Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author African American Men's Perceptions of Factors Influencing Health-Information Seeking,2009,3,1,6-15,Kreuter Depression: Focus on the Adolescent Male,2008,2,1,87-93,Park Influence of Gang Membership on Negative Affect Substance Use and Antisocial Behavior Among Homeless African American Male Youth,2008,2,3,229-243,Davidson Mental Health Symptoms Among Male Victims of Partner Violence,2007,1,4,269-277,Prospero Speaking About the Unspeakable: Sexually Abused Men Striving Toward Language,2008,2,1,25-36,Andersen Success with Men's Educational Group Appointments (MEGA): Subjective Improvements in Patient Education,2009,3,2,173-178,Shah Intimate partner violence perpetration risky sexual behavior and STI/HIV diagnosis among heterosexual African American men,2008,2,3,291-295,Reed The use of alcohol and condoms during sexual assault,2008,2,3,281-290,Norris Distribution of verbal and physical violence for same and opposite genders among adolescents,2008,2,3,272-280,Winstok Social and environmental contexts of adolescent and young adult male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2008,2,3,260-271,Reed Gender and time differences in the associations between sexual violence victimization health outcomes and risk behaviors,2008,2,3,254-259,Coben Violent behavior of men in their intimate relationships as they experience it,2008,2,3,244-253,Flinck Personality characteristics of Chinese male batterers: an exploratory study of women's reports from a refuge sample of battered women in Hong Kong,2008,2,3,218-228,Chan Men are victims of sexual violence,2008,2,3,217,Porche Sexual Coercion and Mental Health Symptoms Among Heterosexual Men: The Pressure to Say "Yes",2010,4,2,98-103,Prospero Stemming the Tide of Suicide in Older White Men: A Call to Action,2009,3,3,189-200,Davidson Help-Seeking Behaviors of Men Sexual Assault Survivors,2010,4,3,237-242,Masho Penile Fracture Following Husband Abuse: A Case Report,2009,3,4,330-332,Dienye Confronting racism and sexism to improve men's health,2007,1,1,81-86,Treadwell Fathering Agency Staff Members' Perspectives on Domestic Violence Perpetration,2011,5,1,47-56,Coleman Barriers in Diagnosing and Treating Men With Depression: A Focus Group Report,2010,4,2,167-175,Kravitz Effect of telephone exercise counseling on frailty in older veterans: project LIFE,2007,1,4,326-334,Pieper Exploring the Perspectives of Black Substance Abusing Men Who Have Sex With Men and Women in Addiction Treatment Programs: A Need for a Human Sexuality Educational Model for Addiction Professionals,2011,5,5,402-412,Washington Structural Model for Osteoporosis Preventing Behavior in Men,2010,4,4,334-343,Hall Survey of State Public Health Department Resources for Men and Boys: Identification of an Inadvertent and Remediatable Service and Health Disparity,2010,4,4,344-352,Williams Gender Differences in Dual Task Gait Performance in Older Adults,2011,5,1,11-17,Hollman African American Men’s Perceptions of Power in Intimate Relationships,2009,3,4,310-318,Carey Assessing the Factor Structures of the 55- and 22-Item Versions of the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory,2011,5,2,118-128,Owen Alcohol References on Undergraduate Males' Facebook Profiles,2011,5,5,413-420,Moreno To tweet or not to tweet: gender differences and potential positive and negative health outcomes of adolescents' social internet use,2010,4,1,77-85,Park An integrated model of gay men's depressive symptoms,2007,1,1,60-72,Josephson High Risk Community—Men’s Perceptions of Black Infant Mortality: A Qualitative Inquiry,2009,3,3,224-237,Quinn Domestic Violence Against Men in Primary Care in Nigeria,2009,3,4,333-339,Dienye Athletes' Perceptions Toward Substance Use in Baghdad City,2012,6,6,462-471,Habeeb Suicide From the Perspectives of Older Men Who Experience Depression: A Gender Analysis,2011,5,5,444-454,Ogrodniczuk The economic burden shouldered by public and private entities as a consequence of health disparities between men and women,2011,5,6,528-539,Brott The Effect of Sex and Severity of Aggression on Formal and Informal Social Agents' Involvement in Partner Violence,2012,6,2,136-145,Winstok Men's Experiences of Living With Osteoporosis: Focus Group Interviews,2011,5,2,166-176,Brixen Personality and Symptoms of Psychological Ill Health Among Adult Male Offenders,2011,5,3,236-242,Brewer Depression Anxiety and Symptom Profiles Among Female and Male Victims of Sexual Violence,2011,6,1,28-36,Bossarte Hopelessness and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adolescent African American Males in a Low-Income Urban Community,2012,6,5,395-399,Deardorff Male Perpetrators the Gender Symmetry Debate and the Rejection-Abuse Cycle: Implications for Treatment,2012,6,4,331-343,Brown Male dating violence victimization and adjustment: the moderating role of coping,2012,6,3,218-228,Stuart Men the missing client in family planning,2012,6,6,441,Porche Men on fathering in the context of children's unintentional injury prevention,2013,7,1,77-86,Brussoni Friends family and foes: the influence of father's social networks,2013,7,3,228-242,Kershaw "Normative content" and health inequity enculturation a logic model of men's health advocacy,2013,7,3,243-254,Leone What do we know about older abusers? A typology of violent husbands dwelling in lifelong intimate violence relationships,2013,7,4,329-341,Band-Winterstein Energy drink use and its relationship to masculinity jock identity and fraternity membership among men,2013,7,4,317-328,Levant Harmful drinking and experiences of alcohol-related violence in australian male construction industry apprentices,2013,7,5,423-426,du Plessis Risk-taking behaviors and subgrouping of college students: a latent class analysis,2013,7,6,475-481,Allahverdipour Structural Health and the Politics of African American Masculinity,2013,7,4 Suppl,68S-72S,Metzl Beyond workers' compensation: men's mental health in and out of work,2014,8,1,45-53,Oliffe Exploring intimate partner violence status among male veterans and associated health outcomes,2014,8,1,66-73,Bossarte Challenges to traditional clinical definitions of depression in young black men,2014,8,1,74-81,Perkins Preferences for gender-targeted health information: A study of male veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma,2014,8,3,240-248,Kimerling Age at sexual debut and subsequent sexual partnering in adulthood among american men,2013,8,4,327-334,Lapane Fathers' views on their financial situations father-child activities and preventing child injuries,2013,9,1,15-25,Brussoni Masculinity constructs as protective buffers and risk factors for men's health,2014,8,2,110-120,Levant Examining the intersection between suicidal behaviors and intimate partner violence among a sample of males receiving services from the Veterans Health Administration,2014,8,5,440-443,Bossarte The role of scar origin in shaping men's body image,2014,9,2,115-123,Alpers Coming Out to Dad: Young Gay and Bisexual Men's Experiences Disclosing Same-Sex Attraction to Their Fathers,2014,9,4,274-288,Harper Why might men be more at risk of suicide after a relationship breakdown? Sociological insights,2014,9,5,380-384,Scourfield Men masculinities and murder-suicide,2014,9,6,473-485,Bottorff "I don't shag dirty girls": marginalized masculinities and the use of partner selection as a sexual health risk reduction strategy in heterosexual young men,2014,10,2,128-140,Limmer Experiences of power and violence in Mexican men attending mutual-aid residential centers for addiction treatment,2015,10,3,237-249,Lozano-Verduzco I would rather just go through with it than be called a wussy: an exploration of how a group of young South African men think and talk about suicide,2015,10,4,338-348,Kagee "The poison that ruined the nation": Native American men-alcohol identity and traditional healing,2015,11,4,1142-1154,Matamonasa-Bennett Boy crisis? Sex differences in self-injurious behaviors and the effects of gender role conflicts among college students in China,2015,10,6,NP1-NP10,Chao Risk factors for Hispanic male intimate partner violence perpetration,2015,11,4,969-983,Provencio-Vasquez Death anxiety and pain catastrophizing among male inmates with nonsuicidal self-injury behavior: a comparative study,2015,11,4,1174-1181,Enea Intimate partner violence among men with disabilities: the role of health care providers,2015,11,5,1436-1443,Ballan Falls and depression in men: a population-based study,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berk "Do it all by myself": a salutogenic approach of masculine health practice among farming men coping with stress,2015,11,5,1536-1546,Houle The association between masculinity and nonsuicidal self-injury,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marx Prevalence and co-occurrence of internalizing and externalizing depression symptoms in a community sample of Australian male truck drivers,2018,12,1,74-77,Möller-Leimkühler A study of intimate partner violence substance abuse and sexual risk behaviors among gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men in a sample of geosocial-networking smartphone application users,2018,12,2,292-301,Duncan ". . . If you're not part of the institution you fall by the wayside": service providers' perspectives on moving young men from disconnection and isolation to connection and belonging,2018,12,2,252-264,Richardson Perceptions of informal and formal coping strategies for intimate partner violence among gay and bisexual men,2018,12,2,302-312,Stephenson Emotional intelligence: a violence strategy,2016,10,4,261,Porche Young men help-seeking and mental health services: exploring barriers and solutions,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Long Diverse and dynamic interactions: a model of suicidal men's help seeking as it relates to health services,2018,12,1,150-159,River Minority stress and intimate partner violence among gay and bisexual men in Atlanta,2016,11,4,952-961,Stephenson Alcohol use and mental health conditions among Black college males: do those attending postsecondary minority institutions fare better than those at primarily White institutions?,2016,11,4,962-968,Barry Injury interiority and isolation in men's suicidality,2016,11,4,888-899,Ogrodniczuk Depression and suicidality in gay men,2016,11,4,910-919,Oliffe The loss of Boystown and transition to online sex work: strategies and barriers to increase safety among men sex workers and clients of men,2018,12,6,1994-2005,Taylor Chilean men exposed to the major earthquake in 2010,2017,11,2,392-403,Tremblay The mother's perspective,2017,11,4,1260-1268,Rushing The role of marital status in physical activity among African American and White men,2016,10,6,526-532,Laveist Men's mental health promotion interventions: a scoping review,2017,11,6,1823-1837,Bottorff Barriers to and facilitators of help-seeking behavior among men who experience sexual violence,2018,12,2,189-201,Frye "Just as Canadian as anyone else"? Experiences of second-class citizenship and the mental health of young immigrant and refugee men in Canada,2018,12,2,210-220,Johnson Risk of erectile dysfunction after traumatic brain injury: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan,2018,12,4,913-925,Chien Sex differences in early cardiovascular and all-cause hospitalization outcomes after surviving firearm injury,2018,12,4,1029-1038,Kalesan "I should have …": a photovoice study with women who have lost a man to suicide,2018,12,5,1262-1274,Oliffe "Boy crisis" or "girl risk"? The gender difference in nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior among middle-school students in China and its relationship to gender role conflict and violent experiences,2018,12,5,1275-1285,Yang "Do you want to go forward or do you want to go under?" men's mental health in and out of prison,2018,12,5,1235-1246,Oliffe Ethnic drinking culture acculturation and enculturation in relation to alcohol drinking behavior among marriage-based male immigrants in taiwan,2018,12,5,1517-1529,Chien How can men convicted of violence against women feel moral while holding sexist and violent attitudes? A homeostatic moral model based on self-deception,2018,12,5,1554-1562,Vecina Dyadic reporting of intimate partner violence among male couples in three U.S. cities,2018,12,4,1039-1047,Mimiaga Understanding men's elevated alcohol use gender equity ideologies and intimate partner violence among married couples in rural India,2018,12,4,1084-1093,Raj Postural stability and physical activity of workers working at height,2018,12,4,1068-1073,Cyma Performance-enhancing drugs abuse caused cardiomyopathy and acute hepatic injury in a young bodybuilder,2018,12,5,1700-1704,Li Depression and prostate cancer: examining comorbidity and male-specific symptoms,2018,12,6,1864-1872,Ogrodniczuk The health impact of experiences of discrimination violence and immigration enforcement among Latino men in a new settlement state,2018,12,6,1937-1947,Rhodes Masculinity and depression: a longitudinal investigation of multidimensional masculine norms among college men,2018,12,6,1873-1881,Iwamoto Risk factors for violent injuries and their severity among men in The Gambia,2018,12,6,2116-2127,Lin Mobile phone base station tower settings adjacent to school buildings: impact on students' cognitive health,2019,13,1,1557988318816914,Meo Men's help-seeking attitudes in rural communities affected by a natural disaster,2019,13,1,1557988318821512,Tremblay Exploring the effectiveness of an integrated mixed martial arts and psychotherapy intervention for young men's mental health,2019,13,1,e1557988319832121,McCarthy Invisibility is not invincibility: the impact of intimate partner violence on gay bisexual and straight men's mental health,2019,13,3,e1557988319849734,Coston Medium-term effects of a train derailment on the physical and psychological health of men,2019,13,4,e1557988319865363,Roy Evaluating a tool to support the integration of gender in programs to promote men's health,2019,13,6,e1557988319883775,Bottorff "As I was walking down the street four strange guys came and took me under the bridge where they all raped me": an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the types of rape experienced by men in South Africa,2019,13,6,e1557988319882589,Mgolozeli Positive health behaviors and their determinants among men active on the labor market in Poland,2020,14,1,e1557988319899236,Pawłowska-Cyprysiak The Men's Group at St. Pius V: a case study of a parish-based voluntary partner abuse intervention program,2020,14,1,e1557988319891287,Jonson-Reid Male-dominated occupations and substance use disorders in young adulthood,2020,14,2,e1557988320908105,Ames Violent injuries among college students in China: an exploration of Gender Mental Stress Model,2020,14,3,e1557988320936503,Zhou Participant satisfaction and acceptability of a culturally adapted brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among Latino immigrant men,2020,14,3,e1557988320925652,Ornelas Impact of negative life events and social support on nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese middle school students,2020,14,4,e1557988320937124,Liu Male perpetration of adolescent dating violence: a scoping review,2020,14,5,e1557988320963600,Bungay "Is life worth living?": the role of masculinity in the way men aged over 80 talk about living dying and suicide,2020,14,5,e1557988320966540,Milner Experiences with machismo and pain: Latino veterans,2020,14,6,e1557988320976304,Cancio Shook ones: understanding the intersection of nonfatal violent firearm injury incarceration and traumatic stress among young Black men,2020,14,6,e1557988320982181,Wical "I'm not afraid of dying because Iive got nothing to lose": young men in South Africa talk about nonfatal suicidal behavior,2021,15,2,1557988321996154,Bantjes The anxiety depression pathway among men following a prostate cancer diagnosis: cross-sectional interactions between anger responses and loneliness,2021,15,3,15579883211023699,Ogrodniczuk "Punched in the balls": male intimate partner violence disclosures and replies on Reddit,2021,15,4,e15579883211039666,Walton Sexual dysfunction and gun ownership in America: when hard data meet a limp theory,2021,15,5,15579883211044342,Hill An evaluation of 5-year web analytics for HeadsUpGuys: a men's depression e-mental health resource,2021,15,6,e15579883211063322,Ogrodniczuk Sexual violence against men in conflict and post-conflict settings: a qualitative research methodology,2022,16,2,e15579883221084496,Hoban Traumatic autobiographical memories: preliminary fMRI findings among men with histories of childhood sexual abuse,2022,16,3,e15579883221096566,Romano Attitudes toward gender-based violence among sexually active adult men at high risk for HIV in Rustenburg South Africa,2022,16,3,e15579883221106331,Latka Various types of negative life events among youth predict suicidal ideation: a cross-sectional study based on gender perspective,2022,16,4,e15579883221110352,Yang Mechanisms linking masculine discrepancy stress and the perpetration of intimate partner violence among men in the United States,2022,16,4,e15579883221119355,Hill Health and social inclusion: the impact of psychological well-being and suicide attempts among older men who have sex with men,2022,16,5,e15579883221120985,Yan The relationship between workplace burnout and male depression symptom assessed by the Korean version of the Gotland Male Depression Scale,2022,16,5,e15579883221123930,Choi Violence prevention programs are effective when initiated during the initial workup of patients in an urban level I trauma center,2022,16,5,e15579883221125007,Thomas The gender paradox: understanding the role of masculinity in suicidal ideation,2022,16,5,e15579883221123853,Ivey Perceptions of risk for dating violence among rural adolescent males: an interpretive analysis,2022,16,5,e15579883221126884,Bullock Self-report on men's beliefs and perceptions on their alcohol use/misuse in southeast Nigeria,2022,16,6,e15579883221130193,Nwosu Prevalence characteristics and factors associated with sexual violence in adulthood among Brazilian MSM,2022,16,6,e15579883221142173,Kendall A micro-level explanation for suicidal ideation based on marriage-squeeze and social support among rural men in China,2022,16,6,e15579883221142188,Li Online inuman or e-numan: when social media use and alcohol drinking intersect,2022,16,6,e15579883221144505,Macaraan Violence discrimination psychological distress and hiv vulnerability among men who have sex with men in Memphis Tennessee,2023,17,2,e15579883231163727,Pichon Improving mental health help-seeking among male university students: a series of gender-sensitive mental health feasibility interventions,2023,17,3,e15579883231163728,Brown Cumulative lifetime violence gender role conflict and cardiovascular disease risk in eastern Canadian men,2023,17,3,e15579883231176996,Wuest Using an intersectional approach to explore the lived mental health experiences of Traveller men affected by suicide in Ireland,2023,17,5,e15579883231189063,Richardson "Hey Amir how are you REALLY doing?" Participant perspectives of a peer-based suicide prevention campaign for men,2023,17,5,e15579883231209189,Ogrodniczuk The impacts of stigma against sexual minority men within and between various socioecological levels: breaking the vicious cycle in Zambia,2023,17,6,e15579883231209190,Harper Age differences in the associations between incarceration and subsequent substance use sexual risk-taking and incident STI among black sexual minority men and black transgender women in the HIV Prevention Trials 061 Cohort,2023,17,6,e15579883231204120,Cleland Penile strangulation: analysis of postextrication follow-up sequelae and a review of literature,2024,18,1,e15579883231223366,Campbell Protect and provide: perceptions of manhood and masculinities among disabled violently injured Black men in a hospital-based violence intervention program,2024,18,1,e15579883231221390,Vil Patterns and factors associated with alcohol misuse among young Black men who have sex with men in New York City,2024,18,3,e15579883231218580,Frye Attachment mental health and alcohol use by men: the mediating role of cumulative lifetime violence severity,2024,18,3,e15579883241255829,Scott-Storey Adherence to masculinity norms and depression symptoms among Israeli men: the moderating role of psychological flexibility,2024,18,3,e15579883241253820,Levi-Belz Size matters? Penis dissatisfaction and gun ownership in America,2024,18,3,e15579883241255830,Hill Connecting and Healing: The Role of Existential Isolation in Mediating the Impact of the Therapeutic Relationship on Canadian Men's Mental Health Outcomes,2022,16,6,15579883221136980,Ogrodniczuk The Crisis in Male Mental Health: A Call to Action,2020,14,4,e1557988320936504,Porsche Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Male Mental Health Emergencies Attended by Ambulances During the First National "Lockdown" in the East Midlands of the United Kingdom,2022,16,2,e15579883221082428,Tanser COVID-19 and MENtal Health: Addressing Men's Mental Health Needs in the Digital World,2021,15,4,e15579883211030021,Ellison