,28,5,645-664,Kehn One and a half centuries of serial homicide in Italy: offender victim and offence characteristics,2022,ePub,ePub,ep,Santtila The use of substances in sexual offending in a United States sample,2022,29,1,53-67,Jeglic 'Material likely to harm or disturb them': testing the alignment between film and game classification decisions and psychological research evidence,2022,29,1,68-92,Warburton Sensation seeking and its relationship with psychopathic traits impulsivity and aggression: a validation of the Dutch Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS),2022,29,1,20-32,Rassin Child pornography possession/receipt offenders: developing a forensic profile,2022,29,1,93-106,DeLisi Children of ISIS: considerations regarding trauma treatment and risk,2022,29,1,107-133,Brooks The experiences of young witnesses and caregivers in Aotearoa New Zealand's Sexual Violence Pilot Courts,2022,29,1,134-153,Seymour Law and order effects: on cognitive dissonance and belief perseverance,2022,29,1,33-52,Ask Evaluating the risk assessment tools used by Australian police officers responding to domestic violence incidents: a narrative review,2021,28,6,785-801,Norris Sexual homicide in Australia and New Zealand: a description of offenders offences and victims,2021,28,6,885-908,Darjee A practical approach to sexual abuse allegations: Netherlands Expert Committee for Equivocal Sexual Abuse Allegations,2021,28,6,841-853,van den Eshof Extending borders of knowledge: gendered pathways to prison in Thailand for international cross border drug trafficking,2021,28,6,909-933,Jeffries Family violence experts in the criminal court: the need to fill the void,2022,29,2,206-222,Gulliver Accountability in legal decision-making,2022,29,3,345-363,Ask The characteristics of older homicide offenders: a systematic review,2022,29,3,413-430,Galletly The use and impact of repeated questions in diagnostic child abuse assessment interviews,2022,29,3,364-380,Patterson Dysfunctional personality dark triad and moral disengagement in incarcerated offenders: implications for recidivism and violence,2022,29,3,431-455,Caparros Comparison of the sociodemographic clinical and offense-related data of delusional disorder patients with and without a criminal history,2022,29,4,631-643,Türkcan Juror decision-making regarding a defendant diagnosed with borderline personality disorder,2022,29,4,516-534,Baker A diary study of Australian lawyers working with traumatic material,2022,29,4,610-630,Kebbell The perceived credibility of repeated-event witnesses depends upon their veracity,2022,29,4,577-592,Paterson Victims of sexual offences: aspects impacting on participation cooperation and engagement with the interview process,2022,29,5,679-697,Webster Criminological profile of minors who have committed child-to-parent violence,2022,29,5,765-778,Cuervo 'Anyone who commits such a cruel crime must be criminally irresponsible': context effects in forensic psychological assessment,2022,29,4,506-515,Rassin Bold mean and disinhibited: getting specific about the mediating role of self-control and antisocial outcomes in youth,2022,29,6,871-888,DeLisi Suicidal behaviour in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal young men under custodial youth justice supervision: understanding the role of adverse childhood experiences,2022,29,6,953-975,Delfabbro Association of aggressivity at adolescence and criminality to severe assault exposure among former adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2023,30,2,107-122,Hakko Does ending night-confinement reduce use of seclusion and prevalence of violence in a forensic psychiatric hospital? A retrospective observational study,2023,30,2,123-132,Haeney The criminogenic profile of violent female offenders incarcerated in Western Australian prisons as per the Level of Service/Risk Need Responsivity (LS/RNR) and Violence Risk Scale (VRS),2023,30,2,192-210,Morgan Psychosocial factors of risk and protection associated with juvenile cyberbullying victimization: results from an international multi-city study (International Self-Report Delinquency Study 3 ISRD3),2023,30,3,397-417,Gatti Police officers' perceptions of a dynamic sex offender risk assessment tool (the 'SHARP') and registered sex offenders,2023,30,3,362-382,Kebbell Aboriginality and violence: gender and cultural differences on the Level of Service/Risk Need Responsivity (LS/RNR) and Violence Risk Scale (VRS),2023,30,3,249-270,Morgan Using the stress-vulnerability model to better understand suicide in prison populations,2023,30,3,299-333,Aboud An investigation into the association between cannibalism and serial killers,2023,30,4,447-458,Keatley Care pathways in forensic mental health services in New Zealand,2023,30,4,553-564,Kumar The effect on judgment of attributing religious affiliation to a terrorist suspect,2023,30,4,501-513,Combalbert A comparison of older and younger offenders with delusional jealousy,2023,30,5,618-631,Butler Creating profiles of juvenile offenders using functions of aggression and callous-unemotional traits: relations to crime type,2023,30,5,713-736,Fite Mood disorders among adolescents in conflict with the law and in custody,2024,31,1,47-56,Moreno Death by hunger strike: suicide or not?,2024,31,1,121-131,Obegi Persons with mental disorders and suicidality in crisis or high-risk situations involving police negotiation: a systematic review,2024,31,1,57-75,Burgess Offence-specific scripts among juvenile deliberate firesetters: a possible explanation for fire proclivity,2024,31,1,76-96,Watt The prevalence of mental illness in young people in custody over time: a comparison of three surveys in New South Wales,2024,31,2,235-253,Dean Understanding the dark side of personality in sex offenders considering the level of sexual violence,2024,31,2,254-273,Tabo Increasing disclosures of older adult maltreatment: a review of best practices for interviewing older adult eyewitnesses and victims,2024,31,2,274-292,Malloy Antecedents behaviours and court case characteristics and their effects on case outcomes in litigation for persons with schizophrenia,2017,24,6,866-887,LaVan Identifying and accommodating the needs of mentally ill people in gaols and prisons,2002,9,1,1-33,Ogloff Is aboriginal suicide different? 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