Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Navigating from the heights of technical rigour to the swampy reality: Lessons from New Zealand in population health outcomes monitoring,2008,5,2,137-142,Wren Association between perceived depression anxiety and stress with Body Mass Index: Results from a community-based cross-sectional survey in Iran,2011,8,2,128-136,Moghimi-Dehkordi Clinical research and prevention: Fundamental elements of sustainable health care systems based on patients' needs,2011,8,1,89-95,De Santo Intimate partner violence and risk of HIV infection in Pakistan,2011,8,3,225-227,Nasrullah Nonfatal childhood injuries and their association with socioeconomic and gender structures: an ecological study of 14 Swedish municipalities (2000-2005),2011,8,1,60-68,Hasselberg Alcohol consumption and suicide: A country-level study,2010,7,3,226-234,Inelmen The risk of abuse of legal firearms by old and young individuals with acquired cognitive impairments: A review of the literature,2011,8,4,375-384,Mameli