Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Burning Mississippi into Memory? Cinematic Amnesia as a Resource for Remembering Civil Rights,2009,26,1,54-79,Hoerl “Heaven Hell and Here”: Understanding the Impact of Incarceration through a Prison Newspaper,2005,22,4,281-301,Novek The Man Inside: Trauma Gender and the Nation in The Brave One,2010,27,2,111,King Celebrity suicide and the search for the moral high ground: comparing frames in media and audience discussions of the death of a Flemish celebrity,2013,30,1,69-84,Van Den Bulck Contesting the mark of criminality: race place and the prerogative of violence in N.W.A.'s Straight Outta Compton,2012,29,5,367-386,McCann Reconciling Hall with discourse written in the shadows of "Confederate" and Rainbow Flags,2016,33,5,424-437,Scott Sensing school shootings,2020,37,2,161-173,Eckstein 13 Reasons Why as a vehicle for public understandings of suicide,2020,37,2,188-200,Krebs