Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Perceptions of injustice revisited: a test of Hagan et al.'s comparative conflict theory,2008,31,1,35-57,Cullen Gendered violence and victim blame: subject perceptions of blame and the appropriateness of services for survivors of domestic sex trafficking sexual assault and intimate partner violence,2015,38,3,395-413,Franklin Juvenile transfer and recidivism: a propensity score matching approach,2012,35,1,53-67,Jordan A multi-theoretical framework to explain same-sex intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization: a test of social learning strain and self-control,2016,40,4,478-496,Zavala Reactions to crime: a multilevel analysis of fear of crime and defensive and participatory behavior,2016,39,4,455-472,McNeeley The impact of situational context on assault completion: the moderating role of relational distance,2016,39,4,473-489,Apel Does AMBER Alert 'save lives'? An empirical analysis and critical implications,2016,39,4,490-511,Wooldredge A commentary on Zimring and Laqueur (2015): juveniles and co-offending and why the conventional wisdom is often wrong,2016,39,4,550-555,Stolzenberg Intra- and inter-neighborhood income inequality and crime,2016,39,3,345-362,Stucky Eyewitness accounts: false facts false memories and false identification,2016,39,2,243-263,Rose Neutralizations and a history of 'keeping the lid' on it: how church leaders handled and explained sexual abuse in one diocese,2016,39,2,264-281,Spraitz The influence of an empathetic adult on the relationship between bullying victimization and fear at school,2016,39,2,282-302,Randa Support for aggressive stop-and-frisk policy in NYC: does perceived policy effectiveness and perceived disparate treatment explain observed racial and ethnic divides?,2016,39,2,303-323,Higgins The role of juvenile adjudications in the disproportional incarceration of African-American and Hispanic defendants,2016,39,1,9-27,Ulmer Minority threat and criminal sentencing: examining juveniles in the adult criminal justice system,2016,39,1,41-54,Jordan Race prior offending and juvenile court outcomes,2016,39,1,88-106,Leiber Weapon and drug offenses and juvenile disproportionate minority contact: an impact assessment and practical discussion,2016,39,1,107-130,Sullivan Racial disparities in referrals to mental health and substance abuse services from the juvenile justice system: a review of the literature,2016,39,1,153-173,Cohen The effect of drug arrest on subsequent drug offending and social bonding,2016,39,1,174-188,Mitchell How well do the adolescent risk factors predict re-arrest frequency across race/ethnicity among serious adolescent offenders?,2016,39,1,189-209,Piquero Risk profiles and serious antisocial behaviors of incarcerated children in care,2017,40,2,138-154,Corrado The relationship between perceptions of prison and support for the death penalty versus life without parole,2017,40,2,222-237,Wozniak Active representation and police response to sexual assault complaints,2017,40,1,20-33,Pattavina Gun crime incident reviews as a strategy for enhancing problem solving and information sharing,2017,40,1,50-67,Huebner Exploring intergenerational continuity in gang membership,2017,40,3,252-274,Krohn Developmental pathways of youth gang membership: a structural test of the social development model,2017,40,3,275-296,Hawkins Introduction to the special issue on police organizations,2017,40,1,1-4,Schafer Differentiating between delinquent groups and gangs: moving beyond offending consequences,2017,40,3,297-315,Esbensen The wounded healer: self-rehabilitation of prisoners through providing care and support to physically and mentally challenged inmates,2017,40,2,204-221,Einat The influence of popular and delinquent adolescents on school delinquency: specifying the key delinquent models,2017,40,2,101-118,Gallupe Examining the impact of organizational and individual characteristics on forensic scientists' job stress and satisfaction,2017,40,1,34-49,Holt The practical utility of a life-course gang theory for intervention,2017,40,3,358-375,Howell Managing up and down: community corrections middle managers' role conflict and ambiguity during organizational change,2017,40,2,173-187,Kras The impact of law enforcement officer perceptions of organizational justice on their attitudes regarding body-worn cameras,2017,40,1,68-83,Kyle Testing a gendered models of job satisfaction and work stress among correctional officers,2017,40,2,188-203,Lambert How perceptions of the institutional environment shape organizational priorities: findings from a survey of police chiefs,2017,40,1,5-19,Maguire Predicting the length of jury deliberations,2017,40,2,238-245,Piquero Was it justified? Applying attribution theory to corporate violence,2017,40,2,155-172,Michel Toward a multiracial feminist framework for understanding females' gang involvement,2017,40,3,337-357,Peterson Leveraging the pushes and pulls of gang disengagement to improve gang intervention: findings from three multi-site studies and a review of relevant gang programs,2017,40,3,316-336,Decker Now later or not at all: personal and situational factors impacting burglars' target choices,2017,40,2,119-137,Roberts The labor market and gang membership in adulthood: is the availability quality and nature of legal work associated with adult gang involvement?,2017,40,3,376-394,Watkins Understanding the culture of craft: lessons from two police agencies,2017,40,1,84-100,Mastrofski Homicide clearances during pre- and post-U.S. crime drop eras: the role of structural predictors and demographic shifts 1976-2015,2019,42,3,237-256,Parker Aggravating effects of alcohol outlet types on street robbery and aggravated assault in New York City,2019,42,3,257-273,Kennedy Social disorganization and gender equality as correlates of family violence and rape,2019,42,3,274-287,Bouffard Intergenerational educational pathways and instrumental crime violent crime and illegal drug use across the life course,2019,42,2,99-120,Dennison Social integration and mass shootings in U.S. counties,2019,42,2,121-139,Cabrera State-mandated transparency: a discussion and examination of deadly force data among law enforcement agencies in Texas,2019,42,1,3-17,Shjarback Disparity does not mean bias: making sense of observed racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings with multiple benchmarks,2019,42,1,18-31,Alpert Public support for police use of SWAT: examining the relevance of legitimacy,2019,42,1,45-59,Fox Behind the lens: police attitudes toward body-worn cameras and organizational justice,2019,42,1,78-97,Schafer Unpacking the paradox of neighboring ties: the moderating effect of criminal context on victimization,2018,41,5,463-482,Doherty The difference between desistance from sexual offending and not reoffending,2018,41,5,483-503,Sample News media consumption and attitudes about police: in search of theoretical orientation and advancement,2018,41,5,504-520,Graziano Identifying high-risk young adults for violence prevention: a validation of psychometric and social scales in Honduras,2018,41,5,627-642,Miller-Graff Endemic outbreak or epidemic? Geographies of affliction exposure and homicide immunity in Chicago,2018,41,4,347-363,Ferrandino Fear of crime in an oil boomtown in Western North Dakota,2018,41,4,364-381,Archbold Fear of crime among residents of rural counties: an analysis by gender,2018,41,4,382-397,Schafer Racial/ethnic differences in mental health and drug treatment among juvenile arrestees,2018,41,4,398-409,Lopez Mass shootings and the media: why all events are not created equal,2018,41,3,223-243,Schildkraut Erasing race: overlooking racial and ethnic disadvantage as a mitigating factor in capital penalty trials,2018,41,3,244-258,Kleinstuber Callous-unemotional traits and moral disengagement as antecedents to the peer influence effect: moderation or mediation?,2018,41,3,259-275,Walters The selection of police pursuits of fleeing motorists for coverage in newspapers,2018,41,3,310-321,Briggs Social policy and crash fatalities: a multivariate time series analysis,2018,41,3,322-333,Chamlin Validating media-driven and crowdsourced police shooting data: a research note,2018,41,3,334-345,Worrall A test of the predictive validity of hypothetical intentions to offend,2018,41,2,136-154,Exum Place-based risk factors for aggravated assault across police divisions in Little Rock Arkansas,2018,41,2,173-192,Drawve Police perceptions in intimate partner violence cases: the influence of gender and sexual orientation,2018,41,2,193-205,Russell Examining the impact of a gender-specific drug court on recidivism,2018,41,2,206-221,Myer Good Samaritans vs. predatory peddlers: problematizing the war on overdose in the United States,2018,41,1,1-13,McLean The crime prevention effect of CCTV in public places: a propensity score analysis,2018,41,1,14-30,Piza The relationship between victim attitudes training and behaviors of sexual assault investigators,2018,41,1,81-97,Maskaly Workplace demands and resources as antecedents of jail officer perceived danger at work,2018,41,1,98-118,Lambert Adolescent obesity and weapon carrying at school,2019,42,4,430-443,Eitle Cop killers and the death penalty: an exploratory mixed methods analysis North Carolina (1977-2009),2020,43,1,65-77,Bjerregaard 'Ideal victims' in capital penalty hearings: an assessment of victim impact evidence and sentencing outcomes,2020,43,1,93-109,Zaykowski A descriptive study of training and its perceived helpfulness among Illinois sexual assault investigators,2020,43,1,110-124,Lorenz Deconstructing the Ferguson effect: a multilevel mediation analysis of public scrutiny de-policing and crime,2020,43,2,125-144,Capellan Citizens' accounts of police use of force and its implication for trust in the police,2020,43,2,145-160,Akinlabi Public servants or soldiers? A test of the police-military equivalency hypothesis,2020,43,2,228-244,Frank Parental attachment and truant rationalizations of antisocial behavior: findings from a randomized controlled trial,2020,43,3,263-281,Piquero The measurement and prevalence of violent crime in the United States: persons places and times,2020,43,3,282-306,Lurigio Suspended licenses suspended lives: the impact of drug-related driver's license suspensions on traffic fatalities,2020,43,3,307-322,Sohoni Attitudes toward concealed carry on campus: results from a nationwide survey of criminologists,2020,43,3,342-361,Kim Safe harbor law: pre- to post-implementation change in service providers' knowledge and response to sex trafficking of minors,2020,43,3,377-392,Cole 'Whitelash?' status threat anger and white America: a general strain theory approach,2020,43,4,414-432,Andersen 'Bridging the gap': school resource officers as bridge builders in the community policing era,2020,43,4,433-448,Higgins Perceived peer delinquency proactive criminal thinking neighborhood disorder and serious offending: moderated mediation and theoretical integration,2020,43,4,467-485,Walters Police failure in identifying victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation: an empirical study in Vietnam,2020,43,4,502-517,Nguyen Social organization and homicide rates in Chicago neighborhoods: the role of structural stability and change,2020,43,4,518-534,Becker Concealed handgun licenses in Tennessee: an examination of factors predicting permits at the county-level,2020,43,4,535-545,Saber Far-right violence as backlash against gender equality: a county-level analysis of structural and ideological gender inequality and homicides committed by far-right extremists,2020,43,5,568-584,Mills 'It's not OK to shoot and kill Americans': families' perceptions of police use of lethal force in the United States,2020,43,5,585-597,Baker Gang affiliation restrictive housing and institutional misconduct: does disciplinary segregation suppress or intensify gang member rule violations?,2021,44,1,49-65,Smith Hesitant to pull the trigger: how the perceived impact of guns on campus influences support or opposition to campus carry laws,2021,44,1,85-102,McMahon-Howard An examination of the unintended consequences of the legalization of recreational marijuana on alcohol-related behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chamlin Editors' introduction,2017,40,3,247-251,Howell Correctional officer and inmate perceptions of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): a thematic analysis,2021,44,2,213-225,Smith "They said they were going to help us get through this …": documenting interactions between police and commercially sexually exploited youth,2021,44,3,241-257,Kennedy The relationship between general policing attitudes and how officers perceive the potential advantages of body cameras,2021,44,3,275-296,Phillips Framing of criminal justice and crime in the news: 2015-2017,2021,44,3,297-315,Haney Drunk driving and deterrence: exploring the reconceptualized deterrence hypothesis and self-reported drunk driving,2021,44,3,316-331,Stringer Deconstructing neighborhood effects across aggravated domestic and simple assault,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boggess Reducing organized criminal violence through leadership removals: evidence from the drug wars on Chicago's Westside 2010-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burke Some fear more loathing? Threats and anxieties shaping protective gun ownership and gun carry in the U.S,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Warner Compliance with universal background check gun laws,2021,44,4,414-418,Kleck A modified approach to in-school victimization authoritative school climate and student feelings of safety,2021,44,4,497-513,Melde Drivers of perceived safety: do they differ in contexts where violence and police saturation feel 'normal'?,2021,44,5,515-534,Nouri 'I (really) know what you mean'. Mechanisms of experiential peer support for young people with criminal behavior: a qualitative study,2021,44,5,535-552,van Lenthe Evaluating fluctuations in homicide: crowdsourcing trends and assessing sentiments of change,2021,44,5,553-578,Regoeczi Law enforcement identification of potential trafficking victims,2021,44,5,579-594,Lutnick Exceptional cases: examining intimate partner sexual assault cases cleared by exceptional means,2021,44,5,616-633,Taylor Inmate public autoerotism and hostile work environments: an examination of federal cases,2021,44,2,180-194,Worley Delinquency substance use and risky sexual behaviors among youth who are involved in the justice system and predominantly reside in rural communities: patterns and associated risk factors,2023,46,2,211-230,McCart "Governed by the streets": the importance of streetworkers' perspectives on factors influencing their clients' engagement in crime or violence,2023,0,0,1-18,Free Community and organizational influences on voluntary turnover in law enforcement,2014,37,3,377-398,Smith Care custody control and the preservation of life: the complexity of correctional officer work,2021,44,1,1-15,Pratt