Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An expert system for strategic control of accidents and insurers' risks in building construction projects,2009,36,2,4021-4034,Imriyas Decision tree learning for freeway automatic incident detection,2009,36,2,4101-4105,Chen Evaluation of hazardous waste transportation firms by using a two step fuzzy-ahp and topsis methodology,2009,36,2,4067-4074,Gumus Sequential association rules for forecasting failure patterns of aircrafts in Korean Air Force,2009,36,2,1129-1133,Sohn Use of hybrid multiple uncertain attribute decision making techniques in safety management,2009,36,2,1569-1586,Yang Using EEG spectral components to assess algorithms for detecting fatigue,2009,36,2,2352-2359,Lal Older drivers and accidents: A meta analysis and data mining application on traffic accident data,2005,29,3,598-629,Bayam A fuzzy aid rear-end collision warning/avoidance system,2012,39,10,9097-9107,Milanés A knowledge-based decision support system for shipboard 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UAVs,2019,122,,319-333,Anisi CUBREMOT: a tool for building model-based trees for ordinal responses,2019,124,,39-49,Cappelli An innovative decision rule approach to tyre pressure monitoring,2019,124,,252-270,Brown A classification method based on optical flow for violence detection,2019,127,,121-127,Mahmoodi A hierarchical prediction model for lane-changes based on combination of fuzzy C-means and adaptive neural network,2019,130,,265-275,Liu New approaches for the traffic counting location problem,2019,132,,189-198,González An approach for recognition of human's daily living patterns using intention ontology and event calculus,2019,132,,256-270,Kim Deep neural networks for human's fall-risk prediction using force-plate time series signal,2021,182,,e115220,Thompson Emergency logistics network optimization with time window assignment,2022,214,,e119145,Wang A novel tree pattern-based violence detection model using audio signals,2023,224,,e120031,Fujita A novel one-vs-rest consensus 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ideation,2023,233,,,Barbosa