Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author In the shadow of a leader,2009,10,2,253-267,Ismail "Vicious assault shakes Texas town",2013,14,1,1-12,Durham Risks and resilience in the case of Brazilian female journalists: how women perceive violence against media professionals and cope with its effects,2023,24,7,956-975,Marques "He Just Snapped": Gendered narratives of parents killing their children in the UK press,2018,19,16,2451-2469,Niblock "We Don't Cover Suicide … (Except When We Do Cover Suicide)": A case study in the production of news,2018,19,10,1447-1465,Beam Increasing Adherence to Media Guidelines on Responsible Reporting on Suicide: Suggestions from Qualitative Interviews with German Journalists,2020,21,4,494-511,Scherr Cautionary Tales: Social Representation of Risk in U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Cyberbullying Exemplars,2021,22,13,1832-1852,Chen Suicide a Topic that Opens a Debate on What Journalism is for: A Study on Portuguese Journalists' Perceptions,2022,23,11,1377-1395,Ribeiro