Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Comparative study of stabilometric parameters in sportsmen of various disciplines,2009,147,2,233-235,Arkov Experimental model of heart contusion,2009,148,4,668-671,Korpacheva Possible relation of plasma testosterone level to aggressive behavior of male prisoners,2010,149,1,7-9,Chichinadze Metabolism of biogenic amines in rat brain during pilocarpine-induced aggression,2001,132,2,757-759,Aleksidze Anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects of diazepam in male mice with different experience of aggression,2002,133,4,372-376,Kudryavtseva Effect of functional catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism on physical aggression,2008,145,1,62-64,Sysoeva Role of renin-angiotensin system in the formation of emotional state in humans,2008,145,4,391-394,Sysoeva Neurotropic effects of L-lysine in formation of pain-induced behavior,2008,145,5,592-594,Severyanova Nature of the toxicity of the serum and organs of rats after thermal burns,1974,76,12,1396-1397,Koryakina Morphological and functional state of the heart during magnetic storm,2001,132,6,1150-1153,Chibisov Peculiarities of sensory support of psychomotor activity that requires visual attention,2012,153,4,419-423,Bobyntsev Neurosteroids dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulfate in individuals with personality disorders convicted of serious violent crimes,2012,154,1,89-91,Gavrilova Physiological and biomechanical characteristics of the kick and goal techniques of football players,2012,153,2,266-268,Koshelskaja Effects of phenibut and citrocard on non-competitive and competitive behavior during provoked aggression in animals,2015,159,1,48-52,Bagmetova Relationship between morphofunctional changes in open traumatic brain injury and the severity of brain damage in rats,2016,161,3,419-424,Romanova A method for quantitative evaluation of the results of postural tests,2016,161,3,439-441,Alifirova Focal unilateral traumatic brain injury causes delayed neurodegenerative changes in the brain of rats,2017,164,2,211-213,Genrikhs Quantitative morphological study of larynx APUD-cells in asphyxial type of drowning in fresh water (experimental study),2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giniatullin