Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Therapeutic Dimension of Transitional Justice: Emotional Repair and Victim Satisfaction in International Trials and Truth Commissions,2011,11,2,263-298,Doak The Risk of Torture as a Basis for Refusing Extradition and the Use of Diplomatic Assurances to Protect against Torture after 9/11,2011,11,1,1-48,Johnston Genocide in Rwanda Is It Really Finland's Concern?,2011,11,1,155-176,Kimpimäki The Role of the Victim in the Criminal Process: A Paradigm Shift in National German and International Law?,2011,11,2,183-215,Safferling A crime that offends the conscience of humanity: a proposal to reclassify trafficking in women as an international crime,2009,9,1,77-98,Tavakoli The parameters of enslavement and the act of forced marriage,2013,13,4,895-915,Haenen The dissonance between the United Nations zero-tolerance policy and the criminalisation of sexual offences on the international level,2007,7,4,657-676,Quénivet Sexual exploitation and beyond: Using the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to Prosecute UN peacekeepers for gender-based crimes,2011,11,4,803-827,O'Brien The legal relationship between terrorism and transnational crime,2017,17,3,417-452,Saul Towards an intersectional understanding of conflict-related sexual violence: gender sexuality and ethnicity at the ICTY,2018,18,5,853-882,Isaac Rights in conflict: the clash between abolishing the death penalty and delivering justice to the victims,2018,18,2,354-375,Wheeler The expressive nature of law: what we learn from conjugal slavery to forced marriage in international criminal law,2018,18,2,331-353,Bunting Speech and harm: genocide denial hate speech and freedom of expression,2018,18,1,97-126,Pégorier Post-modern war genocide and Chechnya: The case of female suicide attacks as a problem for international law and international relations theory,2005,5,3,485-500,Moore A legal assessment of the US drone strikes in Pakistan,2013,13,4,917-930,Ahmad