Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Multi-season climate synchronized forest fires throughout the 20th century northern Rockies U.S.A,2008,89,3,717-728,Morgan Multi-season climate synchronized historical fires in dry forests (1650-1900) northern Rockies U.S.A,2008,89,3,705-716,Morgan El NiƱo-southern oscillation effect on a fire regime in northeastern Mexico has changed over time,2010,91,6,1660-1671,Brown The evolutionary ecology of generalization: among-year variation in host plant use and offspring survival in a butterfly,2009,90,12,3406-3417,Wiklund Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests? Comment,2012,93,4,941-950,Jolly Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests? Comment,2012,93,4,939-950,Cochrane Burn me twice shame on who? Interactions between successive forest fires across a temperate mountain region,2016,97,9,2272-2282,Turner Unprecedented remote sensing data over King and Rim megafires in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California,2016,97,11,e3244,Lutz The importance of motivation weapons and foul odors in driving encounter competition in carnivores,2016,97,8,1905-1912,Allen Pinus contorta invasions increase wildfire fuel loads and may create a positive feedback with fire,2016,98,3,678-687,Taylor Brazil road-kill: a data set of wildlife terrestrial vertebrate road-kills,2018,99,11,2625,Grilo Long-term drought promotes invasive species by reducing wildfire severity,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goulden Ecology of fear alters behavior of grizzly bears exposed to bear-viewing ecotourism,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Short Population feedback after successful invasion leads to ecological suicide in seasonal environments,2008,89,1,259-268,Persson