Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Criminalizing Sociability through Anti-social Behaviour Legislation: Dispersal Powers Young People and the Police,2009,9,1,5-26,Crawford The Risk Factors Prevention Paradigm and the Causes of Youth Crime: A Deceptively Useful Analysis?,2009,9,2,99-114,O'Mahony Transfer of Juvenile Offenders to Adult Court in Belgium: Critical Reflections on the Reform of a Moderate Practice,2009,9,2,131-142,Christiaens Typologies of Young Resisters and Desisters,2009,9,2,115-129,Murray Girls and Gangs: ‘Shemale’ Gangsters in the UK?,2009,9,3,224-238,Young British Asian Girls Crime and Youth Justice,2009,9,3,239-253,Toor The Trouble with Girls Today: Professional Perspectives on Young Women’s Offending,2009,9,3,254-269,Sharpe Between Two Stools? Responding to Young Women who Offend,2009,9,3,270-285,Burman Legal Commentary: Children on the Sex Offenders Register: Proportionality Prospect of Change and Article 8 Rights,2009,9,3,286-294,Stone Is Punitive Juvenile Justice Policy Declining in the United States? A Critique of Emergent Initiatives,2010,10,1,3-24,Benekos Young People’s Relations to Crime: Pathways across Ecologies,2010,10,1,56-72,Armstrong The Extent and Nature of Parents’ Involvement in Canadian Youth Justice Proceedings,2010,10,1,40-55,Peterson-Badali Legal Commentary - Developments in Determining Mode of Trial for Grave Allegations,2010,10,1,73-83,Stone Current Responses to Youth Racially Motivated Offending,2010,10,2,157-173,Smithson Legal Commentary. Special Measures for Child Defendants: A Decade of Developments,2010,10,2,174-185,Stone ‘It’s Just Pure Harassment... As If It’s a Crime to Walk in the Street’: Anti-social Behaviour Youth Justice and Citizenship — The Reality for Young Men in the East End of Glasgow,2010,10,3,258-274,Deuchar Locking Up for the Best Interests of the Child — Some Preliminary Remarks on ‘Special Care’,2010,10,3,245-257,Pösö A Different Kind of Evidence? Looking for ‘What Works’ in Engaging Young Offenders,2010,10,3,211-226,Prior ‘Time for a Fresh Start’ but is this it? A Critical Assessment of The Report of the Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour,2011,11,1,3-27,Goldson Questioning New Labour’s Youth Justice Strategy: A review article,2001,1,3,14-26,Jones 'We Now Breach More Kids in a Week Than We Used to in a Whole Year': The Punitive Turn Enforcement and Custody,2011,11,2,115-133,Bateman Explicating Correlates of Juvenile Offender Detention Length: The Impact of Race Mental Health Difficulties Maltreatment Offense Type and Court Dispositions,2011,11,2,134-149,Mallett Juvenile/youth justice management in Nigeria: Making a case for diversion programmes,2013,13,1,3-16,Atilola Conceptualising risk and need: the rise of actuarialism and the death of welfare? Practitioner assessment and intervention in the youth offending service,2013,13,1,17-30,Briggs Risk responsibilities and rights: Reassessing the 'economic causes of crime' thesis in a recession,2013,13,1,31-56,Fergusson Securitizing childhood - childhood and youth in Finnish crime prevention programmes,2013,13,1,57-72,Harrikari Legal commentary: Prosecuting trafficked children,2013,13,1,73-84,Stone An age of complexity: Children and criminal responsibility in law,2013,13,2,145-160,McDiarmid Developmental factors affecting children in legal contexts,2013,13,2,131-144,Lamb Legal commentary sentencing youths: Distinctiveness and individualism,2013,13,2,161-170,Stone The minimum age of criminal responsibility: A medico-legal perspective,2013,13,2,102-110,Delmage Unsafe unjust and harmful to wider society: Grounds for raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales,2013,13,2,111-130,Goldson A youth justice approach to the street children phenomenon in Brazil: a critical review,2012,12,3,229-244,Rosenblatt Bullying enters the 21st century? Turning a critical eye to cyber-bullying research,2012,12,3,199-211,Alvi Children raping children: penal elitism and the contested innocence frame in Hong Kong,2012,12,3,167-183,Chui Is the scaled approach a failed approach?,2012,12,3,212-228,Haines Legal commentary 'a sorry tale': forcible physical restraint of children in custody,2012,12,3,245-257,Stone Legal commentary: juveniles with adult co-accused: venue for trial and sentence,2012,12,1,53-63,Stone Working inside the gate: school discipline on post,2017,17,2,99-115,Mowen Evolution of mentoring relationships involving young male offenders transitioning from a juvenile justice centre to the community,2017,17,2,116-133,Tracey The minimum age of criminal responsibility in Victoria (Australia): examining stakeholders' views and the need for principled reform,2017,17,2,134-152,Fitz-Gibbon Pathways of transferred youth offenders into adulthood,2017,17,2,153-170,Jaspers Commentary: Sentencing children: overarching principles revisited,2017,17,2,171-180,Stone Ecological youth justice: understanding the social ecology of young people's prolific offending,2017,17,1,3-21,Haines The youth guarantee education initiative and its impact on criminality: Māori youth perceptions,2017,17,1,41-56,Poa From care to custody: trajectories of children in post-war New Zealand,2017,17,1,57-72,Stanley 'A vexed question': sentencing historic youthful offending,2017,17,1,73-84,Stone Tough choices: school behaviour management and institutional context,2016,16,3,280-298,Deakin Early individual prevention of chronic offenders: the use of criminological theories in the governance of Swedish police and social services,2016,16,2,113-129,Kassman Policy practice and perceptions: exploring the criminalisation of children's home residents in England,2016,16,2,147-161,Shaw Commentary: Transgender juveniles and the binary custodial divide,2016,16,2,181-190,Stone Measuring the impact of juvenile justice interventions: what works what helps and what matters?,2017,17,3,196-212,Stout Imprisoning 'those' kids: neoliberal logics and the disciplinary alternative school,2017,17,3,213-231,Selman Explaining the offending behaviour of young people on educational programmes incarcerated in educational institutions in Vietnam,2017,17,3,232-249,Twigg Rehabilitation within a punitive framework: responsibilization and disciplinary utopia in the French juvenile justice system,2017,17,3,250-267,Sallée Sentencing children for sexual offending: a prequel case study,2017,17,3,268-276,Stone Starting to stop: young offenders' desistance from crime,2018,18,1,3-17,Jump Desistance approaches in youth justice - the next passing fad or a sea-change for the positive?,2018,18,1,18-33,Hampson Why children obey the law: rethinking juvenile justice and children's rights in Europe through procedural justice,2018,18,1,34-51,Dumortier Are teens being unfairly punished? Applying the dual systems model of adolescent risk-taking to sexting among adolescents,2018,18,1,52-66,Terrance 'There's not going to be a single solution': the role of resettlement consortia in improving the resettlement outcomes of young people leaving custody,2018,18,1,67-81,Gray Children who murder: indeterminate sentencing in law and practice,2018,18,1,82-95,Stone What is a juvenile? A cross-national comparison of youth justice systems,2018,18,2,111-130,Abrams The future of youth justice,2018,18,2,131-148,Case Widening the antiMafia net: child protection and the socio-cultural transmission of Mafia behaviours in Calabria,2018,18,2,149-168,Sergi The knife crime problem: further developments,2018,18,2,188-196,Stone Towards a Principled Legal Response to Children Who Kill,2018,18,3,211-229,Lynch Police contact with young people with cognitive disabilities: perceptions of procedural (in)justice,2018,18,3,230-247,Richards Juvenile facility staff contestations of change,2018,18,3,248-264,Cox Realising the right of the child to participate in the criminal process,2018,18,3,265-284,Forde Youth justice pathways to change: drivers challenges and opportunities,2019,19,1,25-41,Case 'Pranks' and misjudgment with lethal or highly destructive consequences: towards a principled approach in sentencing youthful folly,2019,19,1,63-71,Stone What happens in the beginning matters in the end: achieving best evidence with child suspects in the police station,2019,19,2,85-101,Gooch 'It's a no-win scenario either the police or the gang will get you': young people and organised crime - vulnerable or criminal?,2019,19,2,102-119,Thompson Adolescent violence towards parents: a case of specialisation?,2019,19,3,206-221,Day Mentoring vulnerable youth in one of America's most dangerous cities: from violent streets to university classrooms,2019,19,3,262-277,Napolitano An introduction to gangs and serious youth violence in the United Kingdom,2020,20,1-2,3-10,Deuchar The matrix in context: taking stock of police gang databases in London and beyond,2020,20,1-2,11-30,Pyrooz Getting to the point? Reframing narratives on knife crime,2020,20,1-2,31-49,Harding 'Vulnerable' kids going country: children and young people's involvement in county lines drug dealing,2020,20,1-2,64-78,Windle No further action: contextualising social care decisions for children victimised in extra-familial settings,2020,20,1-2,79-92,Firmin Rethinking how we view gang members: an examination into affective behavioral and mental health predictors of UK gang-involved youth,2020,20,1-2,93-112,Wood Canadian rural youth and role tension of the police: 'it's hard in a small town',2020,20,3,199-214,Spencer Abolishing youth justice systems: children first offenders nowhere,2021,21,1,3-17,Case The minimum age of criminal responsibility: the need for a holistic approach,2021,21,2,153-171,Charles Observing juvenile courtrooms: testing the implementation of guidelines on child-friendly justice in Spain,2021,21,2,192-209,Fernández-Molina 'We just want to be treated with respect!' Using restorative approaches and the dramatic arts to build positive relationships between the police and young people,2021,21,3,255-274,Payne Children and crime: in the moment,2021,21,3,275-298,Deakin 'Schools with security': pitfalls in pursuit of the penal detention of children in Ireland and England,2021,21,3,338-349,Stone Rural policing youth and overlapping fields of youth justice,2022,22,1,49-66,Spencer Sentencing children for violent extremism: Part 1,2022,22,1,101-108,Stone Sentencing children for violent extremism: part 2,2022,22,2,222-231,Stone 'Young people just resolve it in their own group': young people's perspectives on responses to non-consensual intimate image distribution,2022,22,3,304-319,Dodge Mandatory mental health screening for justice-involved youth: a national priority,2023,23,1,49-57,Christian Building cultures of participation: involving young people in contact with the criminal justice system in the development of drug interventions in the United Kingdom Denmark Italy and Poland,2023,23,1,97-116,Rolando Family belonging and internalizing symptoms among youth involved with the juvenile justice system,2023,23,1,117-132,Fite Victimization in juvenile sexual assault legislation: a critical content analysis of state laws in the United States of America,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fallik Adolescents' and parents' knowledge of laws pertaining to adolescent sexual behavior: the role of perceived policy fairness on adolescents' willingness to violate the law,2023,23,2,140-160,Thomas Deterring children from crime through sentencing: can it be justified? [Corrected version],2023,23,2,182-200,Janes The right to participation in youth justice research,2023,23,3,263-268,Pleysier The social dynamics of adolescent co-offending,2023,23,3,350-371,Ashton Children as Covert Human Intelligence Sources: spies first children second,2023,23,3,372-387,Arthur Rough Justice: Considerations on the Role of Violence Masculinity and the Alienation of Young Men in Communities and Peacebuilding Processes in Northern Ireland,2014,14,3,269-283,Harland A difficult balance: challenges and possibilities for local protocols to reduce unnecessary criminalisation of children in care and care leavers,2024,24,1,53-69,Shaw Transgender youth challenges responses and the juvenile justice system: a systematic literature review of an emerging literature,2024,24,1,88-112,Watson Being tried and sentenced as an adult: amplifying voices of transferred juveniles,2024,24,1,113-131,Jaspers