Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Performance of White Masculinity in Boys Don't Cry: Identity Desire (Mis)Recognition,2003,3,2,229-241,Esposito “Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothin’ Left to Lose”: The Power of Poetry for Young Nomadic Women of the Streets,2010,10,1,58-63,Finley Burnt: Writing Torch Singers and Torch Singing,2010,10,4,283-294,Holman Jones Othering the Self: Dissonant Visual Culture and Quotidian Trauma in United States Suburbia,2009,9,4,509-532,Gournelos War and Mass Mediated Evidence,2009,9,1,14-22,Altheide Ethics and the Broader Rethinking/Reconceptualization of Research as Construct,2009,9,2,273-285,Lincoln Young Black (and Brown) and Don't Give a Fuck,2009,9,2,248-272,Leonard Reflecting on the experience of injury at Virginia Tech,2009,9,5,627-635,Brower Democracy’s Nemesis,2009,9,5,669-695,Giroux Making a Living: The Gringo Ethnographer as Pimp of the Suffering in the Late Capitalist Night,2010,10,1,29-39,Veissiere Fieldnotes: a forensic,2010,10,2,100-106,Eichhorn Sociological Writing in the Wake of Postmodernism,2002,2,4,427-459,Agger Piratical Cultural Studies: Transgressive Individualism Reconsidered,2010,10,3,187-198,Puzar The Joys of Victimage in George W. Bush’s War of Totality,2010,10,4,347-357,Conley Life Liberty and ... a Cup of JOE!,2010,10,5,409-412,Parmar Stealing of Childhood Innocence-Disney and the Politics of Casino Capitalism: A Tribute to Joe Kincheloe,2010,10,5,413-416,Giroux Toddlers' Duration of Attention towards Putative Threat,2011,16,2,198-210,Kiel Queer Punk Macha Femme: Leslie Mah's Musical Performance in Tribe 8,2010,10,4,295-306,Shoemaker (Un)Safe! Fighting the Po-lice in Quasi-educational Spaces of Bathrooms: A Betweener's Reflection on the Researcher's Body in Three Intercalated Acts,2011,11,2,145-152,Moreira Dialoguing Difference in Joint Ethnographic Research: Reflections on Religion Sexuality and Race,2011,11,2,187-194,Hill The Hate Narrative Against Public Employees Educators and Unions,2011,11,4,359-363,Goodall The Political Paranoid in Contemporary Politics,2011,11,4,390-391,Dimitriadis Dancing in the shadows of war pedagogical reflections on the performance of gender normativity and racialized masculinity,2011,11,6,565-573,Metz Intimate inquiry love as "data" in qualitative research,2013,13,4,289-292,Laura The wonder of data,2013,13,4,228-232,MacLure Multicultural feeling feminist rage indigenous refusal,2016,16,4,361-372,Burman "God bless Texas. God bless the NRA": problematizing Texas teachers as armed protectors in the aftermath of Sandy Hook,2016,17,2,140-146,Pérez Guns as a symbol of (fill-in-the-blank),2016,17,2,110-113,Johnson Illegible Black death legible White pain: denied media mourning and mobilization in an era of "post-racial" gun violence,2016,17,2,101-109,Leonard Antagonisms and the discursive sedimentation of American gun culture: a new framework,2017,17,2,133-139,Anisin Guns crime and dangerous minds: assessing the mental health turn in gun policy discourse,2017,17,2,147-151,Vicaro The beatings will continue until morale improves,2017,17,4,347-356,Herrmann The school-to-coffin pipeline: queer youth suicide and living the in-between,2017,17,5,392-398,Wozolek Domestic violence and girlhood: the making and breaking of a disordered subjectivity,2017,17,5,399-405,Pyscher Scripted fantasies and innovative Orientalisms: media youth and ideology in the age of the "war on terror",2017,17,6,442-456,De Lissovoy Awakened hatred and heightened fears: "the Trump effect" on the lives of mixed-status families,2019,19,3,173-183,Oshio Patriarchy interrupted: differential realizations and manifestations of power in butch/femme relationships,2020,20,2,144-156,Silverman U.S. gun culture as a martial culture within a Weberian framework: disrupting the state's monopoly on force,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harmon Guns and butter,2021,21,1,88-89,Finley Cowboys of the sea: pirates as desirous malcontents but not really,2021,21,2,129-134,Alexander Entangled memories: complicating the memory of area bombing through the haunted ruins of Anhalter Bahnhof,2021,21,3,251-263,Florence Crafting cities for all: qualitative inquiry of the street and the spatial practice of skateboarding,2021,21,4,311-318,Vivoni Minor feelings in the wake of the Atlanta attack: how a mom of Asian descent spent the first 100 hours in the aftermath,2021,21,4,351-354,Zhao From "crisis" to imagination: putting White heroes under erasure post-George Floyd,2021,21,5,394-400,Mendes "China virus" and "kung-flu": a critical race case study of Asian American journalists' experiences during COVID-19,2022,22,1,76-88,Walker Quest for freedom: intense embodied experiences of motorcycling,2022,22,2,154-162,Owton "Sensible" Suicide Brutal Selfishness and John Hughes's Queer Bonds,2013,13,2,99-109,Goltz Life in three deaths: Thanatopolitical biopoiesis and militaristic nationalism,2014,14,5,425-437,Shields He never said anything: A critical poetic response to suicide among young gay men,2015,15,2,112-118,Phillips Stifled [Queer] Voices,2018,18,2,133-139,Teman Talking to the Small Tableau: Touring the Site of Mediatized Memory and Forgiveness in Bongha,2019,19,5,373-383,Ban The Cowboy Code,2019,19,1,43-54,Teman Suicidal,2022,22,4,391-395,LeMaster The (Black) struggle that must be: Black masculinity Black college athletes and Black mental health through a looking glass,2023,23,4,341-353,Williams There Was a Queer Guy: A Performative Poetic Inquiry Into Heterosexism,2023,23,6,527-528,Carless