Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Between Identities,2002,9,1,81-87,Jafa NGOs in Bangladesh,2009,16,1,77-98,Sultana Violence Law and Feminist Politics,2010,17,3,329-334,Suneetha Women’s Right to Education—A Narrative on International Law,2004,11,3,255-274,Sur Resisting Feminism,2001,8,1,117-119,Tellis Changing Livelihoods Livestock and Local Knowledge Systems: Women Stake their Claim in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra,2001,8,2,175-194,Ramdas Gender Forests and Famine in 19th-Century Chotanagpur India,2002,9,2,133-163,Damodaran His Rights/Her Duties: Citizen and Mother in the Civics Discourse,2003,10,3,379-404,Saigol Cedaw,2007,14,3,481-498,Saksena Violence Employment and Citizenship,2007,14,1,117-135,Salgaonkar Women and Male Partner-dating Violence in Nigeria,2008,15,3,461-484,Izugbara Domestic Violence in India,2008,15,3,507-518,Simister Dowry among Indian Muslims,2009,16,1,47-75,Waheed Chhadi Lage Chham Chham Vidya Yeyi Gham Gham (The Harder the Stick Beats the Faster the Flow of Knowledge),2009,16,2,175-204,Paik Human Rights of Women Prisoners in India,2009,16,2,253-271,Kaushik Women's Studies in the University,2002,9,2,235-243,Bhagwat Gender and Reproductive Behaviour: The Role of Men,2003,10,1,45-76,Hussain A Khmer Veteran Remembers,2010,17,1,1-24,Chapman Feminist Perspectives and the Struggle to Transform the Disciplines,2007,14,3,499-515,Krishna The Sangha Mane,2006,13,3,317-349,Mathrani Impact of Technology on Women: Strategies for Non-formal Education,2000,7,1,101-123,Mohsin Mothers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards Maternal Morbidity in Rural West Bengal: Findings from Focus Group Discussions,2004,11,3,369-387,Mukhopadhyay The Long Road Ahead: Engendering Conflict Analysis in South Asia,2004,11,1,95-103,Behera Gender Bias in Resource Allocation in India: Where do Household Models and Empirical Evidence Intersect?,2003,10,3,405-429,Jose The first syllables of a new language: responses to sexual violence,1995,2,1,87-100,Panjabi From Mental Illness to Disability,2011,15,2,261-290,Davar Women Making Choices,2007,14,3,409-437,Goyal Witchcraft,2010,17,2,223-247,Vanashree Bearing Witness: Rape Female Resistance Male Authority and the Problems of Gender Representation in Popular Indian Cinema,2000,7,2,231-248,Gupta-Cassale A Decade after Cairo in Latin America,2006,13,2,275-291,Rosenberg Significance of Gender-related Development Indicators: An Analysis of Indian States,2004,11,3,291-343,Rustagi Understanding Gender Justice,2010,17,3,335-363,Rayaprol Witness to Violence,2010,17,3,365-373,Sinha Women’s Subjectivities of Suffering and Legal Rhetoric on Domestic Violence,2010,17,3,375-401,Sen Sanma Told Me,2010,17,3,403-427,Kumar Local and Customary Forums,2010,17,3,429-450,Nagaraj Dealing with Domestic Violence towards Complicating the Rights Discourse,2010,17,3,451-478,Nagaraj Crime or Custom?,2011,18,1,27-50,Nasrin Cairo Door Ast? Population Policies and their Context in India after LCPD,2006,13,2,247-274,Rao Honour: Crimes paradigms and violence against women,2007,14,3,543-547,Snehi Survivors of Sex Trafficking in Andhra Pradesh,2011,18,2,129-165,Vindhya Of Marriage and Migration,2011,18,3,311-340,Chaudhry Domestic violence and the Indian diaspora in the United States,2005,12,2-3,427-451,Abraham Gendering resistance domesticating violence in Korean prison literature,2002,9,2,165-181,Park Exploring domestic violence in an Indian setting,2013,20,1,135-146,Vranda Gender violence in Portugal: discourses knowledge and practices,2013,20,1,31-50,Nogueira The burden of intelligibility: disabled women's testimony in rape trials,2013,20,1,1-29,Mandal Understanding violence in place: travelling knowledge paradigms and measuring domestic violence in India,2015,22,1,63-91,Piedalue Globalisation and third way theories: the beleaguered family and the marginalisation of women,2016,23,2,243-259,Abraham Reading rape post Mathura,2016,23,2,260-285,Sakhrani An ethnographic study of a shelter for victims of domestic violence in Korea,2016,23,3,376-392,Yang Sexually transmitted infections and spousal violence: the experience of married women in India,2017,24,1,24-46,Shabnam Climate-induced gender vulnerabilities in northwestern Bangladesh,2017,24,3,360-372,Tanny Body Politics: (Re)Cognising the Female Suicide Bomber in Sri Lanka,2004,11,1,75-93,de Mel