Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Towards a criminology of crimes against humanity,2009,13,2,227-255,Mears A tale of two capitalisms,2009,13,3,313-339,Hall American ‘pain-ology’ in the war on terror: a critique of ‘scientific’ torture,2009,13,4,451-474,Welch Civilization economic change and trends in interpersonal violence in western societies,2009,13,4,419-449,Mares Genocide criminology and Darfur,2009,13,4,477-480,Savelsberg Toward a new criminology of genocide: theory method and politics,2009,13,4,495-502,Matsueda Mass atrocity and criminology,2009,13,4,487-493,Aviram Criminology confronts genocide: whose side are you on?,2009,13,4,503-511,Rymond-Richmond Consuming security?,2010,14,1,3-30,Goold Security governance in transition,2010,14,1,31-57,Ellison Re-imagining DDR,2009,13,1,31-59,McEvoy The role of historically-embedded structures in processes of criminal reform,2009,13,1,79-104,Farrall Turning away from criminal intent,2009,13,1,105-128,Rowbotham Legitimating police violence,2010,14,2,155-182,Hirschfield Forgetting the future,2010,14,2,211-235,Kaplan The transnational security consultancy industry,2010,14,2,183-210,O'Reilly A general strain theory of terrorism,2010,14,2,131-153,Agnew A criminal law for citizens,2010,14,3,293-309,Duff Populist leniency crime control and due process,2010,14,3,331-347,Jones Review Article: Punishment politics and levels of analysis,2010,14,4,515-521,Cavender Old theories and new approaches: Evaluating Freda Adler’s theory of low crime and its implications for criminology,2011,15,1,83-99,Nivette Questions of security: A framework for research,2011,15,1,3-22,Valverde Rape love and war-personal or political?,2011,15,1,67-82,Ericsson ‘Trial by media’: Policing the 24-7 news mediasphere and the ‘politics of outrage’,2011,15,1,23-46,Greer The relative autonomy of women offenders' decision making,2009,13,2,201-225,Ajzenstadt Doing newsmaking criminology from within the academy,2007,11,2,191-207,Barak Confining Femininity:,2000,4,3,265-284,Bosworth Stopping the violence,2006,10,1,49-66,Cameron Public criminologies,2007,11,2,155-173,McLaughlin Restorative justice Navajo Peacemaking and domestic violence,2006,10,1,67-85,Coker On hegemonic masculinity and violence,2002,6,1,89-99,Connell Contesting criminality,2005,9,1,5-33,Coutin Feminist engagement with restorative justice,2006,10,1,9-28,Daly Crime legends in a new medium,2002,6,2,189-215,Donovan Criminal Careers Desistance and Subjectivity,2004,8,2,123-156,Farrall Masculinities Violence and Defended Psychosocial Subjects,2000,4,4,429-449,Gadd Crime and silence,2008,12,2,131-152,Hallsworth Subordinating hegemonic masculinity,2002,6,1,63-88,Jefferson Views of justice among survivors of historical child sexual abuse,2006,10,1,125-138,Jülich An invisible problem,2006,10,2,147-177,Klein In search of justice for domestic and family violence,2006,10,1,87-106,Nancarrow Symbolizing crime control,2007,11,2,221-243,Jones Hate crime and identity politics,2002,6,4,485-491,Perry Crime film and criminology,2007,11,3,403-420,Rafter How Emotions Work,2002,6,3,361-380,Katz The Will to Violence,2004,8,1,5-31,Schinkel From academia to policy making,2007,11,2,209-219,Stanko Pedophile crime films as popular criminology: A problem of justice?,2011,15,2,195-215,Kohm Reframing criminal victimization: Finding a place for vulnerability and resilience,2011,15,2,179-194,Walklate Theorizing surveillance in crime control,2011,15,3,231-237,Haggerty Crime and time: The temporal patterning of causal variables,2011,15,2,115-139,Agnew Surveillance and violence from afar: The politics of drones and liminal security-scapes,2011,15,3,239-254,Wall Reconstructing Leviathan: Emerging contours of the security state,2011,15,2,141-157,Hallsworth 'Crimmigrant' bodies and bona fide travelers: Surveillance citizenship and global governance,2011,15,3,331-346,Aas The use of surveillance cameras in a Riyadh shopping mall: Protecting profits or protecting morality?,2011,15,3,315-330,Alhadar Hijackers and humble servants: Individuals as camwitnesses in contemporary controlwork,2011,15,3,269-282,Koskela Review Symposium: Risk for prevention,2011,15,2,226-228,Welsh Beyond 'so what?' criminology rediscovering realism,2009,13,3,341-362,Matthews Reconceptualizing hate crime victimization through the lens of vulnerability and 'difference',2012,16,4,499-514,Garland Institutional strength social control and neighborhood crime rates,2003,7,4,439-467,Sun Theorizing the role of the 'war on drugs' in US punishment,2012,16,2,175-199,Lynch A new risk management for prisoners in France: The emergence of a death-avoidance approach,2013,17,3,397-415,Cliquennois Asserting criminality and denying migrant belonging: The production of deportability in US judicial court hearings,2013,17,3,377-395,Newstead Beware of notarios: Neoliberal governance of immigrants as crime victims,2013,17,3,359-376,Longazel Policing the 'progressive' city: The racialized geography of drug law enforcement,2013,17,3,335-357,Lynch Power to the people: Violent victimization inequality and democratic politics,2013,17,3,283-313,Miller Assemblages of penal governance social justice and youth justice partnerships,2013,17,4,517-534,Gray Mapping the margins of intersectionality: Criminological possibilities in a transnational world,2013,17,4,455-473,Henne Policing and the surveillance of the marginal: Everyday contexts of social control,2013,17,4,437-454,O'Neill The Dark Ghetto revisited: Kenneth B Clark's classic analysis as cutting edge criminology,2015,19,1,5-22,Goddard Falling crime rates: what happened last time,2015,19,1,59-76,Knepper What is Russia's real homicide rate? Statistical reconstruction and the 'decivilizing process',2015,19,2,257-277,Lysova Prisoner incorporation: the work of the state and non-governmental organizations,2015,19,4,534-553,Kaufman States subjects and sovereign power: lessons from global gun cultures,2014,18,3,335-353,Carlson The globalization of crime control - the case of youth and juvenile justice: Neo-liberalism policy convergence and international conventions,2005,9,1,35-64,Muncie Dramatic lives and relevant becomings: Toward a Deleuze- and Guattari-inspired cartography of young women's violent conflicts,2012,16,4,435-461,Miller Other Dreams of Freedom: Religion Sex and Human Trafficking,2013,17,4,577-580,Steele Seeking rape justice: formal and informal responses to sexual violence through technosocial counter-publics,2015,19,4,571-588,Powell Decolonizing policing: indigenous patrols counter-policing and safety,2016,20,4,548-565,Porter Still blaming the victim of intimate partner violence? Women's narratives of victim desistance and redemption when seeking support,2016,20,1,75-90,Meyer The trouble with safety: fear of crime pollution and subjectification in public space,2016,20,1,57-74,Fanghanel Is Big Data challenging criminology?,2016,20,1,21-39,Chan Neighbourly demands: property propriety and the racial identification of crime in Chicago,2016,20,1,40-56,Buffam Suppression denial sublimation: defending against the initial pains of very long life sentences,2017,21,2,225-246,Wright The role of defensive firearm use in the governance of security in Latin America,2017,21,3,324-341,Sanjurjo Gangs and a global sociological imagination,2018,22,1,42-62,Hagedorn Can we avoid reductionism in risk reduction?,2018,22,2,258-278,Prins Ecocide genocide capitalism and colonialism: Consequences for indigenous peoples and glocal ecosystems environments,2018,22,3,298-317,Short Animal abuse biotechnology and species justice,2018,22,3,363-383,Goyes Insurgent safety: theorizing alternatives to state protection,2019,23,1,43-59,McDowell Criminology gender and security in the Australian context: making women's lives matter,2019,23,1,60-77,Walklate Constraints on the growth of private policing: a comparative international analysis,2019,23,3,295-314,Singh Bad cops and true detectives: the horror of police and the unthinkable world,2019,23,3,355-374,Linnemann Regulating private sector security provision for victims of domestic violence,2019,23,3,415-432,Harkin Algorithmic risk governance: big data analytics race and information activism in criminal justice debates,2019,23,4,453-470,Hannah-Moffat Constituting the 'sexually violent predator': law forensic psychology and the adjudication of risk,2019,23,4,509-526,Vogler Negative visibility and 'the defences of the weak': the interplay of a managerial culture and prisoner resistance,2020,24,2,202-221,Symkovych The trial's the thing: performance and legitimacy in international criminal trials,2020,24,2,241-257,Leader Bad subjects: epistemic violence at arraignment,2020,24,2,353-369,Brissette Working in violence: moral narratives of paramilitaries in Colombia,2020,24,2,370-386,Manrique Rueda Law necropolitics and the stop and search of young people,2020,24,2,387-405,Flacks Gestalt contexture and contested motives: understanding video evidence in the murder trial of Officer Michael Slager,2023,27,1,105-125,Watson Biopower juridical power and the afterlife of rights: Medical assistance in dying and the Supreme Court of Canada,2022,26,1,112-131,Young Reconceptualizing multisectoral prison regulation: Voluntary organizations and bereaved families as regulators,2022,26,3,494-514,Tomczak