Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Visual stabilization dynamics are enhanced by standing flight velocity,2010,6,3,410-413,Frye Anthropogenic noise affects risk assessment and attention: the distracted prey hypothesis,2010,6,4,458-461,Smith Chimpanzees and bonobos distinguish between risk and ambiguity,2011,7,1,15-18,Rosati Extrinsic effects estimating opponents' RHP and the structure of dominance hierarchies,2007,3,6,614-616,Dugatkin Sibling bullying during infancy does not make wimpy adults,2011,7,6,869-871,Drummond Male sexual harassment alters female social behaviour towards other females,2012,8,2,186-188,Darden The directional flow of visual information transfer between pedestrians,2012,8,4,520-522,Gallup Hot or not? Thermal reactions to social contact,2012,8,5,864-867,Hahn Human punishment is motivated by inequity aversion not a desire for reciprocity,2012,8,5,802-804,Raihani Increased aggression during human group contests when competitive ability is more similar,2012,8,6,921-923,Buunk Human face structure correlates with professional baseball performance: insights from professional Japanese baseball players,2013,9,3,20130140,Tsujimura Playing to an audience: the social environment influences aggression and victory displays,2013,9,4,20130449,Fitzsimmons European birds adjust their flight initiation distance to road speed limits,2013,9,5,20130788,Legagneux Infanticide as a male reproductive strategy has a nutritive risk effect in brown bears,2013,9,5,20130624,Steyaert Nice to kin and nasty to non-kin: Revisiting Hamilton's early insights on eusociality,2013,9,6,20130444,D'Ettorre Stepping in the direction of the fall: the next foot placement can be predicted from current upper body state in steady-state walking,2014,10,9,ePub,Wang Facial width-to-height ratio predicts self-reported dominance and aggression in males and females but a measure of masculinity does not,2014,10,10,ePub,Penton-Voak Social learning of fear and safety is determined by the demonstrator's racial group,2015,11,1,ePub,Golkar Stay or stray? Evidence for alternative mating strategy phenotypes in both men and women,2015,11,2,e2014.0977,Manning Animal personality as a cause and consequence of contest behaviour,2015,11,3,ePub,Sneddon Red clothing increases perceived dominance aggression and anger,2015,11,5,e166,Hill Traffic noise exposure affects telomere length in nestling house sparrows,2015,11,9,e0559,Meillère Dogs recognize dog and human emotions,2016,12,1,e2015.0883,Wilkinson Debunking the viper's strike: harmless snakes kill a common assumption,2016,12,3,e11,Penning Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period,2016,12,3,e28,Matsumoto Daylight saving time can decrease the frequency of wildlife-vehicle collisions,2016,12,11,e0632,Wilson Correction to: 'Violence in the prehistoric period of Japan: the spatio-temporal pattern of skeletal evidence for violence in the Jomon period',2016,12,11,e0847,Matsumoto Independent natural genetic variation of punishment- versus relief-memory,2016,12,12,e0657,Yarali A relationship between attractiveness and performance in professional cyclists,2014,10,2,20130966,Postma Early-life maltreatment predicts adult stress response in a long-lived wild bird,2018,14,1,e679,Grace Walking crowds on a shaky surface: stable walkers discover Millennium Bridge oscillations with and without pedestrian synchrony,2018,14,10,e0564,Srinivasan Adaptive suicide: is a kin-selected driver of fatal behaviours likely?,2019,15,2,e20180823,Ruxton Signal complexity communicates aggressive intent during contests but the process is disrupted by noise,2019,15,4,e20180841,Wilson Anti-predator behaviour depends on male weapon size,2020,16,12,e20200601,Matsumura Age-dependent genetic variation in aggression,2023,19,1,e20220456,Earley Novel male trait prolongs survival in suicidal mating,2005,1,3,276-279,Gu