Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The criminal careers of those imprisoned for hate crime in the UK,2020,17,6,936-955,Farrington Adolescent Lifestyle Risk by Gender and Ethnic Background,2009,6,1,5-23,Pauwels Terrorism and the Proportionality of Internet Surveillance,2009,6,2,119-134,Brown Family Dissolution and Children's Criminal Careers,2009,6,3,203-223,Skarðhamar Individual Prediction and Crime Trends,2009,6,4,313-335,Tham City and/or Neighbourhood Determinants?,2009,6,5,439-455,Weijters Is Imprisonment Criminogenic?,2009,6,6,459-480,Cid Effects of Getting Married on Offending,2009,6,6,496-516,Theobald Feeding Wolves,2009,6,6,517-536,Green Corruption and Human Trafficking in Brazil: Findings from a Multi-Modal Approach,2010,7,1,29-43,Sacco Studnicka Protection and Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking in Serbia: Recent Developments,2010,7,1,45-60,Simeunović-Patić Human Trafficking in Scotland,2010,7,1,77-93,Lebov Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and Organized Procuring in Finland,2010,7,1,61-75,Viuhko Just passing through? International legal obligations and policies of transit countries in combating trafficking in persons,2010,7,1,11-27,Perrin Spain,2005,2,3,341-368,Barberet Insecurities about crime in Germany Austria and Switzerland: A review of research findings,2010,7,2,141-157,Gerber Self-reported youth delinquency in Europe and beyond: First results of the Second International Self-Report Delinquency Study in the context of police and victimization data,2010,7,2,159-183,Marshall Criminology and Criminal Justice in Malta,2009,6,1,89-108,Calafato Citizen satisfaction with private security guards in the Netherlands: Perceptions of an ambiguous occupation,2010,7,3,214-234,van Steden Does research on marriage and crime have policy implications?,2010,7,3,235-238,Lyngstad Should policy implications be drawn from research on the effects of getting married on offending?: A response to Lyngstad and Skardhamar,2010,7,3,239-247,Theobald Effects of residential history on commercial robbers’ crime location choices,2010,7,4,251-265,Bernasco Risk factors for delinquency in adolescent and young adult females: A European review,2010,7,4,266-284,Bijleveld Gender Differences in Inmates’ Anticipated Desistance,2010,7,4,285-298,Friestad Attitudes delinquency and peers: The role of social norms in attitude-behaviour inconsistency,2010,7,4,299-316,Weerman Exploring the international decline in crime rates,2010,7,5,375-394,Tilley When does self-control matter? The interaction between morality and self-control in crime causation,2010,7,5,395-410,Svensson Mediating Punitiveness: Understanding Public Attitudes towards Work-Related Fatality Cases,2010,7,5,323-338,Almond Delinquency after Secondary School: Exploring the Consequences of Schooling Working and Dropout,2010,7,5,339-355,Weerman Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and criminal behaviour: the role of adolescent marginalization,2010,7,6,442-459,Ebeling Does parental income matter for onset of offending?,2010,7,6,424-441,Galloway Explaining the development of adolescent violent delinquency,2010,7,6,499-520,Boers On the utility of Moffitt’s typology trajectories in long-term perspective,2010,7,6,521-545,Bergman Social structures and desistance from crime,2010,7,6,546-570,Shapland Risk factors for aggression in pre-adolescence: Risk domains cumulative risk and gender differences - Results from a prospective longitudinal study in a multi-ethnic urban sample,2010,7,6,460-498,Ribeaud Trust in the police generalized trust and reporting crime,2011,8,1,65-81,Kääriäinen The ‘code of the street’ and the generation of street violence in the UK,2011,8,1,17-31,Bennett Country Surveys in the European Journal of Criminology,2011,8,1,5,Roberts The Inequality of Victimization,2006,3,4,387-412,Nilsson Self-Control in Global Perspective,2008,5,3,331-361,Straus International Trends in the Facilitation of Witness Co-operation in Organized Crime Cases,2006,3,3,319-355,Fyfe The Opening and Closing of Breaches,2006,3,1,11-31,Killias Ages of Chivalry Places of Paternalism,2009,6,3,225-247,Kruttschnitt Sanctions situations and agency in control theories of crime,2011,8,2,128-143,Gottfredson Worlds tied together? Online and non-domestic routine activities and their impact on digital and traditional threat victimization,2011,8,2,115-127,van Wilsem Switzerland,2004,1,2,257-293,Killias Predicting adult violent delinquency: Gender differences regarding the role of childhood behaviour,2011,8,3,187-197,Verhulst Eavesdropping on the Mob: the functional diversification of Mafia activities across territories,2011,8,3,213-228,Campana Immigration diversity and crime: an analysis of Belgian national crime statistics 2001-6,2011,8,3,198-212,Hooghe The media and attitudes towards crime and the justice system: A qualitative approach,2011,8,4,329-342,Boda Explaining imprisonment in Europe,2011,8,4,303-328,Lappi-Seppälä In criminal justice we trust? A decade of public opinion research in Belgium,2011,8,4,286-302,Vervaeke Trust and legitimacy: Policing in the USA and Europe,2011,8,4,254-266,Tyler Marriage and offending specialization: Expanding the impact of turning points and the process of desistance,2011,8,5,361-376,Piquero Country survey: Criminology crime and criminal justice in Lithuania,2011,8,5,421-434,Dobryninas The well-being of children of incarcerated mothers: An exploratory study for the Netherlands,2011,8,5,346-360,Bijleveld Long-term outcomes of passive bullying during childhood: Suicide attempts victimization and offending,2011,8,5,377-385,Killias Perceived sanction risk individual propensity and adolescent offending: Assessing key findings from the deterrence literature in a Dutch sample,2011,8,5,386-400,Bernasco Do people comply with the law because they fear getting caught?,2011,8,5,401-420,Karlis Assault and injury of dating partners by university students in 19 countries and its relation to corporal punishment experienced as a child,2006,3,3,293-318,Straus Violence against women in intimate relations: A contrast of five theories,2012,9,6,584-602,Rodríguez-Menés Self-protective behaviours against crime in urban settings: an empirical approach to vulnerability and victimization models,2012,9,6,652-667,Vergara The characteristics and violence risk management of women arrested by the police for intimate partner violence,2012,9,6,636-651,Strand Crime prevention in rural Sweden,2013,10,1,89-112,Ceccato Animal rights extremism: Victimization investigation and detection of a campaign of criminal intimidation,2013,10,1,113-132,Donovan Police culture stress conditions and working styles,2013,10,1,59-73,Terpstra Are mobile offenders less likely to be caught? The influence of the geographical dispersion of serial offenders' crime locations on their probability of arrest,2013,10,2,168-186,Bernasco CCTV and crime displacement: A quasi-experimental evaluation,2013,10,2,222-236,Cerezo Crime criminal justice and criminology in Belgium,2013,10,2,237-254,Daems Urban security management in the capitals of the former Yugoslav republics,2013,10,3,284-296,Meško Governing urban security in Finland: Towards the 'European model',2013,10,3,341-353,Virta Who does what to whom? Gender and domestic violence perpetrators in English police records,2013,10,5,623-637,Hester Criminal victimization in cross-national perspective an analysis of rates of theft violence and vandalism across 27 countries,2004,1,1,89-109,Wilsem Fear of crime and victimization: a multivariate multilevel analysis of competing measurements,2008,5,4,387-409,Tseloni Reassessing the fear of crime,2008,5,3,363-380,Farrall Routine activities and fear of crime: specifying individual-level mechanisms,2012,9,2,99-119,Rengifo Social responses to collective crime: Assessing the relationship between crime-related fears and collective sentiments,2013,11,1,39-56,Hawdon Correlates of war? Towards an understanding of nativity-based variation in immigrant offending,2013,10,4,408-423,Beckley Heterogeneity in victim participation: A new perspective on delivering a Victim Impact Statement,2013,10,4,479-495,Bogaerts Juvenile adaptation to imprisonment: Feelings of safety autonomy and well-being and behaviour in prison,2013,10,4,424-443,Laan Law and order from below or from above? The challenge for criminologists,2013,10,4,387-393,Tham Multiple identities and crime: A study of Antillean women and girls in the Netherlands,2013,10,4,394-407,Althoff Policing for democracy or democratically responsive policing? Examining the limits of externally driven police reform,2013,10,4,496-511,Aitchison The individualization of punishment: Sentencing in Slovenia,2013,10,4,462-478,Plesničar Crime fear and subjective well-being: How victimization and street crime affect fear and life satisfaction,2013,10,5,515-533,Hanslmaier Measuring gang membership in England and Wales: A latent class analysis with Eurogang survey questions,2013,10,5,591-605,Aldridge Migrants' perception of the police: Should it be a cause for concern in Finland?,2013,10,5,555-571,Stephen Responding to denial minimization and blame in correctional settings: The 'real world' implications of offender neutralizations,2013,10,5,572-590,Bullock Does vocational schooling facilitate criminal offending? A study of educational tracking in Finland,2013,10,5,606-622,Ebeling Marriage and transitions between types of serious offending for high-risk men and women,2013,10,5,534-554,Mercer School variation in offending: a macro-level strain approach,2020,17,6,701-722,Sandahl The relationship between criminal behaviour over the life-course and intimate partner violence perpetration in later life,2020,17,6,784-805,Maxwell Alcohol- and drug-related public violence in Europe,2020,17,6,806-825,Verkes Shame as a Consequence of the Parent-Child Relationship: A Study of Gender Differences in Juvenile Delinquency,2004,1,4,477-504,Svensson Complaints of rape and the criminal justice system: fresh evidence on the attrition problem in England and Wales,2015,12,3,324-341,Hohl Safe storage and thefts of firearms in Sweden: an empirical study,2015,12,1,3-16,Lakomaa Child sexual exploitation and youth offending: a research note,2012,9,6,689-700,Brayley Measuring juvenile delinquency: how do self-reports compare with official police statistics?,2012,9,1,23-37,Raat Integrated vs. differentiated school systems and their impact on delinquency,2012,9,4,245-259,Berchtold Peers and delinquency among girls and boys: are sex differences in delinquency explained by peer factors?,2012,9,4,228-244,Hoeve The Albanian and post-Soviet business of trafficking women for prostitution structural developments and financial modus operandi,2008,5,4,433-451,Leman Epilogue: Human Trafficking Seen from the Future,2010,7,1,95-100,Parmentier Introduction to Special Issue Human Trafficking: Issues and Perspectives,2010,7,1,5-10,Winterdyk Introduction to special issue: Organized crime terrorism and European criminology,2008,5,1,5-12,Kleemans Traffickers and trafficking in Southern and Eastern Europe,2008,5,1,39-68,Surtees The impact of introspection and resilience on abstention and desistance from delinquent behavior among adolescents at risk,2016,13,1,111-128,Einat Criminogenic conditions bribery and the economic crisis in the EU: a macro level analysis,2016,13,1,29-49,Alibux Changes in the gendered nature of homicides: comparing 20th- and 21st-century Finland,2016,14,4,451-466,Virtanen Examining the work-crime association in emerging adulthood: a longitudinal analysis based on a Dutch population sample,2017,14,4,467-484,Meeus A cross-national study of the association between natural resource rents and homicide rates 2000-12,2017,14,4,393-414,Stretesky Jekyll or Hyde? Examining the criminal careers of public violence offenders,2017,14,4,415-433,Adang Experience or deterrence? Revisiting an old but neglected issue,2017,14,4,485-502,Wikström Identifying human trafficking in Norway: a register-based study of cases outcomes and police practices,2017,14,5,522-542,Bjelland Timing is everything: the role of contextual and terrorism-specific factors in the sentencing outcomes of terrorist offenders,2017,14,3,269-289,Bouchard Explaining individual changes in moral values and moral emotions among adolescent boys and girls: a fixed-effects analysis,2017,14,3,290-308,Pauwels Choice behavior after burglary victimization: moving safety precautions and passivity,2017,14,3,329-343,Wollinger Causes of the causes of juvenile delinquency: social disadvantages in the context of Situational Action Theory,2017,14,2,143-159,Schepers One rule for the goose one for the gander? Wrongfulness and harmfulness in determining reactions to offenders and victims of crime,2017,14,2,183-199,Bogaerts The legitimacy of international courts: victims' evaluations of the ICTY and local courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2017,14,2,200-220,Hagan Income inequality and fear of crime across the European region,2017,14,2,221-241,Vauclair Nordic vagabonds: the Roma and the logic of benevolent violence in the Swedish welfare state,2017,14,1,120-139,Barker Understanding victim participation in restorative practices: looking for justice for oneself as well as for others,2017,14,6,679-696,Van Camp How friends' involvement in crime affects the risk of offending and victimization,2017,14,6,697-719,Tolsma Testing the effects of police body-worn cameras on use of force during arrests: a randomised controlled trial in a large British police force,2017,14,6,720-750,Ariel The release of Grand Theft Auto V and registered juvenile crime in the Netherlands,2017,14,6,751-765,van der Laan The detection and policing of gun crime: challenges to the effective policing of gun crime in Europe,2018,15,2,172-196,Bowen Homicide clearance in Western Europe,2019,16,1,81-101,Killias Participatory design of a thematic questionnaire in the field of victimization studies,2019,16,2,170-187,Chainey Urban safety: a re-reading of the sense of unsafety through individual and ecological dimensions,2019,16,2,188-209,Ferretti The ecology of outdoor rape: the case of Stockholm Sweden,2019,16,2,210-236,Ceccato How 'gangsters' become jihadists: Bourdieu criminology and the crime-terrorism nexus,2019,16,3,278-294,Sandberg Terrorist recruitment and prison radicalization: assessing the UK experiment of 'separation centres',2019,16,3,295-314,Rushchenko The role of international criminal law in responding to the crime-terror nexus,2019,16,3,315-331,van der Wilt Islamization of criminal behaviour: the path to terrorism? Terrorist threat and crime in French counterterrorism policy-formulation,2019,16,3,332-350,D'Amato Jihadism and crime in Spain: a convergence settings approach,2019,16,3,351-368,Argomaniz Crime and terror of social exclusion: the case of 13 imams in Bulgaria,2019,16,3,369-387,Panayotov Stories of injustice: towards a narrative victimology,2019,16,4,391-412,Mulder Do incarcerated male juvenile recidivists differ from first-time offenders on self-reported psychopathic traits? A retrospective study,2019,16,4,413-431,Andershed Making drug harms: punishments for drugs offenders who pose risks to children,2019,16,6,652-670,Flacks Parental imprisonment child victimization and adult problems,2019,16,6,671-688,Hellfeldt Adolescent fear of crime: testing Ferraro's risk interpretation model,2019,16,6,746-766,Podana Public perceptions of the seriousness of crime: weighing the harm and the wrong,2020,17,2,127-150,Paoli Does ethnic diversity increase violent crime? A global analysis of homicide rates 1995-2013,2020,17,2,175-198,De Soysa Digital harassment and abuse: experiences of sexuality and gender minority adults,2020,17,2,199-223,Powell The level of attrition in domestic violence: a valid indicator of the efficiency of a criminal justice system?,2020,17,3,269-287,Aebi The impact of alcohol consumption on homicide: a time-series analysis of three Nordic countries,2020,17,3,352-369,Lehti Counterfeit alcohol distribution: a criminological script network analysis,2020,17,4,373-398,Spencer Challenges to the veracity and the international comparability of Russian homicide statistics,2020,17,4,399-419,Lysova Purity or danger? The establishment of sex trafficking as a social problem in Sweden,2020,17,4,420-440,Heber Measuring crime through victimization: some methodological lessons from the ICVS,2020,17,5,518-539,Ródenas 'You all look the same': non-Muslim men who suffer Islamophobic hate crime in the post-Brexit era,2020,17,5,585-602,Awan Individual differences in political aggression: the role of social integration perceived grievances and low self-control,2020,17,5,603-627,De Buck Italian adolescents' experience of unwanted online attentions: recognizing and defining behaviours,2020,17,5,647-660,De Fazio Explosive violence: a near-repeat study of hand grenade detonations and shootings in urban Sweden,2020,17,5,661-677,Sturup UK anti-slavery policy at the border: humanitarian opportunism and the challenge of victim consent to assistance,2020,17,5,678-698,Hadjimatheou Child sexual abuse in religious institutions: a comparative study based on sentences in Spain,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aizpitarte Severe versus less severe intimate partner violence: aggressors and victims,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aguilar Ruiz Social perceptions of stalking in Spain: the behaviour's seriousness and legal response,2021,18,2,147-169,Villacampa Social influences peer delinquency and low self-control: an examination of time-varying and reciprocal effects on delinquency over adolescence,2021,18,2,192-212,Ribeaud The heterogeneous repercussions of killing Osama bin Laden on global terrorism patterns,2021,18,3,301-324,Fisher Collective efficacy and violent crime in suburban housing estates,2021,18,3,345-365,Danielsson Assessing prison adjustment among young adult offenders: changes correlates and outcomes,2021,18,3,366-385,Rossegger Victimization of young foreigners in Italy,2021,18,3,407-425,Policek Sociological perspectives on Islamist radicalization - bridging the micro/macro gap,2021,18,3,426-443,Jensen Prison women and prison rules for women,2021,18,4,484-503,Tadič Perceptions of violence against women in Europe: assessing individual- and country-level factors,2021,18,4,566-584,Vazquez Terrorizing police: revisiting 'the policing of terrorism' from the perspective of Danish police detectives,2021,18,5,755-773,Sausdal A gender geography of intentional homicide within and outside of the family: male and female murders in Europe the US and Canada (2003-15),2021,18,6,875-898,Minello Odi et amo: Discursive strategies and ambiguity in the narratives of violence,2021,18,6,918-939,Verde The influence of the 'gay-propaganda' law on violence against LGBTIQ people in Russia: evidence from criminal court rulings,2021,18,6,940-959,Kondakov Politico-ideological violence: zooming in on grievances,2022,19,2,304-321,Ajil The persistent countervailing consequences of urbanization: a longitudinal study of homicide rates,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blaustein Comparing school-related risk factors of stereotypical bullying perpetration and cyberbullying perpetration,2022,19,1,77-97,Bergmann The good the bad and the street: does 'street culture' affect offender communication and reception in restorative justice?,2022,19,1,118-138,Hoyle Vigilante rituals theory: a cultural explanation of vigilante violence,2022,19,2,163-182,Weenink The migration-terrorism nexus: an analysis of German and Italian press coverage of the 'refugee crisis',2022,19,2,259-281,Galantino Morality delinquent peer association and criminogenic exposure: (how) does change predict change?,2022,19,2,282-303,Chrysoulakis Inequality and penality: the hidden side of a complex relationship,2022,19,3,394-418,Vanneste The 'officer effect' in risk assessment for domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods study in England and Wales,2023,20,3,856-877,Myhill Complaints: mechanisms for prisoner participation?,2023,20,6,1878-1898,Tomczak Are women of all age groups equally affected by the shadow of sexual assault? Evidence from Germany,2023,20,3,834-855,Farrall Homicide-suicides in Romania and the role of migration,2016,13,4,517-534,Stöckl Mental health substance abuse prison victimization and suicide attempts amongst incarcerated women,2023,20,2,653-671,Caravaca-Sánchez