Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author What's worrying young Australians and where do they go for advice and support? Policy and practice implications for their well-being,2011,5,Suppl 1,12-16,Hampshire Criminal offending and distinguishing features of offenders among persons experiencing a first episode of psychosis,2011,5,1,15-23,Jones Untreated psychotic illness in the survivors of violent suicide attempts,2009,3,2,116-122,Large Early intervention with difficult to engage ‘high‐risk’ youth: evaluating an intensive outreach approach in youth mental health,2008,2,3,195-200,Yuen Three-year outcome of phase-specific early intervention for first-episode psychosis: A cohort study in Hong Kong,2011,5,4,315-323,Tang Suicidal changes in patients with first episode psychosis: Clinical predictors of increasing suicidal tendency in the early treatment phase,2012,6,3,292-299,Nordentoft Prevalence of violence risk factors in people at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis: a service audit,2012,6,1,91-96,Hutton Prevalence of suicide risk factors in people at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis: a service audit,2011,5,4,375-380,Hutton Impact of a specialized early psychosis treatment programme on suicide. Retrospective cohort study,2008,2,1,11-21,McGorry The challenge of suicidal behaviour in early psychosis,2008,2,1,1-2,Nordentoft Heterogeneity in the co-occurrence of depression and anxiety symptoms among youth survivors: a longitudinal study using latent profile analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Cognitive function and clinical symptoms in first-episode psychosis and chronic schizophrenia before and after the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake,2011,6,2,153-158,Casacchia A comparison of correlates of suicidal ideation prior to initial hospitalization for first-episode psychosis with prior research on correlates of suicide attempts prior to initial treatment seeking,2011,6,2,138-144,Compton Can receipt of a regular postcard reduce suicide-related behaviour in young help seekers? A randomized controlled trial,2012,6,2,145-152,McGorry Managing risks of violence in a youth mental health service: a service model description,2012,6,4,469-475,Purcell Early intervention for post-traumatic stress disorder,2007,1,1,19-26,Bryant Early traumatic experiences in those at clinical high risk for psychosis,2013,7,3,300-305,McGlashan Cyberbullying in those at clinical high risk for psychosis,2013,7,4,427-430,Addington Suicidal ideations and sleep-related problems in early adolescence,2014,8,2,155-162,Franic Childhood trauma and psychosis: new perspectives on aetiology and treatment,2013,7,1,1-4,McGorry Suicidal behaviours during treatment for first-episode psychosis: Towards a comprehensive approach to service-based prevention,2013,8,4,387-395,Edwards Development and pilot testing of an online monitoring tool of depression symptoms and side effects for young people being treated for depression,2014,9,1,66-69,Hetrick Can an Internet-based intervention reduce suicidal ideation depression and hopelessness among secondary school students: results from a pilot study,2014,10,1,28-35,Pirkis The safety and acceptability of delivering an online intervention to secondary students at risk of suicide: findings from a pilot study,2014,9,6,498-506,Pirkis Early intervention for first-episode psychosis: broadening the scope of economic estimates,2014,10,2,144-151,McCrone Cannabis use in first-treatment bipolar I disorder: relations to clinical characteristics,2014,10,1,36-44,Melle 'Nobody really gets it': a qualitative exploration of youth mental health in deprived urban areas,2014,9,5,406-411,Smyth Youth depression alleviation: the Fish Oil Youth Depression Study (YoDA-F): a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled treatment trial,2014,10,4,290-299,Hickie Impact of crime victimization on initial presentation to an early intervention for psychosis service and 18-month outcomes,2017,11,2,123-132,Fisher Suicidality self-harm and psychotic-like symptoms in a general adolescent psychiatric sample,2017,11,2,113-122,Laajasalo Social media and suicide prevention: a systematic review,2015,10,2,103-121,Hetrick Non-suicidal self-injury is associated with psychotic like experiences depression and bullying in Korean adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Gender differences in one-year outcomes of first-presentation psychosis patients in inner-city UK Early Intervention Services,2015,11,3,215-223,Fisher Young Australians with moderate to severe mental health problems: client data and outcomes at Children and Young People's Mental Health,2015,11,4,334-341,Howe Nonsuicidal self-injury suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among sexual minority youth in Ireland during their emerging adult years,2015,10,5,441-445,Kelleher Factors related to self-reported social anxiety symptoms among incoming university students,2015,11,4,314-321,Lee An engagement and access model for healthcare delivery to adolescents with mood and anxiety concerns,2012,6,1,97-105,Vingilis Early intervention and identification strategies for young people at risk of developing mental health issues: working in partnership with schools in Birmingham UK,2017,11,6,471-479,Birchwood Distress defiance or adaptation? A review paper of at-risk mental health states in young offenders,2012,6,3,219-228,Casswell Psychological morbidity among young adults attending primary care: a retrospective study,2018,12,1,22-29,Meagher Role of the general practitioner in providing early intervention for youth mental health: a mixed methods investigation,2018,12,2,202-216,McGorry Screening for adolescent suicidality in primary care: the bullying-insomnia-tobacco-stress test. A population-based pilot study,2018,12,4,637-644,Binder Rates of criminal victimization in an early intervention for psychosis service - a cross sectional survey,2018,12,6,1081-1086,Jones "What is the point of life?" An interpretative phenomenological analysis of suicide in young men with first-episode psychosis,2018,12,6,1120-1127,Larkin Interpersonal sensitivity bullying victimization and paranoid ideation among help-seeking adolescents and young adults,2019,13,1,57-63,Girardi Relationships between the frequency and severity of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in youth with borderline personality disorder,2019,13,2,194-201,Chanen Suicidal ideation and burnout among psychiatric trainees in Japan,2018,12,5,935-937,Fujisawa Perceptual abnormalities in an ultra-high risk for psychosis population relationship to trauma and co-morbid disorder,2019,13,2,231-240,Cannon The association between specific types of childhood adversity and attenuated psychotic symptoms in a community sample,2019,13,2,281-289,Mulholland Re: Economic comparison of early intervention services with standard care: flawed model of the costs of homicide,2018,12,3,520-521,Pelosi Violent behaviour in early psychosis patients: can we identify clinical risk profiles?,2019,13,3,517-524,Dumais Attenuated psychosis and basic self-disturbance as risk factors for depression and suicidal ideation/behaviour in community-dwelling adolescents,2019,13,3,532-538,Shahar Suicidal ideation in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis and its association with suspiciousness independent of depression,2019,13,3,539-545,Lee Psychotic-spectrum symptoms cumulative adversity exposure and substance use among high-risk girls,2018,12,1,74-86,Golshan Experience of associative stigma in parents of adolescents at risk for psychosis,2019,13,4,761-766,Loewy Externalizing depression symptoms among Canadian males with recent suicidal ideation: a focus on young men,2019,13,2,308-313,Ogrodniczuk Recent violence and legal involvement among young adults with early psychosis enrolled in Coordinated Specialty Care,2019,13,4,832-840,Compton Frontal cortical thickness correlates positively with impulsivity in early psychosis male patients,2019,13,4,848-852,Conus Medication hospitalizations and mortality in 5 years after first-episode psychosis in a Swedish nation-wide cohort,2019,13,4,902-907,Hetta Are patterns of violence and aggression at presentation in patients with first-episode psychosis temporally stable? A comparison of 2 cohorts,2019,13,4,888-894,Clarke Short-term effects of crisis response planning on optimism in a U.S. Army sample,2019,13,3,682-685,Bryan Staged treatment and acceptability guidelines in early psychosis study (STAGES): a randomized placebo controlled trial of intensive psychosocial treatment plus or minus antipsychotic medication for first-episode psychosis with low-risk of self-harm or aggression. Study protocol and baseline characteristics of participants,2019,13,4,953-960,Allott Binge drinking: prevalence correlates and expectancies of alcohol use among individuals with first-episode psychosis,2019,13,5,1136-1145,Verma Predictive validity of objective measures of physical fitness for the new onset of mental disorders in adolescents and young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Clinical staging for youth at-risk for serious mental illness,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein Clinical and psychosocial factors associated with depression in patients with psychosis according to stage of illness,2020,14,1,44-52,Kim Detection of adolescent suicidality in primary care: an international utility study of the bullying-insomnia-tobacco-stress test,2020,14,1,80-86,Haller Victimization violence and facial affect recognition in a community sample of first-episode psychosis patients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fullam The relation of basic self-disturbance to self-harm eating disorder symptomatology and other clinical features: exploration in an early psychosis sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Addressing mental health in elite athletes as a vehicle for early detection and intervention in the general community,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Purcell Alexithymia resilience somatic sensations and their relationships with suicide ideation in drug naïve patients with first-episode major depression: an exploratory study in the "real world" everyday clinical practice,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Berardis Violent outcomes in first-episode psychosis: a clinical cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel Impact of exposure to severe suicidal behaviours in patients during psychiatric training: an online French survey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haesebaert Factors associated with initiation of community-based therapy for emerging adults with mood and anxiety disorders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osuch General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: a cross-sectional survey,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hennessy Mental health need of students at entry to university: baseline findings from the U-Flourish Student Well-Being and Academic Success Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pickett Suicidality and social problem-solving skills among individuals with first-episode psychosis participating in coordinated specialty care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breitborde Childhood medical history and psychosis in adult life: findings from the Bologna EU-GEI incidence and case-control study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berardi Suicidal thinking and behaviours in first episode psychosis: findings from a 3-year longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pompili Psychotic-like experiences in Chinese children and adolescents: the effect of earthquake exposure maltreatment and negative life events,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xu Substance use in youth at-risk for serious mental illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein Perceived burdensomeness thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation among individuals with first-episode psychosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breitborde Cannabis use and metabolic syndrome among clients with first episode psychosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDonell The impact of communicating personal mental ill-health risk: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harvey Contributions of childhood trauma and atypical development to increased clinical symptoms and poor functioning in recent onset psychosis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carter Childhood physical neglect and psychotic experiences: findings from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stickley Mental health literacy programs for school teachers: a systematic review and narrative synthesis,2020,14,1,14-25,Togo Legislation targeting head shops selling new psychoactive substances and changes in drug-related psychiatric admissions: a national database study,2020,14,1,53-60,Smyth Mediating role of cognitive biases resilience and depressive symptoms in the relationship between childhood trauma and psychotic-like experiences in young adults,2020,14,1,87-96,Arciszewska Clinical staging for youth at-risk for serious mental illness: a longitudinal perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein Which factors delay treatment in bipolar disorder? A nationwide study focussed on duration of untreated illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pompili Youth partnerships in suicide prevention research: a failed investigator survey,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson Adversity in childhood/adolescence and premorbid tobacco alcohol and cannabis use among first-episode psychosis patients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelley Childhood adversity and depressive symptoms among young adults: examining the roles of individuation difficulties and perceived social support,2020,14,2,241-246,Cox Victimization violence and facial affect recognition in a community sample of first-episode psychosis patients,2020,14,3,283-292,Fullam Violent outcomes in first-episode psychosis: a clinical cohort study,2020,14,3,379-382,Fazel Screening for the at-risk mental state in educational settings: a systematic review,2020,14,6,643-654,Mulholland Impact of emotion dysregulation and cognitive insight on psychotic and depressive symptoms during the early course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders,2020,14,6,691-697,Mahendran Cognitive functioning in first episode psychosis. gender differences and relation with clinical variables,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Usall Prevalence and predictors of suicidality and non-suicidal self-harm among individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: results from a community-recruited sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawrie A network examination of risky behaviours in a state-level and national epidemiological sample of high school students,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levinson Surviving but not thriving: burden of care and quality of life for caregivers of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and comorbid substance use in South Africa,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tomita Bullying and social functioning schemas and beliefs among youth at clinical high risk for psychosis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cornblatt Distress quality of life and disability in treatment-seeking young adults with social anxiety disorder,2021,15,1,57-67,Hickie "I'm tired of being pulled from pillar to post": a qualitative analysis of barriers to mental health care for trauma-exposed young people,2021,15,1,113-122,Bendall General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: a cross-sectional survey,2021,15,2,271-277,Hennessy Recommendations for the medical work-up of first episode psychosis including specific relevance to Indigenous Australians: a narrative review,2021,15,3,423-438,Murphy Occurrence and correlates of depressive symptoms among the resettled Afghan refugees in a regional area of Australia,2021,15,3,463-470,Mond Suicidal thinking and behaviours in first episode psychosis: findings from a 3-year longitudinal study,2021,15,3,624-633,Pompili Substance use in youth at-risk for serious mental illness,2021,15,3,634-641,Goldstein Severe and complex youth depression: clinical and historical features of young people attending a tertiary mood disorders clinic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rice Suicidal ideation suicide literacy and stigma disclosure expectations and attitudes toward help-seeking among university students: the impact of schizotypal personality traits,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fekih-Romdhane Genuine and non-genuine smiles in individuals meeting criteria for a clinical high-risk syndrome,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haase Post-COVID-19 psychosis: Cotard's syndrome and potentially high risk of harm and self-harm in a first-onset acute and transient psychotic disorder after resolution of COVID-19 pneumonia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ignatova A pilot study of a mindfulness informed yoga intervention in young people with psychosis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lappin The effects of peer bullying and poverty on suicidality in Chinese left behind adolescents: the mediating role of psychotic-like experiences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hu Severe childhood trauma and emotion recognition in males and females with first-episode psychosis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lepage Exploring the relation between psychosis-like experiences and suicidal ideation plans and attempts among college students in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pitts Aggressive behaviour in antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia patients their unaffected siblings and healthy controls,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fekih-Romdhane The impact of child maltreatment on mental health and substance use trajectories among adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henderson Pharmacists and mental health first aid training: a comparative analysis of confidence mental health assistance behaviours and perceived barriers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clifford Risk of violent behaviour in young people at clinical high risk for psychosis from the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Studies consortium,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McGlashan Mental physical and sexual health in sexual minority third-level students: findings from My World Survey 2,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dooley Variability in suicidal ideation during treatment for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: the importance of repeated assessment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breitborde Perspectives toward cannabidiol (CBD) among youth in early psychosis intervention programs: a qualitative study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ghelani Interpersonal theory of suicide and stressful life events in a clinical sample of adolescents in Spain,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carballo Demographic and clinical correlates of suicidal ideation in individuals with at-risk mental state (ARMS): a study from Pakistan,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lane Caregiver-reported psychological and behavioural functioning of children with suicidal thoughts and behaviour: a case-control design,2023,17,6,581-587,Ostrander Parental attachment and childhood trauma in adolescents engaged in non-suicidal self-injury,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yazgan Prevalence and clinical profile of comorbid anxiety in young adult patients with first-episode and drug-naive major depressive disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Early phase psychosis and criminal conviction in United States 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speak from the heart the young mob aren't going to listen at all": An invitation for youth mental health services to engage in new ways of working,2019,13,6,1506-1512,Lin The Brief 10-Item Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences-Positive Scale (Brief CAPE-P10): Initial psychometric properties gender measurement invariance and mean differences among Nigerian adolescents,2020,14,6,723-733,Aloba Gender-affirming care in the assessment and treatment of psychosis risk: considering minority stress in current practice and future research,2024,18,3,207-216,Ceccolini