Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Street children in Russia: steps to prevention,2009,18,1,27-44,Bonner Social work and parent support in reaction to children's antisocial behaviour: constructions and effects,2009,18,3,299-306,De Mey Recovery from partner abuse: the application of the strengths perspective,2010,19,1,23-32,Song Women under protection – in hiding from violent men,2009,18,4,419-430,Weinehall Intervening in youth problem behavior in Sweden: a pragmatic cost analysis of MST from a randomized trial with conduct disordered youth,2010,19,2,194-205,Olsson The ‘best interests of the child’ thesis: some thoughts from Australia,2009,18,4,431-439,Hansen An alternative response to "The best interests of the child thesis: some thoughts from Australia",2009,18,4,440-442,Barth Different problems – same treatment. Swedish juvenile offenders in community‐based rehabilitative programmes,2011,20,1,87-96,Hau A longitudinal study of depressiveness in children in public care,2010,19,4,412-423,Bulat Laws and policies to support the wellbeing of children: an international comparative analysis,2010,19,1,3-7,Perron Human trafficking between Thailand and Japan: lessons in recruitment transit and control,2011,20,2,203-211,Jones Risk factors for dating violence among teenage girls under child protective services,2008,17,3,236-242,Hébert Older people within transnational families: the social policy implications,2009,18,3,243-251,Lunt Barriers to girls' education in Mozambique at household and community levels: an exploratory study,2009,18,4,342-353,Roby The over‐representation of indigenous children in the Australian child welfare system,2009,18,1,57-64,Tilbury The rise of a ‘social development’ agenda in New Zealand,2009,18,1,3-12,Lunt Foster children: a longitudinal study of placements and family relationships,2009,18,1,13-26,Andersson Mental health in women experiencing intimate partner violence as the efficiency goal of social welfare functions,2006,15,,S31-S40,von Eye Men's experiences of violence: extent nature and ‘determinants’,2007,16,3,269-277,Soares Life stress social support coping and depressive symptoms: a comparison between the general population and family caregivers,2006,15,2,172-180,Singer Are Girls really much More Likely Than Boys to be Placed in Foster Care,1999,8,1,78-79,Vinnerljung We Do Not Know if Today in Sweden Girls More than Boys are Subjected to Disruptive Conditions of Upbringing,1999,8,1,79-80,Bergman Alcohol‐related problems among adolescents and the role of a sense of coherence,2007,16,2,159-167,Nilsson An international definition of social work for China,2007,16,4,391-397,Leung Assessment processes in social work with children at risk in Sweden and Croatia,2007,16,3,231-241,Pecnik Gender social capital and location: understanding the interactions,2007,16,2,110-118,Hampshire Grandparents raising grandchildren in Australia: exploring psychological health and grandparents’ experience of providing kinship care,2008,17,4,333-345,Dunne Mental health and social support: a pioneering study on the physically disabled in southern China,2007,16,1,41-54,Wu Multisystemic therapy project in Sweden: what factors affect the tendency of social workers to refer subjects to the research project?,2007,16,4,358-366,Sundell Performativity and helping professions: social theory power and practice,2007,16,3,193-201,Gilbert Physical and social circumstances of children in Iran affected by the incarceration of the mother,2007,16,3,278-280,Forooeddin Adl Policy and practices relating to the active engagement of older people in the community: a comparison of Sweden and Australia,2008,17,1,37-45,Leonard Poverty and experiences of insecurity. A qualitative interview study of 25 long‐standing recipients of social security,2007,16,1,65-74,Underlid Poverty welfare problems and social exclusion,2008,17,1,15-25,Larsson Social exclusion in Europe: some conceptual issues,2008,17,1,84-92,O'Brien Social work as art revisited,2008,17,2,182-193,Gray The challenges of poverty and social welfare in the Caribbean,2007,16,2,150-158,Bowen The Emperor's new clothes: South Africa's attempted transition to developmental social welfare and social work,2008,17,2,114-123,Hölscher The perception and utilisation of social support in times of cultural change: the case of Arabs in Israel,2008,17,3,198-203,Azaiza The post‐1994 transformation of social work in South Africa,2008,17,2,132-145,Gray Welfare reform and liberal governance: disciplining Cambodian‐American bodies,2007,16,3,258-268,Truong Women and men – same problems different treatment,2007,16,1,18-31,Palm Multidisciplinary consultation in child protection: A clinical data‐mining evaluation,2011,20,2,156-166,Lalayants Depressive symptoms and help‐seeking behaviors among Korean Americans,2011,20,4,421-429,Cheung Young male offenders in community‐based rehabilitative programmes - self‐reported history of antisocial behaviour predicts recidivism,2011,20,4,413-420,Ginner Hau Intimate partner violence and use of contraceptives in Bangladesh: results from a national sample,2016,25,4,331-338,Ely Child protection in China: changing policies and reactions from the field of social work,2017,26,4,329-339,Zhao Hazards of anti-blackness in the United States,2022,31,4,520-528,Rowell-Cunsolo Experience of guilt in court hearings--comparing rape assault and fraud cases,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobsson Youth unemployment economic deprivation and suicide,1998,7,4,330-339,Hagquist The Videotaped Addiction Challenge Tool: A new instrument for qualitative substance abuse assessment treatment planning and research in therapeutic communities,2001,10,2,134-141,Kaplan Rebellion and revenge: The meaning of suicide of women in rural China,2002,11,4,300-309,Meng Role of social welfare in European suicide prevention,2012,21,1,26-33,Sisask Unemployment and psychological distress among young adults in the Nordic countries: A review of the literature,2014,23,1,3-15,Reneflot