Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Do Visually Salient Stimuli Reduce Children's Risky Decisions?,2009,16,3,223-232,Schwebel What Variables Are Associated With an Expressed Wish to Kill a Doctor in Community and Injured Patient Samples?,2010,17,2,87-97,Fishbain Bibliotherapy as a Treatment for Depression in Primary Care,2010,17,3,258-271,Williams Some Thoughts on Trauma Pain Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury,2011,18,2,205-206,Flor Discrete and Recurrent Traumatization in PTSD: Fear vs. Anxious Misery,2011,18,2,207-209,Lang Pediatric–Psychology Partnership for Abuse Prevention,2011,13,1,12-18,Hughes Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Associated Functional Impairments During Pregnancy: Some Consequences of Violence Against Women,2011,11,4,253-264,Martin Implementation of a Suicide Nomenclature within Two VA Healthcare Settings,2011,18,2,116-128,Silverman Observations and Insights About Strengthening Our Soldiers (SOS),2011,18,2,210-223,Melamed The Relationship Between the Fear-Avoidance Model of Pain and Personality Traits in Fibromyalgia Patients,2011,18,4,380-391,Martínez Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease: A Psychosocial Perspective,2012,19,3,338-346,Delaney Does War Hurt? Effects of Media Exposure After Missile Attacks on Chronic Pain,2013,20,1,56-63,Shahar Domestic violence in primary care: The psychologist's role,1995,2,1,49-69,Ruddy Exploratory factor analysis of the pain outcomes profile,2013,20,1,64-70,Sipps Prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic growth in accidentally injured patients,2013,20,1,3-12,Wu Pediatric symptom checklist ratings by mothers with a recent history of intimate partner violence: a primary care study,2013,20,4,473-477,Porcerelli The role of injury and trauma-related variables in the onset and course of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,2013,20,4,449-455,Gersons Mediators of a culturally-sensitive intervention for suicidal African American women,2013,20,4,401-414,Kaslow Sex differences in effectiveness of extended-release stimulant medication among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2009,16,3,233-242,Cox Hospital Privileges for Psychologists in the Era of Competencies and Increased Accountability,2010,17,4,301-314,Hong 2020 foresight: practicing ethically while doing things that don't yet exist,2010,17,4,278-284,Linton Suicide risk screening in healthcare settings: identifying males and females at risk,2017,24,1,8-20,King Relationships between traumatic life events cognitive emotion regulation strategies and somatic complaints,2017,24,2,144-151,Kraaij The importance of assessing for childhood abuse and lifetime PTSD in bariatric surgery candidates,2017,24,3-4,341-354,Chelminski Interpersonal needs depressive symptoms and suicide ideation in a sample of Portuguese elderly patients recovering from acute medical conditions,2018,25,1,1-10,Santos Shame and depressive symptoms: self-compassion and contingent self-worth as mediators?,2018,25,4,408-419,Kaslow The association between acute pain and posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents 3 months after accidental injury,2019,26,1,88-96,Luitse Psychological prophylaxis: an integrated psychological services program in trauma care,2019,26,3,291-301,Chesire Impact of parental acute psychological distress on young child pain-related behavior through differences in parenting behavior during pediatric burn wound care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimble Injury severity and depressive symptoms in a post-acute brain injury rehabilitation sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown The moderating role of maternal supervision in the relation of social-ecological risk factors to children's minor injuries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borduin Training psychologists in integrated primary care and child maltreatment: trainee and supervisor perspectives on lessons learned,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonner Medical child abuse hidden in pediatric settings: detection and intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koocher Personality in combination with alcohol and drug use and psychiatric disorders to predict psychosocial characteristics and behaviors of hepatitis C patients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,North Posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care: a study of general practices in England,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hegarty She screened positive for depression at the first prenatal visit what really happens next?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trabold Suicidality in chronic illness: an overview of cognitive-affective and interpersonal factors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shahar Identifying mental disorders in primary care: diagnostic accuracy of the Connected Mind Fast Check (CMFC) Electronic Screen,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogers Psychiatric distress and suicidal tendencies in adult cancer survivors: verifying the validity of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 for identifying suicidal ideation in the hospitalized population of mainland China,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Association of workplace bullying with suicide ideation and attempt among Chinese nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Hazardous drinking interventions delivered during medical-surgical care: patient and provider views,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ilgen Thwarted belongingness and suicide risk in primary care: perceived burdensomeness and psychache as mediators,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirsch Level of evidence of telehealth rehabilitation and behavioral health services for traumatic brain injury: a scoping review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gore Safety on the playground: mechanisms through which adult supervision might prevent child playground injury,2006,13,2,135-143,Schwebel Cholesterol and Aggression: An Ethnocultural Perspective,1998,5,3,249-258,Jones Pharmacotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Treatment,1999,6,1,113-138,Linehan Quality of social support predicts hopelessness and depression post spinal cord injury,2002,9,3,227-234,Kennedy Presence of PTSD is Associated with Clinical and Functional Impact in Veterans with Depression Treated in Community-Based Clinics,2022,29,1,220-229,Cully Strengthening our soldiers SOS and their families: contemporary psychological advances applied to wartime problems. Why now? Why us? What next?,2011,18,2,109-115,Melamed The use of psychoeducation for a patient with hepatitis C and psychiatric illness in preparation for antiviral therapy: a case report and discussion,2011,18,1,99-107,North