Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Inhalational and dermal injury due to explosion of calcium hypochlorite,2009,28,1,37-40,Soyuncu Hair highlights and severe acute irritant dermatitis ("burn") of the scalp,2010,29,4,229-233,Maibach Ocular acid burn due to 20% concentrated salicylic acid,2011,30,1,84-86,Shazly Long-term skin damage due to chemical weapon exposure,2011,30,1,64-68,Firooz Chemical-biological ocular injury from turkey bile,2011,30,3,241-242,Vayalambrone Ocular surface frostbite secondary to ethyl chloride spray,2012,31,1,77-80,Rodriguez Acute and long-term transcriptional responses in sulfur mustard-exposed SKH-1 hairless mouse skin,2012,31,1,38-47,Vallet The ocular complications of mustard gas poisoning and their association with the respiratory system involvement: an experience in 112 Iranian veterans,2012,31,1,48-52,Sedghipour Comparison late cutaneous complications between exposure to sulfur mustard and nerve agents,2012,31,3,214-219,Soroush Toxicogenomic analysis of chlorine vapor-induced porcine skin injury,2012,31,4,323-331,Graham Conjunctival microbial florae in patients with seriously sulfur mustard induced eye injuries,2013,32,1,13-17,Soroush Development of a mouse model for sulfur mustard-induced ocular injury and long-term clinical analysis of injury progression,2013,32,2,140-149,Hilber Endothelial cell damage following sulfur mustard exposure in rabbits and its association with the delayed-onset ocular lesions,2013,32,2,115-123,Kadar Burns due to wet wood ash: three cases,2014,33,1,85-86,Ayhan Acute and long-term ocular effects of acrolein vapor on the eyes and potential therapies,2015,35,1,87,Ilhan A case of chemical scalp burns after hair highlights: experimental evidence of oxidative injuries,2015,35,4,332-336,Snenghi Dermal safety assessment of Arm & Hammer laundry products formulated for sensitive skin,2017,36,3,263-272,Gupta Role of oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in acute and chronic phases of sulfur mustard injuries: a review,2019,38,1,9-17,Beigi Harchegani A review of methanol poisoning: a crisis beyond ocular toxicology,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pressman Oral isotretinoin in the treatment of juvenile acne and psychiatric adverse effects - a systematic review,2023,42,3,83-90,Fernandes