Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Hispanic Women's Social Stressor Scale,2008,30,2,200-229,Malcoe Development of the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scales (IPVAS) With a Predominantly Mexican American College Sample,2005,27,4,442-454,Tomaka Pesticide Risk Communication Risk Perception and Self-Protective Behaviors Among Farmworkers in California's Salinas Valley,2009,31,2,258-272,Cabrera Partnering With Community-Based Organizations to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence,2009,31,2,244-257,Wagman Parenting and Neighborhood Predictors of Youth Problem Behaviors Within Hispanic Families,2009,31,3,277-296,Szapocznik Friendship Educational Engagement and School Belonging: Comparing Hispanic and White Adolescents,2009,31,4,492-514,Vaquera Peer Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Mexican American Middle School Students: Including Acculturation as a Variable of Interest,2009,31,4,515-535,Bauman Life Goals and Attributions for Expected Outcomes among Adolescents from Five Ethnic Groups,2001,23,4,363-377,Phinney Weight Goals Perceptions and Practices Among Hispanic and Anglo College Females,2007,29,4,535-553,Tomaka Evaluating an Abbreviated Version of the Hispanic Stress Inventory for Immigrants,2006,28,4,498-515,Zayas The Use of Female Commercial Sex Workers' Services by Latino Day Laborers,2009,31,4,553-575,Galvan Testing an Attachment Model of Latina/o College Students’ Psychological Adjustment,2010,32,1,104-117,Brown Psychological Coping and Well-Being of Male Latino Undergraduates,2009,31,3,317-339,Gloria A Review of Acculturation Measures and Their Utility in Studies Promoting Latino Health,2010,32,1,37-54,Pomery Acculturation Enculturation Perceived Racism Minority Status Stressors and Psychological Symptomatology Among Latino/as,2010,32,1,55-76,Alamilla A Review of Family-Based Programs to Prevent Youth Violence Among Latinos,2010,32,1,5-36,Leidy Psychometric Properties of the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans—II,2009,31,3,340-356,Reid “The Price of Being Mexican”: Sentencing Disparities Between Noncitizen Mexican and Non-Mexican Latinos in the Federal Courts,2009,31,4,423-445,Logue Alcohol Use Disorders in National Samples of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans,2006,28,3,425-449,Lown The Impact of Detention and Deportation on Latino Immigrant Children and Families: A Quantitative Exploration,2010,32,3,341-361,Brabeck Correlates of Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Risk Taking,2003,25,3,331-351,Brown Acculturation Drinking and Intimate Partner Violence among Hispanic Couples in the United States: A Longitudinal Study,2004,26,1,60-78,Caetano A Study of the Predictive Validity of the Children’s Depression Inventory for Major Depression Disorder in Puerto Rican Adolescents,2010,32,2,232-258,Rivera-Medina Bias From Wireless Substitution in Surveys of Hispanics,2010,32,2,309-328,Dutwin Sharpening the Focus on Acculturative Change,2007,29,2,209-224,Schenker Psychosocial Factors Associated With Recent Alcohol Use Among Hispanic Youth,2010,32,3,470-485,King Sociodemographic Variables Childhood Characteristics and Family Risk Factors for Homelessness: A "Puerto Rican Paradox?",2010,32,4,532-548,Torres Reliability and Validity of the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI) and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2) in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Student Samples,2010,32,4,586-606,Culhane Dimensionality and Validity of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for Use With Latino Adolescents,2011,33,1,39-53,Supple Latino/a Student Misbehavior and School Punishment,2011,33,1,54-70,Peguero Dominican Mexican and Puerto Rican prostitutes: drug use and sexual behaviors,1997,19,2,202-213,Davis Time in U.S. Residency and the Social Behavioral and Emotional Adjustment of Latino Immigrant Families,2011,33,3,323-349,Eddy The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): acculturation birthplace and alcohol-related social problems across Hispanic national groups,2012,34,1,95-117,Caetano Domestic Violence as a Human Rights Issue: The Case of Immigrant Latinos,1999,21,2,107-133,Perilla Using qualitative methods for revising items in the Hispanic Stress Inventory,2012,34,2,208-231,Cervantes The role of ethnicity in Mexican American and non-Hispanic white students' experience of sexual harassment,2012,34,4,507-524,Kearney An anthropology of familismo: on narratives and description of Mexican/immigrants,2013,35,1,35-60,Smith-Morris Acculturative stress and gang involvement among Latinos U.S.-born versus immigrant youth,2013,35,3,370-389,Barrett Aspirations of Latina adolescent suicide attempters,2013,35,3,390-406,Zayas Crime victimization among immigrant Latino day laborers in post-Katrina New Orleans,2013,35,3,354-369,Valdez Risks assets and negative health behaviors among Arkansas' Hispanic adolescents,2013,35,3,428-446,Fitzpatrick Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanic Youth (SASH-Y): a preliminary report,1994,16,2,155-162,Miller The transition from middle school to high school as a developmental process among Latino youth,2014,36,1,179-194,Vasquez-Salgado Psychosocial profile of Mexican American youths who play aggressive video games,2014,36,3,301-315,Leiner The prevalence and comorbidity between delinquency drug abuse suicide attempts physical and sexual abuse and self-mutilation among delinquent Hispanic females,2007,29,1,68-82,Curry Latina Teen Suicide and Bullying,2013,35,2,159-173,Romero The Immigrant and Hispanic Paradoxes: A Systematic Review of Their Predictions and Effects,2013,35,4,486-509,Bazargan-Hejazi The Impact of Ethnoracial Appearance on Substance Use in Mexican Heritage Adolescents in the Southwest United States,2013,35,2,227-240,Marsiglia Effects of structured learning therapy upon self-control of aggressive Puerto Rican fathers,1979,1,4,345-354,Figueroa-Torres The myth of macho dominance in decision making within Mexican and Chicano families,1979,1,4,355-373,Cromwell Pretherapy expectations and definitions of mental illness among minority and low-income patients,1979,1,4,403-410,Acosta Curanderos and mental health professionals: a comparative study on perceptions of psychopathology,1980,2,4,407-421,Cross Locus of control self-esteem and field independence as predictors of school achievement among Anglo American and Mexican American children,1980,2,4,323-335,Knight A note on death and dying,1980,2,4,401-406,Fierro The organization of mental health services in Cuba,1980,2,4,337-354,Camayd-Freixas Coping with distrust in a study of intergenerational Puerto Rican families in New York City,1981,3,1,1-17,Rocler Effects of language and related variables on the expression of psychopathology in Mexican American psychiatric patients,1981,3,2,145-160,Price Dealing in marijuana: an exploratory study,1981,3,2,199-211,Flores Chicano Hispanic or Mexican American: what's in a name?,1981,3,2,191-198,Fairchild The Mexican American Family: an Adlerian perspective,1981,3,3,275-290,Zapata The behavioral-ecological model of intervention with Chicano gang delinquents,1981,3,3,225-239,Hunsaker Attitudes of Hispanic Black and Caucasion university students toward mental illness,1981,3,3,241-253,Spielberger A comparison of the Murray-TAT and a new thematic apperception test for urban Hispanic children,1981,3,3,291-300,Costantino Causal attributions of success and failure among Chicano university students,1981,3,4,397-407,Ramirez Schooling and social control: symbolic violence and Hispanic students' attitudes toward their own ethnic group,1981,3,4,361-383,Iadicola The reliability and concurrent validity of the Spanish translation of the behavior problem checklist,1981,3,4,409-414,Hanna Attitudes toward suicide among Mexican American and Anglo youth,1981,3,4,385-395,Domino Sex-role traditionalism assertiveness and symptoms of Puerto Rican women living in the United States,1982,4,1,1-19,Shaver Acculturation and the Hispanic woman: attitudes toward women sex-role attribution sex-role behavior and demographics,1982,4,1,21-40,Kranau The relationship of traditional Mexican American culture to adjustment and delinquency among three generations of Mexican American male adolescents,1982,4,1,41-55,Buriel A study of the interaction of Hispanic junior high school students and their teachers,1982,4,1,57-74,Anda A cross-cultural study of Mexican American Black American and White American women at a large urban university,1982,4,2,245-261,Zeff Marriage work and depressive symptoms among Mexican Americans,1982,4,2,199-221,Roberts Social science stereotypes of the Mexican American woman: policy implications for research,1982,4,2,223-244,Andrade Ethnicity and Chicanos: Measurement of Ethnic Identification Identity and Consciousness,1982,4,3,295-314,Garcia Alcohol use among Hispanic adolescents: a preliminary report,1982,4,3,339-351,Rabow Discriminant analysis of behavioral symptomatology in hospitalized Hispanic and Anglo patients,1982,4,3,329-337,Dolgin Moral development in Chicano and Anglo children,1982,4,3,353-366,Cortese Life enhancement counseling and the treatment of depressed Cuban American elders,1982,4,4,487-502,Kurtines Quality of life and psychological well-being in a bicultural Latino community,1982,4,4,433-450,Bernal Schooling and symbolic violence: the effect of power differences and curriculum factors on Hispanic students' attitudes toward their own ethnicity,1983,5,1,21-43,Iadicola A prompt/reward technique to elicit socially acceptable behavior with Chicano gang delinquents,1983,5,1,105-113,Hunsaker The "assimilation" of unauthorized Mexican workers: another social science fiction?,1983,5,1,1-20,Baca Quick socio-emotional screening of Mexican-American and other ethnic head start children,1983,5,1,81-92,Apodaca Cultural differences in individualism? Just artifact,1983,5,2,219-232,Kagan Re-examination of Mexican American service utilization and mental health need,1983,5,2,163-180,Griffith A developmental analysis of self-concept in Mexican American and Anglo school children,1983,5,2,207-218,Franco Judgments of item bias in the mccarthy scales of children's abilities,1983,5,3,325-336,Murray Racism in the jury box: the Hispanic defendant,1983,5,3,275-290,Lipton The influence of student ethnicity on teachers' behavior ratings of normal and learning disabled children,1983,5,3,337-345,Elliott A client satisfaction scale suitable for use with Hispanics?,1983,5,4,461-475,Roberts Relationship between acculturation and psychological impairment in adult Mexican Americans,1983,5,4,431-459,Griffith Hispanic behavioral science research: recommendations for future research,1984,6,1,13-32,Padilla Validation of a measure of acculturation for Mexican Americans,1984,6,1,53-63,Montgomery Mexican Americans: labeling and mislabeling,1984,6,1,77-85,Lampe Familiar correlates of gang membership: an exploratory study of Mexican-American youth,1984,6,1,65-76,Adler Mmpi (Spanish translation) in Puerto Rican adolescents: preliminary data on reliability and validity,1984,6,2,179-190,Diaz Developmental differences in infants and policy on undocumented Mexican American parents,1984,6,2,145-160,Sales Stress response among physically injured Spanish-speaking/surnamed workers,1984,6,3,225-246,Garcia Assessing the client satisfaction questionnaire in English and Spanish,1984,6,4,385-396,Roberts The health beliefs of Mexican Mexican American and Anglo American women,1984,6,4,365-383,Castro Hispanic drinking practices in northern California,1984,6,4,345-364,Caetano Self-report measures of anxiety: a cross-cultural investigation of bias,1984,6,4,397-406,Argulewicz Chicano drug abuse patterns: using archival data to test hypotheses,1985,7,1,93-104,Hunsaker Stress coping and Mexican American mental health: a systematic review,1985,7,1,1-73,Cervantes Cognitive and behavioral group therapy with Puerto Rican women: a comparison of content themes,1985,7,3,273-283,Comas-Diaz Ethnicity division of household tasks and equity in marital roles: a comparison of Anglo and Mexican American couples,1985,7,4,333-344,Franco Hispanic househusbands,1985,7,4,317-332,Davis Patterns and practices of alcohol use among Mexican Americans: a comprehensive review,1986,8,1,1-60,Cervantes Ethnic differences in child abuse and sexual abuse,1986,8,2,111-125,Lindholm Positive and negative factors in the measurement of sex roles: findings from a Mexican sample,1986,8,2,143-155,Lara-Cantu Alcohol services for Mexican Americans: a review of utilization patterns treatment considerations and prevention activities,1986,8,3,191-223,Cervantes Sleep in advanced age: a comparison of Mexican American and Anglo American elderly,1986,8,3,259-273,Domino Drug use by small town Mexican American youth: a pilot study,1986,8,3,243-258,Oetting Bicultural effectiveness training (BET): an experimental test of an intervention modality for families experiencing intergenerational/intercultural conflict,1986,8,4,303-330,Perez-Vidal Alternative definitions of Hispanics: consequences in a alcohol survey,1986,8,4,331-344,Caetano Hispanic perceptions of communication discrimination,1987,9,1,33-48,Korzenny Ethnic identity and bilingualism attitudes,1987,9,1,1-18,Hurtado Hispanic alcoholic treatment considerations,1987,9,1,83-89,Costello Acculturation and alcohol use: drinking patterns and problems among Anglo and Mexican American male drinkers,1987,9,2,151-181,Hoppe Development of a short acculturation scale for Hispanics,1987,9,2,183-205,Marin Consideration of psychosocial stress in the treatment of the Latina immigrant,1987,9,3,315-329,Cervantes Alcohol consumption patterns in immigrant and later generation Mexican American women,1987,9,3,299-313,Gilbert Race gender and self-esteem among youth,1987,9,4,427-443,Martinez Differences between Anglo and Mexican American family members on satisfaction with family life,1988,10,1,39-53,Schumm Psychology in Pre-Columbian Mexico,1988,10,1,55-66,Padilla Gender differences in depressive symptoms among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites,1988,10,1,1-19,Golding Parental knowledge of children's behavioral capabilities: a study of low income parents,1988,10,2,149-159,Espinosa A case of blaming the victim: the Dunn monograph on bilingual Hispanic children on the U.S. mainland,1988,10,3,219-236,Willig Research themes authors and future directions in the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,1988,10,4,325-337,Baezconde-Garbanati A retrospective on "the suicidal fit" in mainland Puerto Ricans: research issues,1989,11,1,46-57,Zayas Family effectiveness training: an intervention to prevent drug abuse and problem behaviors in Hispanic adolescents,1989,11,1,4-27,Perez-Vidal Differences in alcohol use between Mexican Americans in Texas and California,1989,11,1,58-69,Caetano Self-concept as an indicator of acculturation in Mexican Americans,1989,11,2,178-189,Mainous Adverse impact unfairness and bias in the psychological screening of Hispanic peace officers,1989,11,2,122-135,Campos The use of formal helping networks to meet the psychological needs of the Hispanic elderly,1989,11,3,259-273,Starrett The influence of lifestyles on the patterns and practices of alcohol use among south Texas Mexican Americans,1989,11,4,354-365,Wilkinson A comparison of three interviewing approaches for studying sensitive topics with Hispanics,1989,11,4,330-340,Marin Reliability and validity of the Hispanic stress inventory,1990,12,1,76-82,Cervantes Limits to the use and generalizability of the views of life questionnaire,1990,12,3,313-321,Hosch Commentary on "limits to the use and generalizability of the views of life questionnaire",1990,12,3,322-327,Diaz-Guerrero Racial classification among Puerto Rican men and women in New York,1990,12,4,366-379,Rodriguez School peer group and inhalant use among Mexican American adolescents,1990,12,4,408-421,Simpson Hispanic mental health research: a case for cultural psychiatry,1990,12,4,339-365,Fabrega A comparison of Latino Black and non-Hispanic white attitudes toward homosexuality,1990,12,4,437-452,Bonilla Psychological adjustment among Hispanic adult children of alcoholics: an exploratory study,1991,13,1,105-112,Arbona Mexican-American disciplinary practices and attitudes toward child maltreatment: a comparison of foreign-and native-born mothers,1991,13,1,78-94,Rodriguez Drug abuse and identity in Mexican Americans: theoretical and empirical considerations,1991,13,2,209-225,Walton Ethnic identity and self-esteem: a review and integration,1991,13,2,193-208,Phinney Reasons for inhalant use,1991,13,3,256-266,Simpson Parental influences on inhalant use by children,1991,13,3,267-275,Simpson Prediction of long-term alcohol use drug use and criminality among inhalant users,1991,13,3,315-323,Simpson Physical symptoms and psychological distress among inhalant users,1991,13,3,297-314,Garriott An integrative model for drug use severity among inhalant users,1991,13,3,324-340,Simpson Acculturation influences on inhalant use,1991,13,3,276-296,Simpson Bilingual issues in mental health assessment and treatment,1991,13,4,377-390,Bamford Problematizing the notion of Puerto Ricans as "underclass": a step toward a decolonizing study of poverty,1992,14,1,144-156,Darder The importance of acculturation in understanding research with Hispanic-Americans,1992,14,2,224-247,Negy Acculturation and adjustment: a meta-analytic study,1992,14,2,163-200,Forman Ces-d factor structure among Mexican American and Puerto Rican women from single-and couple-headed households,1992,14,3,310-326,Lawrence Family friends and self (ffs) assessment scales for Mexican American youth,1992,14,3,327-340,Simpson Risk and protective factors for drug use among Latino and white adolescents,1992,14,3,291-309,Newcomb Community mental health services for Hispanics: a test of the culture compatibility hypothesis,1992,14,4,455-468,O'Sullivan Acculturation stressors and somatization patterns among students from extreme South Texas,1992,14,4,434-454,Montgomery Sociocultural influences on the explanation of delinquency for Puerto Rican youths,1993,15,1,36-62,Fagan Self-efficacy and Hispanic college students: validation of the college self-efficacy instrument,1993,15,1,80-95,O'Brien Puerto rican fathers' involvement with their preschool-age children,1993,15,1,96-107,Roopnarine The effects of real-world status and manipulated status on the self-esteem and social competition of Anglo-Americans and Mexican-Americans,1993,15,1,63-79,Singer Educational policy and the growing Latino student population: problems and prospects,1993,15,2,258-283,Reyes Liberal gender role attitudes and academic achievement among Mexican-origin adolescents in two houston inner-city catholic schools,1993,15,3,310-323,Valenzuela Place of last drink by repeat DUI offenders: a retrospective study of gender and ethnic group differences,1993,15,3,357-372,Padilla Alcohol expectancies among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites: role of drinking status and acculturation,1993,15,3,373-381,Posner Ethnic and gender differences in the diagnostic profiles of substance abusers,1993,15,3,382-390,Hoppe Mexican adolescent sexuality: attitudes knowledge and sources of information,1993,15,3,402-417,Baird Development of the college stress inventory for use with Hispanic populations: a confinnatory analytic approach,1993,15,4,490-497,Solberg Processing of simple and choice reaction time tasks by Chicano adolescents,1993,15,4,498-508,Nfiinez Latinos poverty and the underclass: a new agenda for research,1993,15,4,449-475,Massey Sex role identity among college students: a cross-cultural analysis,1993,15,4,476-489,Leon Latinos and the 1992 Los Angeles riots: a behavioral sciences perspective,1993,15,4,427-448,Hayes-Bautista Perceptions of mental health providers concerning cultural factors in the evaluation of Hispanic children and adolescents,1994,16,1,28-42,Paniagua Cultural sensitivity in family therapy gone awry,1994,16,1,75-89,Martinez DSM-IV: implications for Hispanic children and adolescents,1994,16,1,8-27,Cervantes Clinical issues in the treatment of Chicano male gang youth,1994,16,1,57-74,Belitz The relationship of maternal behavior and acculturation to the quality of attachment in Hispanic infants living in New York city,1994,16,2,143-154,Fisher Social support stress and Hispanic college adjustment: test of a diathesis-stress model,1994,16,3,230-239,Solberg Drug use in the United States-Mexico border area: is there an epidemic waiting to happen?,1994,16,3,281-295,Harrison The "bleaching syndrome": implications of light skin for Hispanic American assimilation,1994,16,3,307-314,Hall Chicano phenotype and depression,1994,16,3,296-306,Codina Hispanic masculinity: myth or psychological schema meriting clinical consideration,1994,16,3,315-331,Casas Mexican American and european American ratings of four alcoholism treatment programs,1994,16,3,265-280,Brewer "At-risk" Chicano students: the institutional and communicative life of a category,1994,16,4,363-395,Valencia Dysphoria among Hispanic working women: a research note,1994,16,4,500-509,Napholz Sexual abuse in Latina girls: their functioning and a comparison with white and african American girls,1994,16,4,475-486,Mennen Reliability and validity of a brief measure of loneliness with Anglo-American and Mexican American adolescents,1994,16,4,459-474,Roberts Risk factors for substance use among Mexican American school-age youth,1995,17,1,61-76,Zapata Beyond the superwoman syndrome: work satisfaction and family functioning among working-class Mexican American women,1995,17,1,49-60,Herrera Injuries among Hispanic gardeners: a research note,1995,17,1,121-125,Glazner Gender ethnic and acculturation differences in sexual behaviors: Hispanic and non-Hispanic white adults,1995,17,2,139-159,Hiatt Psychometric comparability of the English-and Spanish-language versions of the state-trait anxiety inventory,1995,17,2,209-224,Nelson Automated screening for depression: toward culturally and linguistically appropriate uses of computerized speech recognition,1995,17,2,194-208,Mufioz Evaluation of a judo/community organization program to treat predelinquent Hispanic immigrant early adolescents,1995,17,2,237-248,Fleisher Latina mothers and their toddlers' behavioral difficulties,1995,17,3,375-384,Roche Predicting adherence to medications by Hispanics with schizophrenia,1995,17,3,320-333,Hosch Culturally competent MMPI assessment of Hispanic populations,1995,17,3,305-319,Dana Variation in outpatient substance abuse treatment units with high concentrations of Latino versus white clients: client factors treatment experiences and treatment outcomes,1995,17,4,509-522,Howard Challenges and resources of Mexican American students within the family peer group and university: age and gender patterns,1995,17,4,499-508,Lopez Substance use among Texas Hispanics and non-Hispanics: who's using who's not and why,1995,17,4,523-536,Maxwell Reinterpreting Latino culture in the commodity form: the case of alcohol advertising in the Mexican American community,1995,17,4,430-451,Alaniz Differences in susceptibility to influence in Mexican American and Anglo females,1996,18,1,13-20,Roll Psychometrics of a brief acculturation scale for Hispanics in a probability sample of urban Hispanic adolescents and young adults,1996,18,1,29-38,Norris Characteristics of 61 Mexican American adolescents who attempted suicide,1996,18,1,3-12,Ng Psychotherapist bias with Hispanics: an analog study,1996,18,1,21-28,Arroyo Becoming "Hispanic": secondary panethnic identification among latin American-origin populations in the United States,1996,18,2,214-254,Jones-Correa Predictors of Mexican American mothers' and fathers' attitudes toward gender equality,1996,18,3,343-355,Leaper Mexican American children's perceptions of self and school achievement,1996,18,4,469-484,Frensch Tu and usted: address etiquette in the Mexican American family,1996,18,4,522-532,Jaramillo Woman abuse assimilation and self-concept in a rural Mexican American community,1996,18,4,508-521,Champion Acculturative stress in children: a modification of the SAFE Scale,1997,19,1,34-44,Chavez Childhood sexual abuse among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white college women,1997,19,1,57-68,Simpson Examination of self-efficacy social support and stress as predictors of psychological and physical distress among Hispanic college students,1997,19,2,182-201,Solberg Homicide among the 1980 mariel refugees in Miami: victims and offenders,1997,19,2,107-122,Martinez Treatment motivation among Mexican American drug-using arrestees,1997,19,2,214-229,Longshore The categorical meaning of Spanish American identity among blue-collar new Mexicans circa 1983,1997,19,2,123-136,Gonzales Relations of depression acculturation and socioeconomic status in a Latino sample,1997,19,2,230-238,Roberts Standing up for a son at school: experiences of a Mexican immigrant mother,1997,19,3,281-300,Chen Use of Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II with substance abuse patients,1997,19,3,387-398,Lessenger Mexican American female adolescent self-esteem: the effect of body image exercise behavior and body fatness,1997,19,4,517-526,Guinn Psychosocial correlates of sexual assault among Mexican American and white non-Hispanic adolescent females,1997,19,4,446-460,Chavez How social categorization may inform the study of Hispanic immigration,1998,20,1,39-59,Lorenzo-Hernandez Effects of acculturation and psychopathology on sexual behavior and substance use of suicidal Hispanic adolescents,1998,20,1,83-101,Rotheram-Borus Sociocultural beliefs related to sex among Mexican American adolescents,1998,20,1,60-82,Flores Hurricane Andrew: parent conflict as a moderator of children's adjustment,1998,20,2,212-224,Greca Age and maturing out of heavy drinking among Anglo and minority male drinkers: a comparison of cross-sectional data and retrospective drinking history techniques,1998,20,2,225-240,Neff Drug problem recognition among Mexican American drug-using arrestees,1998,20,2,270-275,Longshore The role of acculturation in wife assault,1998,20,2,175-191,Jasinski Drug use among Puerto Ricans: ethnic identity as a protective factor,1998,20,2,241-254,Brook Immigrants and violence: the importance of neighborhood context,1998,20,2,155-174,Parker The personality inventory for youth (piy)-Spanish version: reliability and equivalence to the English version,1998,20,3,391-404,Negy Misdemeanor sentencing decisions: the cumulative disadvantage effect of "Gringo justice",1998,20,3,298-319,Mufioz Fears of Hispanic and Anglo children: real-world fears in the 1990s,1998,20,4,483-491,Owen The development and validation of a simpatia scale for Hispanics entering drug treatment,1998,20,4,468-482,Griffith Celebrating the future of Chicano psychology: lessons from the recent national conference,1999,21,1,3-13,Padilla Drug use among Hispanic youth: examining common and unique contributing factors,1999,21,1,89-103,Strait What does it mean to be "Mexican"? Social construction of an ethnic identity,1999,21,1,47-60,Romero The effects of extracurricular activity ethnic identification and perception of school on student dropout rates,1999,21,1,61-77,Davalos Participation in leisure activities and involvement in delinquency by Mexican American adolescents,1999,21,2,170-185,Zapata The effectiveness of substance abuse prevention videotapes with Mexican American adolescents,1999,21,2,186-198,Horan The prevalence and circumstances of child sexual abuse among Latina women,1999,21,3,351-365,Loeb Mexican American women's definitions of rape and sexual abuse,1999,21,3,236-265,Koss Depression among Puerto Rican women: culture etiology and diagnosis,1999,21,3,330-350,Koss-Chioino Substance abuse treatment: critical issues and challenges in the treatment of Latina women,1999,21,3,266-282,Amaro Drinking among U.S. Hispanics: a multivariate analysis of alcohol consumption patterns,1999,21,4,405-419,Gruenewald The association of social relations and depression levels among dominicans in the United States,1999,21,4,420-430,Roche Mexican American children's ethnic identity understanding of ethnic prejudice and parental ethnic socialization,1999,21,4,387-404,Quintana Mother-daughter communication about sexuality in a clinical sample of Hispanic adolescent girls,1999,21,4,447-469,O'Sullivan Factors that predict sexual behaviors among young Mexican American adolescents: an exploratory study,1999,21,4,470-479,Cuellar Intimate victimization of Latina farm workers: a research summary,1999,21,4,502-507,Gorton Effects of cultural orientation on the perception of conflict between relationship and education goals for Mexican American college students,2000,22,1,46-63,Romero Depression acculturation and motivations for alcohol use among young colombian dominican and Puerto Rican men,2000,22,1,64-77,Zayas Cultural and gender differences in moral judgment: a study of Mexican Americans and Anglo-Americans,2000,22,1,78-93,Roll Adulthood sequela of adolescent heavy drinking among Mexican Americans,2000,22,2,254-266,Alderete Self-reported high-risk locations of drug use among drug offenders: ethnic and gender differences,2000,22,2,237-253,Dent Ethnic identity beliefs of young adults and their parents in families of Mexican descent,2000,22,2,139-162,Okagaki A descriptive study of urban Mexican American adolescents' perceived stress and coping,2000,22,2,163-178,Kobus Work attitudes of Mexican Americans,2000,22,3,275-295,Weaver Cultural orientation across three generations of Hispanic adolescents,2000,22,3,390-398,Padilla Child care practices and preferences of native- and foreign-born Latina mothers and euro-American mothers,2000,22,3,314-331,Buriel The significance of the TAAS test for Mexican immigrant and Mexican American adolescents: a case study,2000,22,4,524-539,Valenzuela Sameness bureaucracy and the myth of educational equity: the TAAS system of testing in Texas public schools,2000,22,4,508-523,Mcneil Attachment and parental correlates in late adolescent Mexican American women,2001,23,1,71-87,Tacón The effect of national mood on Mexican American political opinion,2001,23,1,57-70,Michelson Revisiting the scarface legacy: the victim/offender relationship and Mariel homicides in Miami,2001,23,1,37-56,Nielsen Nation of origin gender and neighborhood differences in past-year substance use among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites,2001,23,1,88-101,Finch The protective role of social capital and cultural norms in Latino communities: a study of adolescent births,2001,23,1,3-21,Kirby The influence of generational status and psychosocial variables on marijuana use among Black and Puerto Rican adolescents,2001,23,1,22-36,Chappin Homeless Hispanic and non-Hispanic adults on the Texas-Mexico border,2001,23,2,239-249,Tan A confirmatory factor analysis of a measure of "machismo" among Anglo african American and Mexican American male drinkers,2001,23,2,171-188,Neff The effects of demographic variables ethnic prejudice and attitudes toward immigration on opposition to bilingual education,2001,23,2,136-152,Houvouras Methodological implications of grouping Latino adolescents into one collective ethnic group,2001,23,4,347-362,Umaña-Taylor Postdisaster social support in the United States and Mexico: conceptual and contextual considerations,2001,23,4,469-497,Norris Attitudes toward "illegal" immigration into the United States: California proposition 187,2001,23,4,430-443,Lee Risky behaviors in Hispanic youth,2001,23,4,498-504,Lester The role of discrimination and acculturative stress in the physical health of Mexican-origin adults,2001,23,4,399-429,Hummer The effects of exposure to community violence upon Latina mothers and preschool children,2001,23,4,378-398,Aisenberg Predicting perceptions of discrimination among Hispanics and Anglos,2002,24,1,3-22,Cowan Mental health needs of Spanish-speaking Latinos in southern California,2002,24,1,74-91,Kanel Moving beyond linear trajectories of language shift and bilingual language socialization,2002,24,2,114-137,Pease-Alvarez Explanatory emotion talk in Mexican immigrant and Mexican American families,2002,24,2,138-163,Cervantes Self-esteem in the adaptation of Spanish-speaking adolescents: the role of immigration family conflict and depression,2002,24,3,296-318,Portes Ethnopsychological method and the psychological assessment of Mexican Americans,2002,24,3,259-277,Gutierrez What do we know about Latino drug use? Methodological evaluation of state databases,2002,24,4,395-408,Gil Change processes in family therapy with Hispanic adolescents,2002,24,4,505-519,Mitrani Effects of Latino acculturation and ethnic identity on mental health outcomes,2002,24,4,479-504,Dana Predicting adolescent self-esteem from participation in school sports among Latino subgroups,2002,24,4,409-429,Tracy Psychosocial and contextual predictors of educational and occupational self-efficacy among Hispanic inner-city adolescents,2002,24,4,448-464,Chin Latino cultural differences in maternal assessments of attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms in children,2003,25,1,110-122,Schmitz Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Hispanic immigrants after the september 11th attacks: severity and relationship to previous traumatic exposure,2003,25,1,56-72,Prado Acculturation social identity and social cognition: a new perspective,2003,25,1,35-55,Padilla Dual ethnicity and depressive symptoms: implications of being Black and Latino in the United States,2003,25,2,147-173,Jaccard Work-related pain in Mexican American custodial workers,2003,25,2,254-270,Flores Good girl or flirt girl: Latinas' definitions of sex and sexual relationships,2003,25,2,174-200,Faulkner Prenatal and postpartum depression among low-income dominican and Puerto Rican women,2003,25,3,370-385,Zayas Happiness of Mexican Americans,2003,25,3,275-294,Weaver Reliability and validity of the Social Anxiety Scale for Children-Revised for Hispanic children,2003,25,3,410-422,Storch A new familism scale for use with Latino populations,2003,25,3,312-330,Steidel Mexican American youth of the southwest borderlands: perceptions of ethnicity acculturation and race,2003,25,3,352-369,Holleran Preventing substance abuse in Hispanic immigrant adolescents: an ecodevelopmental parent-centered approach,2003,25,4,469-500,Schwartz Hidden Hispanic homelessness in Los Angeles: the "Latino paradox" revisited,2003,25,4,530-538,Heer Examining ethnic identity among Mexican-origin adolescents living in the United States,2004,26,1,36-59,Umaña-Taylor Marginality theory: the lack of construct validity,2004,26,1,3-15,Pilar A review of Latino youth development research and a call for an asset orientation,2004,26,2,107-127,Rodriguez Psychosocial correlates and outcomes of physical activity among Latinos: a review,2004,26,2,195-229,McAuley The intersection of mental and physical health in older Mexican Americans,2004,26,3,333-355,Schneider Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Therapeutic Collaboration Scale (TCS),2004,26,3,390-402,Shahar Disruptive behaviors and maternal responsibility: a complex portrait of stigma self-blame and other reactions,2004,26,3,356-372,Arcia Identifying risk for onset of major depressive episodes in low-income Latinas during pregnancy and postpartum,2004,26,4,463-482,Ippen Public opinion in Puerto Rico on alcohol control policies,2004,26,4,426-445,Wagenaar Reliability and validity of the beck depression and anxiety inventories in Caucasian Americans and Latinos,2004,26,4,446-462,Malcarne Buscando trabajo: social networking among immigrants from Mexico to the United States,2005,27,1,3-22,García Latino immigrants describe residence in rural Midwestern meatpacking communities: a longitudinal assessment of social and economic change,2005,27,1,23-42,Dalla Perceived educational barriers cultural fit coping responses and psychological well-being of Latina undergraduates,2005,27,2,161-183,Gloria Implicit stereotyping of Hispanics: development and validity of a Hispanic version of the implicit association test,2005,27,3,355-363,Weyant The changing image of Hispanic Americans,2005,27,3,337-354,Weaver Psychosocial predictors and correlates of suicidality in teenage Latino males,2005,27,3,319-336,Newcomb Factorial invariance of a pan-Hispanic familism scale,2005,27,4,409-425,Blozis An inquiry into the "agonies" (agonias) of Portuguese immigrants from the Azores,2005,27,4,547-564,Clarke Sexual abuse and eating disorders in a community sample of Mexican American women,2005,27,4,533-546,Schug The reliability and validity of the Brief Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II for children and adolescents,2005,27,4,426-441,Bauman Latino disaster vulnerability the dissemination of hurricane mitigation information among Florida's homeowners,2006,28,1,5-22,Peguero The salience of racial and ethnic identification in friendship choices among Hispanic adolescents,2006,28,1,23-47,Kao Feminism and Mexican American adolescent women examining the psychometric properties of two measures,2006,28,1,48-64,Good Alcohol and drug use abuse and dependence in urban areas and colonias of the Texas-Mexico border,2006,28,2,286-307,Wallisch Challenges and opportunities to Latino youth development increasing meaningful participation in youth development programs,2006,28,2,187-208,Perkins A quantitative analysis of ataque de nervios in Puerto Rico further examination of a cultural syndrome,2006,28,3,313-330,Lewis-Fernández Evaluating short-form versions of the CES-D for measuring depressive symptoms among immigrants from Mexico,2006,28,3,404-424,Hovey Race ethnicity and self-rated health status in the behavioral risk factor surveillance system survey,2006,28,3,387-403,Crawford Influence of social and family contexts on self-esteem of Latino youth,2006,28,4,516-530,Schmitz Neighborhood structural qualities adolescents' perceptions of neighborhoods and Latino youth development,2007,29,1,19-34,Plunkett Examining drinking consequences and reasons for drinking in a bilingual college sample,2007,29,1,101-115,Blume Acculturation and its effect on depressive symptom structure in a sample of Mexican American elders,2007,29,1,83-100,Chiriboga The relative importance of race and socioeconomic status among Hispanic and white students,2007,29,1,35-49,Battle The effects of contact on the prejudice between Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites in the United States,2007,29,2,254-274,Weaver Bilingual computerized speech recognition screening for depression symptoms comparing aural and visual methods,2007,29,2,156-180,González Self-harm experiences among Hispanic and non-Hispanic White young adults,2007,29,2,242-253,Croyle The relationship between type of attorney and bail amount set for Hispanic defendants,2007,29,3,384-400,Turner Neuroticism predicts acculturative stress in Mexican American college students,2007,29,3,366-383,Mangold Brief report: the modifying effects of education and income on Hispanics reporting perceived discrimination,2007,29,3,401-407,Cardarelli Alcohol use and problem drinking among male Mexican and Central American im/migrant laborers a review of the literature,2007,29,4,413-455,Worby Personality correlates of alcohol consumption and aggression in a Hispanic college population,2007,29,4,570-580,Grange Teenage pregnancy among Latinas examining risk and protective factors,2007,29,4,554-569,Dogan-Ates Latino immigrant men's perceptions of depression and attitudes toward help seeking,2007,29,4,492-509,Cabassa The influence of parental warmth and control on Latino adolescent alcohol use,2008,30,1,89-105,Mogro-Wilson "Not blending in" Latino students in a predominantly white school,2008,30,1,69-88,Marx Coping with discrimination among Mexican descent adolescents,2008,30,1,24-39,Romero Cross-cultural validity of alcohol dependence across Hispanics and non-Hispanic Caucasians,2008,30,1,106-120,Carle Erratum: Marx S. (2008). "Not blending in": Latino students in a predominantly White school. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 30(1) 69-88. (Article DOI: 10.1177/0739986307311906),2008,30,2,251, The effects of ethnicity SES and crime status on juror decision making a cross-cultural examination of euopean American and Mexican American mock jurors,2008,30,2,181-199,Esqueda Ethnic identity and self-esteem contrasting Cuban and Nicaraguan young adults,2008,30,2,230-250,Cislo Considerations for studying father involvement in early childhood among Latino families,2008,30,2,133-160,Campos Family cohesion and its relationship to psychological distress among Latino groups,2008,30,3,357-378,Alegria Is acculturation a dynamic construct? The influence of method of priming culture on acculturation,2008,30,3,324-339,Lechuga Coping with daily stressors modeling intraethnic variation in Mexican American adolescents,2008,30,3,340-356,Roesch Parenting Latino toddlers and preschoolers clinical and nonclinical samples,2008,30,4,481-499,Fox Perceived discrimination perceived stress and mental and physical health among Mexican-origin adults,2008,30,4,401-424,Flores The validity of a proxy acculturation scale among U.S. Hispanics,2008,30,4,425-446,Villaveces Friendships influence Hispanic students' implicit attitudes toward white non-Hispanics relative to african Americans,2008,30,4,544-556,Aberson Cost of being a Mexican immigrant and being a Mexican non-citizen in California and Texas,2009,31,1,73-95,Li Developmental considerations and acculturation of children measures and issues,2009,31,1,57-72,López Hispanic acculturation in a predominately Black high school application of an adapted model,2009,31,1,32-56,Hughes Hurricane chasers in New Orleans Latino immigrants as a source of a rapid response labor force,2009,31,3,375-394,Fussell Mexican immigrant fathers' and mothers' engagement with school-age children,2009,31,4,468-491,Hossain The role of quality of life in the rural resettlement of Mexican immigrants,2009,31,4,446-467,García Intergenerational conflicts among Latinos in early adulthood: separating values conflicts with parents from acculturation conflicts,2010,32,1,118-135,Dennis Dominican and Puerto Rican mother-adolescent communication: maternal self-disclosure and youth risk intentions,2010,32,2,197-215,Guilamo-Ramos Intergroup and within-group perceived discrimination among U.S.-born and foreign-born Latino youth,2010,32,2,259-274,Cervantes Acculturative stress among documented and undocumented Latino immigrants in the United States,2010,32,3,362-384,Wiesner Racial and ethnic socialization in later generations of a Mexican American family,2010,32,4,495-518,Chávez-Reyes The role of discriminatory experiences on Hispanic students' college choice decisions,2011,33,1,22-38,Taggart Age and skin tone as predictors of positive and negative racial attitudes in Hispanic children,2011,33,1,3-21,Stokes-Guinan Family correlates of adjustment profiles in Mexican-origin female adolescents,2011,33,2,123-151,Gayles Undocumented research participants: ethics and protection in a time of fear,2011,33,3,304-322,Lahman Latino parental involvement in kindergarten findings from the early childhood longitudinal study,2011,33,4,469-489,Durand Issues in the assessment of "race" among Latinos implications for research and policy,2011,33,4,411-424,Allen Acculturative stress and school belonging among Latino youth,2012,34,1,61-76,Kuperminc Racism and power arizona politicians' use of the discourse of anti-Americanism against Mexican American studies,2012,34,1,43-60,Orozco Assessing Latina/o undergraduates' depressive symptomatology comparisons of the Beck Depression Inventory-II the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale and the Self-Report Depression Scale,2012,34,1,160-181,Gloria Bullying of Mexican immigrant students by Mexican American students: an examination of intracultural bullying,2012,34,2,279-304,Bauman Mexican Parenting Questionnaire (MPQ),2012,34,2,232-250,Ispa Latinos' perceptions of interethnic couples,2012,34,2,349-362,Garcia Race/ethnicity and family contact toward a behavioral measure of familialism,2012,34,2,251-268,Comeau Exploring the Latino paradox how economic and citizenship status impact health,2012,34,2,187-207,Campbell Psychometric properties of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale in a longitudinal study of Latinos with anxiety disorders,2012,34,2,269-278,Weisberg An ecological perspective on U.S. Latinos' health communication behaviors access and outcomes,2012,34,3,437-456,Ang A comparison of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among Hispanic versus non-Hispanic workers in the United States,2012,34,3,474-490,Hurley Psychometric performance of a novel measure of social support among Spanish-speaking immigrant Latino gay men,2012,34,3,491-504,Rhodes Suicidal behavior among Latina college students,2012,34,3,421-436,Jeglic Anxiety disorders and Latinos: the role of family cohesion and family discord,2012,34,4,557-575,Priest The relation between maternal and child depression in Mexican American families,2012,34,4,539-556,Conger Racial threat and White opposition to bilingual education in Texas,2013,35,1,85-102,Ellison The influence of cultural identity and perceived barriers on college-going beliefs and aspirations of Latino youth in emerging immigrant communities,2013,35,1,103-120,Gonzalez Implicit race/ethnic prejudice in Mexican Americans,2013,35,1,121-133,Gasquoine Examining the effects of Mexican serial migration and family separations on acculturative stress depression and family functioning,2013,35,2,139-158,Rusch Assessing gender differences in the relationship between negative interaction with the clergy and health among older Mexican Americans,2013,35,2,213-226,Krause Parables and politics clergy attitudes toward illegal immigration in Alabama,2013,35,3,336-353,Wickersham Consequences of arizona's immigration policy on social capital among Mexican mothers with unauthorized immigration status,2013,35,3,303-322,Valdez National identity and group narcissism as predictors of intergroup attitudes toward undocumented Latino immigrants in the United States,2013,35,3,323-335,Kenworthy Acculturation-related stress and mental health outcomes among three generations of Hispanic adolescents,2013,35,4,451-468,Cervantes Hispanic youth with excess weight display psychological distress: do the youth self-report norms accurately capture this phenomenon?,2014,36,2,195-210,Yates Gap or overlap? Parent-child acculturation differences in Mexican immigrant families,2014,36,4,413-434,Nieri Working the pony the drinking practices of Latina bar workers,2014,36,4,470-487,Diamond Hispanic and non-Hispanic homeless populations in El Paso Texas,2014,36,4,488-505,Castañeda Substance use differences among U.S.- versus foreign-born adolescents testing pathways through family and peer influences,2014,36,4,506-521,Brooks-Gunn U.S. Latino arrest an analysis of risk by nativity and origin,2015,37,1,37-58,Tapia Drinking context and companions as predictors of alcohol use among border and non-border Mexican Americans,2015,37,1,90-102,Caetano Acculturation in a pretreatment sample of Latino adolescents: a confirmatory factor analytic study,2015,37,1,103-117,Burrow-Sanchez Puerto Rican victimization and crime on the Mainland: the role of acculturation,2015,37,1,59-74,Falcon Stress response among physically injured Spanish-speaking/surnamed workers,1984,6,3,225-46,Garcia Fears of Hispanic and Anglo children: real-world fears in the 1990s,1998,20,4,483-91,Owen Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters depression alcohol abuse and general stress among Hispanic male firefighters,2016,38,4,507-522,Schwartz Hazardous drinking and exposure to interpersonal and community violence on both sides of the U.S. -Mexico border,2017,39,4,528-545,Borges Ethnic identity and loneliness in predicting suicide risk in Latino college students,2017,39,4,470-485,Lee Spanish adaptation of the reasons for living inventory,2000,22,3,369-380,Baca-Garcia Ethnic Variables and Negative Life Events as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Behaviors in Latino College Students: On the Centrality of Receptivo a los Demás,2016,38,2,206-221,Yu A Multidimensional Developmental Approach to Understanding Intragroup Marginalization and Mental Health Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults of Mexican Descent,2019,41,1,42-62,Garcia Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Using a Familismo Values Lens among Emerging Mexican Descent Adults,2021,43,1-2,80-94,Piña-Watson