Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Muti ritual murder in Natal: from chiefs to commoners (1900-1930),2001,,44,21-39,Turrell Gender and Violence in Cape Slave Narratives and Post-Narratives,2010,62,3,444,Murray Emasculating agency: an unambiguous assessment of Albert Luthuli's stance on violence,2012,64,3,564-586,Couper The ANC MK and 'The Turn to Violence' (1960-1962),2012,64,3,538-563,Landau Firearms in nineteenth-century Botswana: the case of Livingstone's 8-bore bullet,2014,66,3,440-469,Ramsay 'Umkhonto we sizwe we are waiting for you': The ANC and the township uprising September 1984 - September 1985,2009,61,1,158-177,Simpson