Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A meta‐analysis of psychopathy‐ antisocial PD‐ and FFM associations,2009,23,7,531-565,Decuyper Authoritarianism is good for you: Right‐wing authoritarianism as a buffering factor for mental distress,2009,23,1,33-50,Van Hiel A comparison of various authoritarianism scales in Belgian Flanders,2007,21,2,149-168,Van Hiel Agitation and despair in relation to parents: activating emotional suffering in transference,2007,21,3,281,Andersen Attachment styles conflict styles and humour styles: interrelationships and associations with relationship satisfaction,2008,22,2,131-146,Cann Big Five personality development in adolescence and adulthood,2007,21,1,45-62,Gerris Climatic warmth and national wealth: some culture‐level determinants of national character stereotypes,2007,21,8,953-976,Allik Evolution genes and inter‐disciplinary personality research,2007,21,5,639-665,Penke High implicit self‐esteem is not necessarily advantageous: discrepancies between explicit and implicit self‐esteem and their relationship with anger expression and psychological health,2007,21,3,319-339,Schröder‐Abé Insecure attachment and personality disorder: a twin study of adults,2007,21,2,191-208,Shaver Interacting personality traits? 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