Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Germany: constructing a sociology of Islamist radicalisation,2009,50,4,75-82,Dornhof A syllabus of errors: Pope Benedict XVI on Islam at Regensburg,2009,50,3,30-61,Coury Europe: crimes of solidarity,2009,50,4,83-97,Fekete British radicals,2009,51,1,84-89,Seabrook Slouching towards dystopia: the new military futurism,2010,51,3,13-32,Carr 'Black Shame' — the campaign against 'racial degeneration' and female degradation in interwar Europe,2010,51,3,33-46,Wigger Evidence to the UK parliamentary select committee inquiry on preventing violent extremism,2010,51,3,73-80, Foreign nationals enemy penology and the criminal justice system,2010,51,4,1-25,Fekete The violence of incarceration: a response from mainland Europe,2010,51,4,27-38,Vervaet Military Keynesianism today: an innovative discourse,2010,51,4,79-94,Custers UK: the reality behind the ‘knife crime’ debate,2010,52,2,97-103,Wood Profiling in the age of total information awareness,2010,52,2,3-24,Murray (R and B) rhythm and blues: Post-traffic lights in Ramallah and Al-Bireh city,2011,52,3,43-49,Al-Khalili Campaigning against Israel’s arms suppliers,2011,52,3,85-91, Violence Against Women in South Asian Communities: issues for policy and practice,2010,52,2,105-108,Sendall Sweden: HIV/AIDS policy and the 'crisis' of multiculturalism,2009,50,4,57-74,Bredström Enlightened fundamentalism? Immigration feminism and the Right,2006,48,2,1-22,Fekete The Birth of Public Order Policy,2004,46,1,30-52,Hörnqvist Integrationism: the politics of anti-Muslim racism,2007,48,4,24-44,Kundnani ‘Reasonable accommodation’ in Québec: the limits of participation and dialogue,2010,52,1,85-96,Mahrouse The forced marriage debate and the British state,2007,49,1,25-38,Wilson 'Extraordinary renditions': tales of Guantánamo a review article,2011,52,4,1-29,Harlow Taking Baghdad: Some US Marine memoirs of the invasion of Iraq,2011,52,4,30-43,Newsinger Everyday violence institutional denial and struggles for justice in Kashmir,2011,52,4,44-70,Duschinski Attacks on Indian students: The commerce of denial in Australia,2011,52,4,71-88,Dunn Beyond 'enemy combatants': a review article,2011,53,1,107-114,Fekete UK: racial violence and the night-time economy,2011,53,1,100-106,Burnett Obama and the global war on terror,2011,53,2,84-93,Murray Spaghetti House siege: making the rhetoric real,2011,53,2,1-13,Bourne Total policing: Reflections from the frontline,2013,54,3,65-76,Fekete Police accountability the Irish peace process and the continuing challenge of secrecy,2013,54,3,77-86,Holder Cruel Britannia: A secret history of torture,2013,55,1,103-105,Mamon Sweden: When hate becomes the norm,2013,55,1,78-86,Hirvonen The British counter-insurgency myth,2013,55,1,92-97,Newsinger 'I don't have a life to live': deaths and UK detention,2015,56,3,50-68,Athwal The war on human trafficking in the Caribbean,2007,49,2,79-85,Kempadoo The deradicalisation of education: terror youth and the assault on learning,2015,57,4,22-38,Tannock Striking back against racist violence in the East End of London 1968-1970,2016,58,1,34-54,Ashe Islam violence and the 'four dogmas of Orientalism',2023,,,e030639682311645,Jacoby 'Racial suicide': The re-licensing of racism in Australia,1997,39,2,1-19,Perera They had to die: Assassination against liberation,2006,48,1,60-74,Brittain Driven to despair: Asylum deaths in the UK,2007,48,4,106-114,Athwal Besieged in Britain,2009,50,3,1-29,Brittain Nowhere to run: Iraqi asylum seekers in the UK,2012,54,2,88-99,Hintjens Degradation by design: women and asylum in northern Europe,2019,61,1,46-63,Canning