Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Report from the wingspread conference on domestic violence and family courts,2008,46,3,454-475,Steegh Questions about family court domestic violence screening and assessment,2008,46,3,523-530,Frederick Intimate partner violence in the military: securing our country starting with the home1,2009,47,2,321-339,Stamm Divorce and the family court: what can be done about domestic violence?,2008,46,3,531-536,Ellis Differentiation among types of intimate partner violence: research update and implications for interventions,2008,46,3,476-499,Johnson Custody disputes involving allegations of domestic violence: toward a differentiated approach to parenting plans,2008,46,3,500-522,Jaffe Beyond politics and positions: a call for collaboration between family court and domestic violence professionals,2008,46,3,437-453,Salem Advocating for comprehensive assessments in domestic violence cases,2008,46,4,654-669,D'Ambrosio A nationwide survey of mandatory parent education,2008,46,2,375-394,Pollet A comment on william j. Howe and hugh mcisaac's article “finding the balance” published in the january 2008 issue of family court review,2008,46,4,586-591,Edwards Analysis of mediation agreements of families reporting specific types of intimate partner abuse,2009,47,3,401-415,Beck Empowering parents in child protection mediation: challenges and opportunities,2009,47,1,98-115,Firestone Family dispute resolution: charting a course for the future,2009,47,3,493-505,D'Onofrio The emergence of triage in family court services: the beginning of the end for mandatory mediation?,2009,47,3,371-388,Salem Collaboration between judges and social science researchers in family law,2009,47,3,451-467,Beck Training and transforming students through interdisciplinary education: the intersection of law and psychology,2009,47,3,468-484,D'Onofrio Child custody evaluations: the need for systems‐level outcome assessments,2009,47,2,286-303,Kelly A guide to effective child protection mediation: lessons from 25 years of practice,2009,47,1,38-52,Giovannucci Are we really looking out for the best interests of the child? Applying the new zealand model of family group conferences to cases of child neglect in the united states,2009,47,1,129-147,Lubin Need to be heard: increasing child participation in protection mediation through the implementation of model standards,2009,47,4,715-736,Jordan Trends in child protection mediation: results of the think tank survey and interviews,2009,47,1,116-128,Kathol A nationwide survey of programs for children of divorcing and separating parents,2009,47,3,523-543,Pollet Out‐of‐court statements by victims of child sexual abuse to multidisciplinary teams: a confrontation clause analysis,2009,47,1,167-189,Scher Assisting Children Through Transition:helping Parents Protect Their Children from the Toxic Effects of Ongoing Conflict in the Aftermath of Divorce,2001,39,4,377-392,Montes Partner violence and risk assessment in child custody evaluations,2001,39,4,483-496,Austin The politics of research: the use abuse and misuse of social science data—the cases of intimate partner violence,2007,45,1,42-51,Gelles The family law education reform project final report,2006,44,4,524-570,O'Connell Strictly liable: governmental use of the parent–child relationship as a basis for holding victims liable for their child's witness to domestic violence,2006,44,1,149-163,Clarke SENSITIZING PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAMS TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CONCERNS: The Perspective of the New York State Parent Education Advisory Board,2005,43,1,124-135,Frazee Refusing to blame the victim for the aftermath of domestic violence,2003,41,4,527-532,White Protecting children who witness domestic violence,2003,41,4,517-526,Nowling Outing domestic violence,2004,42,1,162-177,Aulivola Necessary measures and logistics to maximize the safety of victims of domestic violence attending parent education programs,2004,42,2,363-374,Lutz Initial development of a psychological model for judicial decision making in continuing restraining orders,2007,45,2,274-286,Ballou Improving the enforcement of restraining orders after Castle Rock v. Gonzales,2007,45,2,322-334,Talwar Fathers and child abuse allegations in the context of parental separation and divorce,2003,41,3,367-380,Brown Familicide and family law: a study of filicide–suicide following separation,2006,44,3,448-463,Johnson Domestic violence dove and divorce mediation,2006,44,4,658-671,Stuckless Domestic violence in same‐gender relationships,2006,44,2,287-299,Rohrbaugh Common couple aggression:,2005,43,3,454-465,Zibbell Choose to hug not hit,2008,46,1,11-36,Nicholson Child trafficking: international instruments to protect the most vulnerable victims,2006,44,3,429-447,Scarpa Before death we must part: Relocation and protection for domestic violence victims in volatile divorce and custody situations,2005,43,1,149-163,Haberman Assessing mutual partner‐abuse claims in child custody and access cases,2004,42,3,411-438,Neilson Allegations and substantiations of abuse in custody‐disputing families1,2005,43,2,283-294,Johnston “it's in their culture”: fairness and cultural considerations in domestic violence,2008,46,3,537-542,Warrier Divorce mediation with and without legal representation: A focus on intimate partner violence and abuse,2010,48,4,631-645,Holtzworth-Munroe The Mediator’s Assessment of Safety Issues and Concerns (MASIC): A screening interview for intimate partner violence and abuse available in the public domain,2010,48,4,646-662,Holtzworth-Munroe Toward the differentiation of high-conflict families: An analysis of social science research and Canadian case law,2010,48,3,403-416,Bala Assessing credibility in allegations of marital violence in the highconflict child custody case,2000,38,4,462-477,Austin Domestic violence and the family court--Continuing dialogue and collaboration in the 21st century,2008,46,3,431-433,Schepard Alternative dispute resolution for Hague Convention child custody disputes,2007,45,2,302-321,Pawlowski American bar association policy requiring licensure regulation and monitoring of privately operated residential treatment facilities for at‐risk children and youth,2007,45,3,414-420, American bar association policy resolution on enhancing access to services for at‐risk youth,2007,45,3,501-505, Child relocation: an intractable international family law problem,2007,45,2,214-246,Carmody Child‐focused and child‐inclusive divorce mediation: comparative outcomes from a prospective study of postseparation adjustment,2008,46,1,105-124,McIntosh Children's and parents’ perceptions on children's participation in decision making after parental separation and divorce,2008,46,1,91-104,Cashmore Confidentiality due process and judicial disqualification in the unified family court: report to the honorable stephanie domitrovich,2008,46,2,340-346,Greacen Effects of father and mother parenting on children's mental health in high‐ and low‐conflict divorces,2008,46,2,282-296,Sandler Families courts and the end of life: schiavo and its implications for the family justice system,2008,46,2,297-330,Moran Family court improvement and the art of grantsmanship: a judge's perspective,2008,46,2,331-339,Kreeger Information for authors interested in the family court review,2008,46,1,1-5,Links Introducing perspectives in family law and social science research,2007,45,1,15-21,Johnston Irc § 71 may impoverish children endanger ex‐wives and disrupt federalism1,2008,46,4,574-585,Waggoner Key linkages between child welfare and substance abuse treatment: social functioning improvements and client satisfaction in a family drug treatment court,2008,46,1,151-162,Bryan Lessening the sting of asfa: the rehabilitation‐relapse dilemma brought about by drug addiction and termination of parental rights,2007,45,3,524-537,Hannett Listen to me! Empowering youth and courts through increased youth participation in dependency hearings,2008,46,1,163-179,Jenkins Making a mountain out of a molehill: a law and economics defense of same‐sex foster care adoptions,2007,45,1,133-148,Bradley Making the connection: legal advocacy and mental health services,2007,45,3,486-500,Wernsman Mediative evaluations: the pros and perils of blending roles,2007,45,4,560-572,Barsky On being a child custody evaluator: professional and personal challenges risks and rewards,2007,45,1,103-115,Pickar Parenting coordination (pc) practice: a survey of experienced professionals,2008,46,4,622-636,Kirkland Participants’ evaluations of aspects of the legal child custody process and preferences for court services,2007,45,2,260-273,Clark Protecting our children from sex offenders: have we gone too far?,2008,46,1,180-197,Costigliacci Punching the parenting time clock: the approximation rule social science and the baseball bat kids,2007,45,4,600-619,Warshak Recommendations from the aba youth at risk initiative planning conference,2007,45,3,366-380, Relocation research and forensic evaluation part i: effects of residential mobility on children of divorce1,2008,46,1,137-150,Austin Relocation research and forensic evaluation: part ii: research in support of the relocation risk assessment model,2008,46,2,347-365,Austin Rock‐paper‐scissors: playing the odds with the law of child relocation,2007,45,2,193-213,Duggan Romancing the court,2008,46,2,258-274,Spinak Scenario: abused and neglected adolescents— all‐too‐typical cases of youth at risk,2007,45,3,381-383, Seizing the opportunity to make good on our promises to at‐risk youth,2007,45,3,361-365,Kaye Summit on unified family courts: serving children and families efficiently effectively and responsibly,2008,46,2,227-229,Mathis The american bar association addresses the national problem of youth at risk,2007,45,3,354-360,Mathis The calm after the storm: using mediation to resolve parenting disputes in the wake of natural disasters,2008,46,2,395-408,Lombreglia The causes of girls’ delinquency and their program implications,2007,45,3,456-465,Zahn The elusive pursuit of solomon: faltering steps toward the rights of the child,2008,46,1,39-52,Moloney The foster care ombudsman: applying an international concept to help prevent institutional abuse of america's foster youth,2007,45,3,506-523,Marzick The impact of continuing education training on law guardian knowledge efficacy and practice behaviors,2007,45,1,92-102,Cerulli The reproductive and parental rights of incarcerated mothers,2008,46,4,670-694,Vainik Twenty‐first century pink or blue: how sex selection technology facilitates gendercide and what we can do about it,2008,46,1,198-215,Sharma Upholding students’ due process rights: why students are in need of better representation at and alternatives to school suspension hearings,2007,45,4,638-656,Freeman What's good for the gays is good for the gander: making homeless youth housing safer for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth,2008,46,3,543-557,Hunter Spare the child and hit the pocket: Toward a jurisprudence on a domestic abuse as a quantum factor in financial outcomes on relationship breakdown,2006,44,3,387-411,Hodson The Columbus Pilot in the family court of Western Australia,2006,44,2,270-286,Pike Intimate partner abuse screening in custody mediation: the importance of assessing coercive control,2010,48,3,555-565,Raghavan Legislating for Shared Parenting: Exploring Some Underlying Assumptions,2009,47,3,389-400,McIntosh A study of client satisfaction with family court counselling in cases involving domestic violence,2005,33,3,324-341,Davies Assessing Danger: What Judges Need To Know,2012,50,1,150-158,Rhodes Client and counsellor perceptions of the process and outcomes of family court counselling in cases involving domestic violence,1998,36,2,227-245,Davies Domestic violence: alternative processes to resolve interpersonal family conflicts,1979,17,1,15-20,Dellapa Guidelines for family court services intervention when there are allegations of domestic violence,1995,33,1,79-86,Duryee Conciliation court: crisis intervention and research project on domestic violence,1979,17,1,1-11,Feldman Mediating judicial policy: successful mediation of a family court rule on domestic violence and mediation,2004,42,1,128-140,Firestone Parent-child relationships in domestic violence families disputing custody,1993,31,3,282-298,Johnston Effects of skill-based versus information-based divorce education programs on domestic violence and parental communication,1998,36,1,9-31,Kramer Responses to domestic violence,1979,17,2,13-20,Lynch Mandatory mediation of custody in the face of domestic violence,1999,37,3,335-355,Maxwell Visitation and domestic violence: a clinical model of family assessment and access planning,1999,37,3,315-334,Zibbell Domestic violence and empowerment in custody and visitation cases,1995,33,1,30-62,Salem Protecting victims of domestic violence and their children after divorce: the American Law Institute's model,1999,37,3,393-410,Reihing ℡ephonic temporary restraining orders and domestic violence incidents,1989,27,1,79-80,Rothschild Unified family courts: a saving grace for victims of domestic violence living in nations with fragmented court systems,2004,42,2,304-320,Schwarz Mediation and domestic violence: current policies and practices,1995,33,1,6-29,Salem Historical trends in family court response to intimate partner violence: Perspectives of critics and proponents of current practices,2013,51,1,63-73,Steegh Family drug treatment courts and social determinants of health,2012,50,1,137-149,Lamis Advocating for America's military children: considering the impact of parental combat deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan,2014,52,3,343-354,Lemmon At cliff's edge: judicial dispute resolution in domestic violence cases,2014,52,3,529-563,Neilson Educating family court judges on the front lines of combat readjustment: toward the formulation and delivery of a core curriculum on military family issues,2014,52,3,458-510,Seamone Intimate partner violence military personnel veterans and their families,2014,52,3,400-416,Gerlock Mission critical: a call to action for juvenile and family courts the U.S. armed forces and veterans affairs,2014,52,3,511-528,Rosa Safe haven: granting support to victims of child abuse who have been judicially emancipated,2014,52,3,592-609,Cataldo Does level of intimate partner violence and abuse predict the content of family mediation agreements?,2015,53,1,134-161,Holtzworth-Munroe The Truancy Intervention Project: our tips for success,2012,50,3,405-412,Skola Trick or treat: why minors engaged in prostitution should be treated as victims not criminals,2013,51,1,163-177,Mir Protecting the invisible victim: incorporating coercive control in domestic violence statutes,2016,54,1,112-125,Candela Calculating safety: reckoning with domestic violence in the context of child support parenting time initiatives,2015,53,2,279-291,Davis Child protection law as an independent variable,2016,54,3,398-412,Gupta-Kagan Shuttle and online mediation: a review of available research and implications for separating couples reporting intimate partner violence or abuse,2017,55,3,390-403,Holtzworth-Munroe Privadentiality: developing a coherent framework for establishing communication protections in family and child protection dispute resolution methods,2020,58,1,9-25,Firestone Parenting coordination and confidentiality: a (not-so) delicate balance,2020,58,1,68-82,Carter Getting tough on international child abduction,2020,58,1,195-210,Messitte Reducing domestic violence and improving outcomes for children: funding civil legal aid to maximize impact,2019,57,4,465-477,Chiappetta Moving from evidence-light to evidence-based practice: randomized control trials in family law,2019,57,4,491-500,Danser Why listening to children and young people is important in family justice,2019,57,3,375-386,Walker Harnessing the power of data to improve family justice: a new Nuffield Family Justice Observatory for England and Wales,2019,57,3,405-413,Broadhurst Intersecting issues involving asylum in the United States and cases arising under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction,2019,57,2,159-174,Garbolino International Hague network of judges: significance in implementation of the 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction,2019,57,2,175-185,Sheffield Slash shoot kill: gang recruitment of children and the penalties gangs face,2019,57,2,243-257,Finelli Using Rule 11 sanctions to punish accusers who make false allegations of child sexual abuse in custody and divorce cases,2019,57,1,121-135,Sheehan Finding a safer harbor: mandating health care clinics to intervene in child sex trafficking by amending the Safe Harbor Act,2019,57,1,136-150,Russell Confidentiality and privilege for family and child protection mediation: a roadmap for navigating the innovation inconsistency and confusion,2020,58,1,46-67,Firestone The New Zealand family group conference confidentiality protections: lessons learned and an application in U.S. child welfare systems,2020,58,1,109-125,Merkel‐Holguin Identifying coercive control in Canadian family law: a required analysis in determining the best interests of the child,2021,59,4,810-827,Lux Advocacy services for survivors of intimate partner violence: pivots and lessons learned during the COVID-19 quarantine in Tacoma Washington,2022,60,2,288-302,Beck "Sendwòm Gran Sè": the older sister syndrome,2023,61,2,242-245,Francois Familicide-Suicide: From Myth To Hypothesis And Toward Understanding,2014,52,1,100-113,Johnson The Unfit Parent: Six Myths Concerning Dangerousness and Mental Illness,2016,54,1,18-28,Van Brunt If i Go There Will Be Trouble If i Stay There Will Be Double: Revenge Porn Domestic Violence and Family Offenses,2019,57,4,539-553,Beechay The parent trap: Extending New York State's parental liability law to hold parents liable for minor child's bullying,2022,60,4,885-900,Gardini Lowering the age of consent: Legal ethical and clinical implications of adolescent-directed therapy,2023,61,3,472-477,McNamara Parent-child contact problems and family intensive interventions: The crisis of adolescent suicidality and the role of social media,2023,61,3,490-495,Pasternak