Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Post‐conflict Statebuilding and State Legitimacy: From Negative to Positive Peace?,2008,39,4,537-555,Roberts After Mass Crime: Rebuilding States and Communities edited by Béatrice Pouligny Simon Chesterman and AlbertSchnabel,2008,39,4,713-714,Rehman Endless War? Hidden Functions of the ‘War on Terror’ by David Keen,2008,39,5,870-871,Bayoumi Measuring Civil Society Strength: How and for Whom?,2008,39,6,1171-1180,Biekart Global Public Health Security: Inequality Vulnerability and Public Health System Capabilities,2008,39,6,1163-1169,Koivusalo Frontlines and Interstices in the Global War on Terror,2007,38,6,1073-1093,Bhatt New War Good War and the War on Terror: Explaining Excusing and Creating Western Neo‐interventionism,2007,38,6,1055-1071,Dexter A to Z of Abuses: ‘State of the Art’ in Global Human Rights Monitoring,2007,38,6,1255-1265,Dudai Too Poor for Peace? Global Poverty Conflict and Security in the 21st Century edited by Lael Brainard and Derek Chollet,2009,40,3,588-590,Agbonifo Economic Gangsters: Corruption Violence and the Poverty of Nations by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel,2009,40,3,590-593,Gaiha Complex Emergencies by David Keen
Development Security and Unending War: Governing the World of Peoples by Mark Duffield,2009,40,3,593-595,Demmers The Kilosa Killings: Political Ecology of a Farmer–Herder Conflict in Tanzania,2009,40,3,423-445,Benjaminsen Slum Wars of the 21st Century: Gangs Mano Dura and the New Urban Geography of Conflict in Central America,2009,40,5,949-976,Rodgers Embedding the War on Terror: State and Civil Society Relations,2010,41,1,1-27,Fowler Counter‐terrorism and the Politics of Aid: Civil Society Responses in Kenya,2010,41,2,335-353,Lind Counter‐terrorism and the Regulation of Civil Society in the USA,2010,41,2,293-312,Sidel Protection for Sale? War and the Transformation of Regulation on the Congo–Ugandan Border,2010,41,4,563-587,Raeymaekers ‘The Perfect Business’: Human Trafficking and Lao–Thai Cross‐Border Migration,2010,41,5,831-855,Molland Rubber Erasures Rubber Producing Rights: Making Racialized Territories in West Kalimantan Indonesia,2009,40,1,47-80,Peluso Access and Property: A Question of Power and Authority,2009,40,1,1-22,Sikor Cities of Extremes,2009,40,5,815-825,Biekart Building Peace with Conflict Diamonds? Merging Security and Development in Sierra Leone,2009,40,4,693-715,Le Billon Reordering Society: Vigilantism and Expressions
 of Sovereignty in Port Elizabeth's Townships,2006,37,4,735-757,Buur Privatization of Security Arms Proliferation and the Process of State Collapse in Africa,2002,33,5,911-933,Musah ‘Model Tribes’ and Iconic Conservationists? The Makuleke Restitution Case in Kruger National Park,2008,39,1,53-72,Robins Challenging Orthodoxies: Understanding Poverty in Pastoral Areas of East Africa,2008,39,4,587-611,Barrett China and India: The Institutional Roots of Differential Performance,2008,39,5,723-757,Saith Clifford Geertz: Singular Genius of Interpretive Anthropology,2007,38,6,1187-1208,White Communal Tenure and Rural Poverty: Land Transactions in Svosve Communal Area Zimbabwe,2008,39,2,285-308,Chimhowu Conditional Belonging: Farm Workers and the Cultural Politics of Recognition in Zimbabwe,2008,39,1,73-99,Rutherford Contention and Ambiguity: Mining and the Possibilities of Development,2008,39,6,887-914,Bebbington Custom and the Courts: Ensuring Women's Rights to Land Jharkhand India,2007,38,2,299-319,Rao Empire Geopolitics and Development,2007,38,6,1021-1040,Chhachhi Escaping Violence Seeking Freedom: Why Children in Bangladesh Migrate to the Street,2007,38,2,201-227,Conticini Evidence‐based Policy for HIV/AIDS Interventions: Questions of External Validity or Relevance for Use,2007,38,6,1219-1234,Seckinelgin Feminism Gender and Women's Peace Activism,2007,38,1,131-147,El‐Bushra Gender Myths and Feminist Fables: The Struggle for Interpretive Power in Gender and Development,2007,38,1,1-20,Harrison Gender Caste and Matchmaking in Kerala: A Rationale for Dowry,2008,39,2,263-283,Kodoth Gender Vulnerability and the Experts: Responding to the Maldives Tsunami,2007,38,5,843-864,Fulu Immigrants Morality and Neoliberalism,2008,39,2,197-218,Bagchi Imperial Geopolitics and the Promise of Democracy,2007,38,6,1041-1054,Slater Manufacturing Disorder: Liberalization Informal Enterprise and Economic ‘Ungovernance’ in African Small Firm Clusters,2007,38,3,473-503,Meagher Mixed Outcomes: The Impact of Regional Autonomy and Decentralization on Indigenous Ethnic Minorities in Indonesia,2007,38,4,711-733,Duncan Myths To Live By? Female Solidarity and Female Autonomy Reconsidered,2007,38,1,149-168,Cornwall No Change for Thirty Years: The Renewed Question of Women's Land Rights in Rural China,2007,38,4,689-710,Judd Occupying the Margins: Labour Integration and Social Exclusion in Artisanal Mining in Tanzania,2007,38,4,735-760,Fisher Political Cleaners: Women as the New Anti‐Corruption Force?,2007,38,1,87-105,Goetz Reflections on Latin American Rural Studies in the Neoliberal Globalization Period: A New Rurality?,2008,39,6,915-943,Kay Resolving Risk? Marriage and Creative Conjugality,2007,38,1,107-129,Jackson Social Movements: An Introduction by Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani,2007,38,4,771-772,Ghosh The Construction of the Myth of Survival,2007,38,1,45-66,González de la Rocha The Geopolitical Framing of Localized Struggles: NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2007,38,2,251-274,Jeffrey The Political Ecology of Violence in Eastern Sri Lanka,2007,38,4,665-687,Bohle Transnational Advocacy Networks and Affirmative Action for Dalits in India,2008,39,2,239-261,Lerche UNIFEM CEDAW and the Human Rights‐based Approach,2008,39,6,1181-1192,Hintjens Women Beneficiaries or Women Bearing the Cost? A Gendered Analysis of the Red de Protección Social in Nicaragua,2008,39,5,823-844,Bradshaw Gender bias in China South Korea and India 1920-1990: effects of war famine and fertility decline,1999,30,3,619-652,Li Female demographic disadvantage in India 1981-1991: sex selective abortions and female infanticide,1999,30,3,585-618,Sudha Social Protection and Class Relations: Evidence from Scheduled Caste Women's Associations in Rural South India,2011,42,2,469-498,Pattenden Between Affiliation and Autonomy: Navigating Pathways of Women's Empowerment and Gender Justice in Rural Bangladesh,2011,42,2,499-528,Kabeer Africa: Illusions of Peace Illusions of War,2011,42,3,859-871,Hintjens 'Life is War': Informal Transport Workers and Neoliberalism in Tanzania 1998-2009,2011,42,5,1179-1206,Rizzo Climate change conflict and development in Sudan: Global neo-Malthusian narratives and local power struggles,2011,42,3,679-707,Verhoeven "The perfect business": human trafficking and Lao-Thai cross-border migration,2010,41,5,831-855,Molland Child Trafficking: 'Worst Form' of Child Labour or Worst Approach to Young Migrants?,2012,43,4,919-946,Huijsmans Adding insult to injury: the COVID-19 crisis strikes Latin America,2022,53,6,1335-1361,Grigera After the Nicaraguan Non-Payment Crisis: Alternatives to Microfinance Narcissism,2013,44,4,861-885,Marchetti