Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror -- A case against Donald Rumsfeld?,2009,51,3-4,327-349,Smeulers Community policing in an age of terrorism,2008,50,1-2,1-5,Grabosky Counter-terrorism policing: Towards social cohesion,2008,50,1-2,91-109,Pickering Data sources in Chinese crime and criminal justice research,2008,50,3,131-147,Liu Fragmented power and state-corporate killings: A critique of Blackwater in Iraq,2009,51,3-4,351-364,Welch Good guys bad guys: Transnational corporations rational choice theory and power crime,2009,51,3-4,383-397,Holmes Juvenile delinquency and justice in contemporary China: A critical review of the literature over 15 years,2008,50,3,149-160,Zhang Networks terrorists and criminals: The implications for community policing,2008,50,1-2,59-72,Stohl On liberty and crime: Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill,2009,51,3-4,435-350,Ruggiero Policing terrorism in india,2008,50,1-2,111-124,Gordon Power crime and criminology in the new imperial age,2009,51,3-4,303-325,Michalowski Safe at home? Policing the U.S. hometown in a post 9/11 environment,2008,50,1-2,47-58,Kerlikowske Salafi and Islamist Londoners: Stigmatized minority faith communities countering al-Qaida,2008,50,1-2,73-89,Lambert Speed/pure war/power crime: Paul Virilio on the criminogenic accident and the virtual disappearance of the suicidal state,2009,51,3-4,413-434,Wilson Terror in the courts: beginning to assess the impact of terrorism-related prosecutions on domestic criminal law and procedure in the U.S.A,2008,50,1-2,25-46,Weisselberg The public rhetorics of policing in times of war and violence: Countering apocalyptic visions,2008,50,1-2,7-24,Finnane The effects of legal and extra-legal characteristics on organizational victim decision-making,2008,50,4-5,307-330,Holtfreter The effects of self-protective behaviors on injury for African American women in domestic violence situations,2008,49,4,271-288,Wyckoff Researching the use of force: the background to the international project,2009,52,2,95-110,Waddington Reducing homicide: A review of the possibilities,2005,42,4,325-403,Brookman Looking at terrorism through left realist lenses,2010,54,2,171-185,Gibbs Chicano youth gangs and crime: the creation of a moral panic,1987,11,2,129-158,Zatz Satanism: Myth and reality in a contemporary moral panic,1992,17,1,53-75,Jenkins A left realist approach to antifeminist fathers' rights groups,2010,54,2,197-212,Dragiewicz Towards a popular justice in the United States: The dialectics of community action,1981,5,2,155-192,Brady Climate change and crime: monthly temperature and precipitation anomalies and crime rates in St. Louis MO 1990-2009,2013,59,2,185-208,Mares Local responses to collective and personal crime after school shootings,2013,59,2,225-242,Oksanen Secret seducers,2013,60,1,67-80,San School Shootings the Media and Public Fear: Ingredients for a Moral Panic,1999,32,2,147-168,Burns On an entrepreneurial criminology of mass political violence,2013,60,3,297-317,Park Torture and deprivation of freedom: The Spanish case,2013,60,4,401-427,Ubasart-Gonzàlez Changes in federal sentencing for forced labor trafficking and for sex trafficking: a ten year assessment,2014,61,2,179-204,Albonetti Territorial functioning and victimisation: conceptualisation and scale development,2014,61,3,335-354,Abdullah The challenges of fighting sex trafficking in the legalized prostitution market of the Netherlands,2014,61,2,215-228,Kleemans Assessing network patterns in illegal firearm markets,2012,57,2,129-149,Morselli A calculated assault on the authority of the state? Crime politics and extradition in 21st century Jamaica,2012,58,4,415-435,Sives Surveillance and social control: the FBI's handling of the Black Panther Party in North Carolina,2013,59,5,501-516,Brame Spanish legislation against trafficking in human beings: punitive excess and poor victims assistance,2010,54,5,381-409,León United Nations peace process as a peacemaking and human rights exercise. Lessons from conflict resolution in Sierra Leone,2010,54,5,303-323,Kumar Guardianship and crime: an international comparative study of guardianship in action,2012,58,1,1-14,Welsh Sowing the seeds: how adult incarceration promotes juvenile delinquency,2012,57,5,475-491,Hannon Is there such thing as 'global sex trafficking'? A patchwork tale on useful (mis)understandings,2011,56,5,567-582,Breuil Abolitionist claims of a causal nexus between legalised prostitution and trafficking,2011,56,5,547-565,O'Brien Beach boys or sexually exploited children? Competing narratives of sex tourism and their impact on young men in Sri Lanka's informal tourist economy,2011,56,5,485-508,Miller Trafficking? Exploring the relevance of the notion of human trafficking to describe the lived experience of sex workers in Cape Town South Africa,2011,56,5,529-546,Gould Harbouring the illicit: borderlands and human trafficking in South East Asia,2012,58,2,159-177,Munro Measuring labor trafficking: a research note,2012,58,4,469-482,Zhang Beneath the organ trade: a critical analysis of the organ trafficking discourse,2015,63,1-2,21-47,Columb Min Liu's "Migration prostitution and human trafficking: the voice of Chinese women",2015,63,3-4,211-216,Ding Examining trafficking statistics regarding Brazilian victims in Spain and Portugal,2015,63,3-4,159-190,de Perez Regulating forced labour and combating human trafficking: the relevance of historical definitions in a contemporary perspective,2015,63,5,221-246,Ollus What does policy have to do with it? The political economy of Latino sex trafficking in the United States,2014,62,5,571-584,Copley New laws but few cases: understanding the challenges to the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases,2014,61,2,139-168,Farrell Quantitative indices for anti-human trafficking policies: based on reports of the US State Department and the Council of Europe,2014,61,2,229-250,van Dijk The non-prosecution of human trafficking cases: an illustration of the challenges of implementing legal reforms,2014,61,2,169-178,Spohn Explaining the under-performance of the anti-human-trafficking campaign: experience from the United States and Europe,2014,61,2,125-138,McDonald Chickenheads agents mommies and jockeys: the social organization of transnational commercial sex,2011,56,5,463-484,Chin When farmworkers and advocates see trafficking but law enforcement does not: challenges in identifying labor trafficking in North Carolina,2014,61,2,205-214,Barrick Woman pullers: pimping and sex trafficking in a Mexican Border City,2011,56,5,509-528,Zhang Sex trafficking in Cambodia: fabricated numbers versus empirical evidence,2011,56,5,443-462,Steinfatt International crime in the interwar period: a view from the edge,2011,56,4,407-419,Knepper Ko-Lin Chin and James O. Finckenauer: Selling sex overseas: Chinese women and the realities of prostitution and global sex trafficking,2013,60,3,355-356,Zheng The trade in people in and from the former Soviet Union,2003,40,2/3,231-249,Shelley The impact of child sexual abuse and psychological distress on delinquency among incarcerated juveniles in China,2016,66,5,447-464,Zhao Who wants 'the worst of the worst'? 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