Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Architecture of the Counter Insurgency Experiment,2009,6,2,69-77,Monday Growing a Virtual Insurgency: Using Massively Parallel Gaming to Simulate Insurgent Behavior,2009,6,2,55-67,Earnest Modeling and Simulation of Explosion Effectiveness as a Function of Blast and Crowd Characteristics,2009,6,2,79-95,Usmani Determining Critical Members of Layered Operational Terrorist Networks,2009,6,2,97-109,Geffre Bi-criteria Convoy Movement Problem,2009,6,3,151-164,Ram Kumar A Non-kinetic Effects Federate for Training Simulations,2009,6,3,113-119,Henry Two-stage Stochastic Optimization for the Allocation of Medical Assets in Steady-state Combat Operations,2010,7,2,89-102,Fulton Simulation Analysis of a System to Defeat Maritime Improvised Explosive Devices (MIED) in a US Port,2010,7,2,115-125,Paulo Statistical Modeling of Combat Mortality Events by Using Subject Matter Expert Opinions and Operation Iraqi Freedom Empirical Results from the Navy-Marine Corps Combat Trauma Registry,2010,7,3,145-155,Parker The Effect of Pre-emptive Flare Deployment on First Generation Man-Portable Air-Defence (MANPAD) Systems,2010,7,3,181-189,Jackman Creation of an Expanded Barell Matrix to Identify Traumatic Brain Injuries of U.S. Military Members,2010,7,3,157-166,Stein Integrating Base Object Model Components into DEVS-based Simulation,2010,7,4,241-256,Bin Chen Directed-energy Models for Distributed Synthetic Environments,2010,7,4,194-205,Sorroche A New Methodology for Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Casualty Estimation over Time,2010,7,4,226-240,Disraelly Operations Intent and Effects Model,2011,8,1,37-59,Gustavsson Sensing and Identifying the Improvised Explosive Device Suicide Bombers: People Carrying Wires on their Body,2011,8,1,5-24,Fox Modeling of Underwater Bomb Trajectory for Mine Clearance,2011,8,1,25-36,Chu Editorial: The Peace Support Operations Model,2011,8,2,67-68,Wilde Modeling Information Operations in a Tactical-level Stabilization Environment,2011,8,2,105-112,Gaffney Assessing the Risk of Bullet Ricochet from Waves,2011,8,4,205-216,Mirshak Partial Differential Equations versus Cellular Automata for Modeling Combat,2011,8,4,191-204,Keane A Snapshot of the Modeling and Simulation Community and Education,2011,8,4,217-224,Kölsch Representing Strategic Communication and Influence in Stabilization Modeling,2011,8,2,93-104,Warren The Peace Support Operations Model: Modeling Techniques Present and Future,2011,8,2,79-84,Gaffney The Peace Support Operations Model: Origins Development Philosophy and Use,2011,8,2,69-77,Body Modeling Security Sector Reform Activities in the Context of Stabilization Operations,2011,8,2,113-121,Wilde The Peace Support Operations Model: Strategic Interaction Process,2011,8,2,85-92,Strong DEVSim++ Toolset for Defense Modeling and Simulation and Interoperation,2011,8,3,129-142,Tag Gon Kim Interoperation between Engagement-and Engineering-level Models for Effectiveness Analyses,2011,8,3,143-155,Tag Gon Kim Measurement of Effectiveness for an Anti-torpedo Combat System Using a Discrete Event Systems Specification-based Underwater Warfare Simulator,2011,8,3,157-171,Tag Gon Kim Modeling and integration of situational awareness and soldier target search,2013,10,1,3-21,Evangelista Modeling insurgency counter-insurgency and coalition strategies and operations,2013,10,1,57-73,Arney Modeling risk as a polyhedron,2013,10,1,49-56,Hester Predicting emplacements of improvised explosive devices,2013,10,1,75-86,Guo Game for Peace: Progressive education in peace operations,2013,10,3,283-296,Nannini Modelling unmanned surface vehicle patrol mission with Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML),2014,11,3,277-308,Ünal Fuzzy cognitive maps of public support for insurgency and terrorism,2017,14,1,17-32,Osoba WITHDRAWN (duplicate publication): deterring the development and use of nuclear weapons: A multi-level modeling approach,2017,14,1,95-105,Carley Feature extraction and feature selection for classifying cyber traffic threats,2017,14,3,217-231,Moore Friendly casualty outcomes: choice of counter improvised explosive device tactics matters on the asymmetric battlefield,2017,14,3,303-314,Proctor Defeating information overload in health surveillance using a metacognitive aid innovation from military combat systems,2017,14,4,371-388,McFarlane A decision tree framework for understanding blast-induced mild Traumatic Brain Injury in a military medical database,2017,14,4,389-398,Norris One simple model of small arms fire using the Monte Carlo method,2017,14,4,465-470,Mihaylov Development and validation of a biofidelic head form model to assess blast-induced traumatic brain injury,2018,15,3,257-267,Ouellet Estimating ricochet hazard zones at sea,2018,15,4,399-413,Mirshak Deterring the development and use of nuclear weapons: a multi-level modeling approach,2018,15,4,483-493,Carley Threatcasting: a framework and process to model future operating environments,2019,16,1,79-88,Johnson Modeling of situation assessment in regional air defense combat,2019,16,2,91-101,Yang A multi-objective optimization of ballistic and cruise missile fire plans based on damage calculations from missile impacts on an airfield defended by an air defense artillery network,2019,16,2,103-117,Wade New algorithms for predicting longitudinal motion resistance of wheels on dry sand,2019,16,3,283-295,Priddy WITHDRAWN (duplicate publication): Deterring the development and use of nuclear weapons: a multi-level modeling approach,2019,16,3,347,Carley Response surface modeling of precision-guided fragmentation munitions,2020,17,1,83-97,McCarthy Research on the computing method for the forming velocity of circumferential multiple explosive formed projectiles,2020,17,2,125-136,Ding Cognition conflict and doctrine: how groupthink fails on a Clausewitz landscape,2020,17,2,137-142,Wallace An operational effectiveness analysis of legacy and future mine countermeasures systems using discrete event simulation,2020,17,2,191-204,Williams A study of assorted data on suicide bombings in Pakistan,2019,16,3,273-282,Khalid