Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Developmental effects of aggressive behavior in male adolescents assessed with structural and functional brain imaging,2011,6,1,2-11,Grafman Gender-specific expression of the DRD4 gene on adolescent delinquency anger and thrill seeking,2011,6,1,82-89,Chen Greater sadness reactivity in late life,2011,6,2,186-194,Shiota The neural basis of rationalization: cognitive dissonance reduction during decision-making,2011,6,4,460-467,Jarcho Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience,2010,5,2-3,356-361,Mano Is there a genetic contribution to cultural differences? Collectivism individualism and genetic markers of social sensitivity,2010,5,2-3,203-211,Lieberman Cultural neuroscience of the self: understanding the social grounding of the brain,2010,5,2-3,111-129,Park The brain-artefact interface (BAI): a challenge for archaeology and cultural neuroscience,2010,5,2-3,264-273,Malafouris Culture and neuroscience: additive or synergistic?,2010,5,2-3,148-158,Losin Culture gaze and the neural processing of fear expressions,2010,5,2-3,340-348,Freeman Culturing the adolescent brain: what can neuroscience learn from anthropology?,2010,5,2-3,159-167,Choudhury Cultural differences in the visual processing of meaning: detecting incongruities between background and foreground objects using the N400,2010,5,2-3,242-253,Huang Culture serotonin receptor polymorphism and locus of attention,2010,5,2-3,212-218,Taylor Neuroanthropology: a humanistic science for the study of the culture-brain nexus,2010,5,2-3,138-147,Turner Responses to ostracism across adulthood,2011,6,2,234-243,Hawkley Stop looking angry and smile please: start and stop of the very same facial expression differentially activate threat- and reward-related brain networks,2011,6,3,321-329,Mühlberger Early environment affects neuroendocrine regulation in adulthood,2011,6,2,244-251,Taylor Aging is associated with positive responding to neutral information but reduced recovery from negative information,2011,6,2,177-185,Davidson Cognitive and neural contributors to emotion regulation in aging,2011,6,2,165-176,Winecoff Psychosocial biomarker research: integrating social emotional and economic factors into population studies of aging and health,2011,6,2,226-233,Steptoe Differential activation of frontoparietal attention networks by social and symbolic spatial cues,2010,5,4,432-440,Calder Shared brain activity for aesthetic and moral judgments: implications for the Beauty-is-Good stereotype,2011,6,1,138-148,Cabeza Emotion and the processing of symbolic gestures: an event-related brain potential study,2011,6,1,109-118,Renner Emotional Complexity and the Neural Representation of Emotion in Motion,2011,6,1,98-108,Tavares Psychopaths know right from wrong but don't care,2010,5,1,59-67,Cima Adult attachment insecurity and hippocampal cell density,2010,5,1,39-47,Gillath Serotonin transporter genotype modulates amygdala activity during mood regulation,2010,5,1,1-10,Wang Death on the brain: effects of mortality salience on the neural correlates of ingroup and outgroup categorization,2010,5,1,77-87,Bartholow Behavioral norms for condensed moral vignettes,2010,5,4,378-384,Grafman The neural substrates of action identification,2010,5,4,392-403,Wegner Does low self-esteem enhance social pain? The relationship between trait self-esteem and anterior cingulate cortex activation induced by ostracism,2010,5,4,385-391,Okamoto Variation in orbitofrontal cortex volume: relation to sex emotion regulation and affect,2009,4,4,328-339,Reis The effect of acute tryptophan depletion on emotional distraction and subsequent memory,2009,4,4,357-368,McCarthy Medial cortex activity self-reflection and depression,2009,4,4,313-327,Nolen-Hoeksema Serotonin shapes risky decision making in monkeys,2009,4,4,346-356,Platt Neural correlates of idiographic goal priming in depression: Goal-specific dysfunctions in the orbitofrontal cortex,2009,4,3,238-246,McLean Effects of mood on the speed of conscious perception: behavioural and electrophysiological evidence,2009,4,3,286-293,Maier In search of the depressive self: Extended medial prefrontal network during self-referential processing in major depression,2009,4,3,305-312,Lemogne Neural correlates of social exclusion during adolescence: Understanding the distress of peer rejection,2009,4,2,143-157,Masten Double dissociation between perspective-taking and empathic-concern as predictors of hemodynamic response to another's mistakes,2009,4,2,111-118,Stevens The amygdala response to images with impact,2009,4,2,127-133,Calder Common and distinct brain networks underlying explicit emotional evaluation: a meta-analytic study,2012,7,5,521-534,Lee On the neural control of social emotional behavior,2009,4,1,50-58,van Peer Right ventromedial prefrontal cortex: a neuroanatomical correlate of impulse control in boys,2009,4,1,1-9,Anderson Knowing when to trust others: an ERP study of decision making after receiving information from unknown people,2009,4,1,23-34,Boudreau A neural basis for the effect of candidate appearance on election outcomes,2008,3,4,344-352,Kim Gender differences in neural mechanisms underlying moral sensitivity,2008,3,4,313-321,Shane The neural correlates of trait resilience when anticipating and recovering from threat,2008,3,4,322-332,Wager Brain mechanisms of persuasion: how 'expert power' modulates memory and attitudes,2008,3,4,353-366,Fernández Fronto-parietal regulation of media violence exposure in adolescents: a multi-method study,2011,6,5,537-547,Grafman Adolescent peer interaction and trait surgency weaken medial prefrontal cortex responses to failure,2012,7,1,115-124,Santesso Potential neural embedding of parental social standing,2008,3,2,91-96,Hariri The role of devaluing and discounting in performance monitoring: a neurophysiological study of minorities under threat,2008,3,3,253-261,Schmader Understanding 'what' others do: Mirror mechanisms play a crucial role in action perception,2011,6,3,257-259,Avenanti An fMRI study of the brain responses of traumatized mothers to viewing their toddlers during separation and play,2012,7,8,969-979,Peterson Do fearful eyes activate empathy-related brain regions in individuals with callous traits?,2012,7,8,958-968,Mitchell Asymmetrical frontal resting-state beta oscillations predict trait aggressive tendencies and behavioral inhibition,2012,7,7,850-857,Hofman Functional connectivity between amygdala and facial regions involved in recognition of facial threat,2013,8,2,181-189,Iidaka Increased anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus activation in Complex PTSD during encoding of negative words,2013,8,2,190-200,Smit What lies beneath the face of aggression?,2013,8,2,224-229,Hariri Affect-Specific Activation of Shared Networks for Perception and Execution of Facial Expressions,2013,8,4,370-377,Mathiak Individual differences in neural correlates of fear conditioning as a function of 5-HTTLPR and stressful life events,2013,8,3,318-325,Kagerer Oxytocin selectively increases perceptions of harm for victims but not the desire to punish offenders of criminal offenses,2013,8,5,494-498,Parasuraman No fear no panic: Probing negation as a means for emotion regulation,2013,8,6,654-661,Pauli A Voxel-Based Lesion Study On Facial Emotion Recognition After Penetrating Brain Injury,2013,8,6,632-639,Grafman Differential neurobiological effects of expert advice on risky choice in adolescents and adults,2012,7,5,557-567,Engelmann Early sensory-perceptual processing deficits for affectively valenced inputs are more pronounced in schizophrenia patients with a history of violence than in their non-violent peers,2013,8,6,678-687,Czobor Early and late motor responses to action observation,2013,8,6,711-719,Barchiesi Linkage of functional and structural anomalies in the left amygdala of reactive-aggressive men,2013,8,8,928-936,Bobes When psychopathy impairs moral judgments: Neural responses during judgments about causing fear,2014,9,1,3-11,Marsh How social is error observation? The neural mechanisms underlying the observation of human and machine errors,2014,9,4,427-435,Brass The wandering mind of men: ERP evidence for gender differences in attention bias towards attractive opposite sex faces,2011,6,4,477-485,Van Vugt Sex differences in structural brain asymmetry predict overt aggression in early adolescents,2014,9,4,553-560,Visser The interactive effect of social pain and executive functioning on aggression: an fMRI experiment,2014,9,5,699-704,Bushman Linear association between social anxiety symptoms and neural activations to angry faces: from subclinical to clinical levels,2014,9,6,880-886,Limosin Existential neuroscience: neurophysiological correlates of proximal defenses against death-related thoughts,2013,8,3,333-340,Jonas The suggestible brain: posthypnotic effects on value-based decision-making,2014,9,9,1281-1288,Walter Time course of emotion-related responding during distraction and reappraisal,2013,9,9,1310-1319,Wessa Emotional reactivity to threat modulates activity in mentalizing network during aggression,2013,9,10,1552-1560,Münte The brain basis of social synchrony,2013,9,8,1193-1202,Feldman Rough primes and rough conversations: Evidence for a modality-specific basis to mental metaphors,2013,9,11,1653-1659,Heinze If it bleeds it leads: Separating threat from mere negativity,2014,10,1,28-35,Adams Escape from harm: Linking affective vision and motor responses during active avoidance,2014,9,12,1993-2000,Keil Reducing aggressive responses to social exclusion using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS),2014,10,3,352-356,Bushman The Quality of Adolescents' Peer Relationships Modulates Neural Sensitivity to Risk Taking,2014,10,3,389-398,Galvan Out of control: evidence for anterior insula involvement in motor impulsivity and reactive aggression,2014,10,4,508-516,Arntz Narcissists' social pain seen only in the brain,2014,10,3,335-341,Konrath Violence-related PTSD and neural activation when seeing emotionally charged male-female interactions,2014,10,5,645-653,Schechter Distracted and down: neural mechanisms of affective interference in subclinical depression,2014,10,5,654-663,Banich Neural and genetic markers of vulnerability to posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of the World Trade Center attacks,2014,10,6,863-868,Bonanno Adolescent neighborhood quality predicts adult dACC response to social exclusion,2014,10,7,921-928,Allen Dedifferentiation of emotion regulation strategies in the aging brain,2014,10,6,840-847,Mather Challenging emotional prejudice by changing self-concept: priming independent self-construal reduces racial in-group bias in neural responses to other's pain,2015,10,9,1195-1201,Liu The neural bases for devaluing radical political statements revealed by penetrating traumatic brain injury,2015,10,8,1038-1044,Grafman White matter microstructure in the executive network associated with aggression in healthy adolescents and young adults,2015,10,9,1251-1256,Szeszko Linking differences in action perception with differences in action execution,2015,10,8,1121-1127,Ricciardi Reducing proactive aggression through non-invasive brain stimulation,2015,10,10,1303-1309,Arntz Life stress in adolescence predicts early adult reward-related brain function and alcohol dependence,2015,10,3,416-423,Shaw Emotionally anesthetized: media violence induces neural changes during emotional face processing,2015,10,10,1373-1382,Garbarino Mothers know best: Redirecting adolescent reward sensitivity towards safe behavior during risk taking,2015,10,10,1383-1391,Telzer The neural correlates of justified and unjustified killing: an fMRI study,2015,10,10,1397-1404,Louis Susceptibility to social pressure following ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage,2015,10,11,1469-1476,Anderson Altered functional connectivity in the brain default-mode network of earthquake survivors persists after 2 years despite recovery from anxiety symptoms,2015,10,11,1497-1505,Kuang Thirst and the state-dependent representation of incentive stimulus value in human motive circuitry,2015,10,12,1722-1729,Renner The pleasure of revenge: retaliatory aggression arises from a neural imbalance toward reward,2015,11,7,1173-1182,Dewall Externalizing proneness and brain response during pre-cuing and viewing of emotional pictures,2015,11,7,1102-1110,Patrick Neural mechanisms of social influence in adolescence,2015,11,1,100-109,Galvan Neural signatures of third-party punishment: evidence from penetrating traumatic brain injury,2015,11,2,253-262,Grafman Regional cerebral glucose metabolism differentiates danger- and non-danger-based traumas in post-traumatic stress disorder,2015,11,2,234-242,Resick Utilitarian moral judgment in psychopathy,2012,7,6,708-714,Koenigs Escalating risk and the moderating effect of resistance to peer influence on the P200 and feedback related negativity,2015,11,3,377-386,Cheadle One year old fear memories rapidly activate human fusiform gyrus,2015,11,2,308-316,Pizzagalli Parallel processing of general and specific threat during early stages of perception,2015,11,3,395-404,Li When minds matter for moral judgment: intent information is neurally encoded for harmful but not impure acts,2015,11,3,476-484,Saxe Inter-individual differences in stress sensitivity: basal and stress-induced cortisol levels differentially predict neural vigilance processing under stress,2015,11,4,663-673,Fernández High trait aggression in men is associated with low 5-HT levels as indexed by 5-HT4 receptor binding,2016,11,4,548-555,Jensen Control your anger! The neural basis of aggression regulation in response to negative social feedback,2016,11,5,712-720,Bakermans-Kranenburg Are batterers different from other criminals? An fMRI study,2016,11,5,852-862,Pérez-García Neural basis of processing threatening voices in a crowded auditory world,2016,11,5,821-828,Miltner Adding insult to injury: neural sensitivity to social exclusion is associated with internalizing symptoms in chronically peer-victimized girls,2016,11,5,829-842,Rudolph Fairness decisions in response to emotions: a functional MRI study among criminal justice-involved boys with conduct disorder,2016,11,4,674-682,Colins Reported maternal childhood maltreatment experiences amygdala activation and functional connectivity to infant cry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Racial stereotypes impair flexibility of emotional learning,2016,11,9,1363-1373,Phelps Habenula responses to potential and actual loss in major depression: preliminary evidence for lateralized dysfunction,2016,11,5,843-851,Gotlib Opioids and social bonding: naltrexone reduces feelings of social connection,2016,11,5,728-735,Ray Links between parental depression and longitudinal changes in youths' neural sensitivity to rewards,2016,11,8,1262-1271,Galvan Individual differences in self-reported self-control predict successful emotion regulation,2016,11,8,1193-1204,Dörfel Cumulative stress in childhood is associated with blunted reward-related brain activity in adulthood,2016,11,3,405-412,Dodge From painkiller to empathy killer: acetaminophen (paracetamol) reduces empathy for pain,2016,11,9,1345-1353,Crocker Conditioned social dominance threat: observation of others' social dominance biases threat learning,2016,11,10,1627-1637,Olsson 'Just can't hide it': a behavioral and lesion study on emotional response modulation after right prefrontal damage,2016,11,10,1528-1540,Turnbull Inferior fronto-temporo-occipital connectivity: a missing link between maltreated girls and neglectful mothers,2016,11,10,1658-1665,Rodrigo Is fear perception special? Evidence at the decision-making and metacognitive levels,2016,11,11,1772-1782,Mobbs Neural correlates of metacognitive ability and of feeling confident: a large-scale fMRI study,2016,11,12,1942-1951,Singer Slow to warm up: the role of habituation in social fear,2016,11,11,1832-1840,Avery Letting the good times roll: adolescence as a period of reduced inhibition to appetitive social cues,2016,11,11,1762-1771,Telzer Neural processing of emotional-intensity predicts emotion regulation choice,2016,11,12,1863-1871,Gross A face versus non-face context influences amygdala responses to masked fearful eye whites,2016,11,12,1933-1941,Whalen The effect of social rank feedback on risk taking and associated reward processes in adolescent girls,2016,12,2,240-250,Kayser Neural correlates of three types of negative life events during angry face processing in adolescents,2016,11,12,1961-1969,Conrod Greater response variability in adolescents is associated with increased white matter development,2016,12,3,436-444,Galvan Effect of childhood maltreatment and brain-derived neurotrophic factor on brain morphology,2016,11,11,1841-1852,Penninx Interpersonal violence in posttraumatic women: brain networks triggered by trauma-related pictures,2016,12,4,555-568,Neumeister Socio-neuro risk factors for suicidal behavior in criminal offenders with psychotic disorders,2017,12,1,70-80,Caldwell Violent offenders respond to provocations with high amygdala and striatal reactivity,2017,12,5,802-810,Sestoft Tribal love: the neural correlates of passionate engagement in football fans,2017,12,5,718-728,Castelo-Branco How real-life health messages engage our brains: shared processing of effective anti-alcohol videos,2017,12,7,1188-1196,Renner Cognitive benefit and cost of acute stress is differentially modulated by individual brain state,2017,12,7,1179-1187,Fernández Uncovering the neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive affective and conative theory of mind in pediatric traumatic brain injury: a neural systems perspective,2017,12,9,1414-1427,Catroppa Pleasure attainment or self-realization: the balance between two forms of well-beings are encoded in default mode network,2017,12,10,1678-1686,Yang Relationship status and perceived support in the social regulation of neural responses to threat,2017,12,10,1574-1583,Coan Cool callous and in control: superior inhibitory control in frequent players of video games with violent content,2017,12,12,1869-1880,Garbarino Anger-sensitive networks: characterising neural systems recruited during aggressive social interactions using data-driven analysis,2017,12,11,1711-1719,Krämer Resting-state functional connectivity in combat veterans suffering from impulsive aggression,2017,12,12,1881-1889,Geuze Risk-taking peer-influence and child maltreatment: a neurocognitive investigation,2018,13,1,124-134,Viding Corrigendum to: fear boosts the early neural coding of faces,2017,12,12,1993,Caldara Sleep deprivation affects fear memory consolidation: bi-stable amygdala connectivity with insula and ventromedial prefrontal cortex,2018,13,2,245,Becker Neural mechanisms of the rejection-aggression link,2018,13,5,501-512,Lynam Neural substrates for moral judgments of psychological versus physical harm,2018,13,5,460-470,Chakroff Temptations of friends: adolescents' neural and behavioral responses to best friends predict risky behavior,2018,13,5,483-491,Silk Tick-tock goes the croc: a high-density EEG study of risk-reactivity and binge-drinking,2018,13,6,656-663,Cheadle Pass it on? The neural responses to rejection in the context of a family study on maltreatment,2018,13,6,616-627,Elzinga Assault-related self-blame and its association with PTSD in sexually assaulted women: an MRI inquiry,2018,13,7,775-784,Tarrasch Narcissism and risky decisions: a neurophysiological approach,2018,13,8,889-897,Sedikides Differential effects of parent and peer presence on neural correlates of risk taking in adolescence,2018,13,9,945-955,Telzer Reduced dorsal striatal gray matter volume predicts implicit suicidal ideation in adolescents,2018,13,11,1215-1224,Gotlib Social comparison modulates the neural responses to regret and subsequent risk-taking behavior,2018,13,10,1059-1070,Zheng Early spatial attention deployment toward and away from aggressive voices,2019,14,1,73-80,Kerzel Learning to see the threat: temporal dynamics of ERPs of motivated attention in fear conditioning,2019,14,2,189-203,Wilhelm Behavioral and functional connectivity basis for peer-influenced bystander participation in bullying,2019,14,1,23-33,Takami Cognitive control and network disruption in remitted depression: a correlate of childhood adversity,2018,13,10,1081-1090,Welsh Exploring the neural basis for paternal protection: an investigation of the neural response to infants in danger,2019,14,4,447-457,van Ijzendoorn Asking 'why?' enhances theory of mind when evaluating harm but not purity violations,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Young Apples to apples? Neural correlates of emotion regulation differences between high and low risk adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Telzer A resting-state network comparison of combat-related PTSD with combat-exposed and civilian controls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resick The effect of emotion regulation on risk-taking and decision-related activity in prefrontal cortex,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heekeren Amygdala activity to angry and fearful faces relates to bullying and victimization in adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knodt Neural processing of infant and adult face emotion and maternal exposure to childhood maltreatment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Frontal alpha asymmetry in alcohol-related intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton Monitoring in emotion regulation: behavioral decisions and neural consequences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonanno Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peters Fear conditioning prompts sparser representations of conditioned threat in primary visual cortex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keil The protective effect of daytime sleep on planning and risk-related decision making in emerging adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tseng Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation are linked to adolescent threat and reward neural function,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brooks-Gunn Consequences of prefrontal TDCS on inhibitory control and reactive aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Habel Hippocampal subfields alterations in paediatric patients with post-traumatic stress disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gong Recognizing humanity: dehumanization predicts neural mirroring and empathic accuracy in face-to-face interactions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simon Comment on "Effects of acetaminophen on risk taking",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holstege A multilevel examination of lifetime aggression: integrating cortical thickness personality pathology and trauma exposure,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sadeh Low competitive status elicits aggression in healthy young men: behavioral and neural evidence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krämer Reduced neural responsiveness to looming stimuli is associated with increased aggression,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blair Effortless retaliation: the neural dynamics of interpersonal intentions in a chicken game using brain-computer interface,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yu Increased amygdala and decreased frontolimbic resting state functional connectivity in children with aggressive behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sukhodolsky The impact of depression on mothers' neural processing of their adolescents' affective behavior,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pfeifer Altered resting-state networks in adolescent non-suicidal self-injury - a graph theory analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brunner Androstadienone modulates human aggression in a sex-dependent manner,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wei Differential processing of risk and reward in delinquent and non-delinquent youth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Telzer Exposure to community violence as a mechanism linking neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and neural responses to reward,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klump The impact of acute violent videogame exposure on neurocognitive markers of emotional empathic state,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell The role of social isolation in opioid addiction,2021,16,7,645-656,Christie Potential association between suicide risk aggression impulsivity and the somatosensory system,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ballard Executive dysfunction and cortical variations among intimate partner violence perpetrators and the association with sexism,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moya-Albiol