Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Language of Lyrics,2009,28,3,297-311,Sacco False Faces and Broken Lives: An Exploratory Study of the Interaction Behaviors Used by Male Sex Offenders in Relating to Victims,2009,28,4,428-440,Campbell What Did You Just Call Me? European and American Ratings of the Valence of Ethnophaulisms,2010,29,1,117-131,Abrams Establishing and Challenging Masculinity: The Influence of Gendered Discourses in Organized Sport,2010,29,3,278-300,Adams Scriptedness and Televised Sports: Violent Consumption and Viewer Enjoyment,2010,29,3,321-337,Westerman The Power of Stereotypes: Anchoring Images Through Language in Live Sports Broadcasts,2010,29,3,338-362,Desmarais Maritally Aggressive Men: Angry Egocentric Impulsive and/or Biased,2010,29,4,399-424,Schweinle Ethnic Minority Labeling Multiculturalism and the Attitude of Majority Group Members,2010,29,4,467-477,Verkuyten The People Doth Protest Too Much: Explaining Away Subtle Racism,2010,29,4,478-490,Reid Mediated Intergroup Conflict: The Discursive Construction of "Illegal Immigrants" in a Regional U.S. Newspaper,2011,30,1,8-27,Stewart Double Standards in Sentence Structure: Passive Voice in Narratives Describing Domestic Violence,2009,28,1,62-71,Frazer Themes And Perceptions Of Written Sexually Harassing Messages And Their Link To Distress,2003,22,1,8-28,Kinney Intimate Partner Violence,2006,25,4,406-422,Murachver Contesting Animal Rights on the Internet,2003,22,3,297-320,Swan The Psychological Meaning of Words: LIWC and Computerized Text Analysis Methods,2010,29,1,24-54,Pennebaker Beastly: What Makes Animal Metaphors Offensive?,2011,30,3,311-325,Haslam How context matters: predicting men's homophobic slang use,2013,32,2,162-180,Hall Conspiratorial narratives in violent political actors' language,2019,38,5-6,706-734,Baele What words are worth: National Science Foundation grant abstracts indicate award funding,2019,38,3,264-282,Markowitz Suicide risk factors: a language analysis approach in social media,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sierra Referencing race = racist? Examining perceptions of references to a target's race as offensive,2021,40,4,459-481,Saucier The language of derogation and hate: functions consequences and reappropriation,2021,40,1,80-101,Maass A cry for "help"? How crisis negotiators overcome suicidal people's resistance to offers of assistance,2023,42,5-6,565-588,Stokoe