Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Confidentiality and therapeutic practice,1998,15,2,229-239,Venier Mythologies and stereotypes – a woman's lot?,2009,25,2,190-193,Kennedy Sex gender and violence: estela welldon's contribution to our understanding of the psychopathology of violence,2009,25,2,239-256,Gilligan Thinking the unthinkable: facing maternal abuse,2009,25,2,203-213,Motz Psychotherapy and the ‘plague’: some contributions to the understanding of a recurring threat,2009,25,1,39-55,Briant Murder: A Psychotherapeutic Investigation – Edited by Ronald Doctor,2009,25,1,116-120,Polledri Commentary on david black: beyond the death drive detour – how can we deepen our understanding of cruelty malice hatred envy and violence?,2001,18,2,199-204,Schwartz Understanding the trauma of racial violence in a black patient,2001,18,1,34-51,Keval Shame disgust anger and revenge: homosexuality and countertransference,2001,17,4,493-504,Jones Mapping a detour: why did freud speak of a death drive?,2001,18,2,185-198,Black Evaluation of outcome in a dynamically orientated group for adult males who have been sexually abused in childhood,2002,19,1,59-75,Morrison ‘i can't live without my child’: motherhood as a ‘solution’ to early trauma,2008,24,3,317-327,Schumacher ‘Those that the gods wish to destroy they first make mad’: an analytic discussion of the depiction of sado‐masochism in the film the night porter,2007,23,3,445-458,Valentine Grouping or ganging: the psychodynamics of bullying,2007,23,2,189-204,Waddell Homosexuality: psychotherapeutic issues,2008,24,4,429-468,Downey Mother courage: reflections on maternal resilience,2007,23,2,171-188,Baraitser On the slopes of brokeback mountain: countertransference impediments to an analytic attitude in work with gay men,2007,23,3,431-443,Flower Pathological organizations of the personality: a clinical case study,2007,23,3,395-410,Chiesa The dream of perfection,2007,23,2,247-266,MacKenna The perverse core and its role in the crossroads between self‐representation and confusion,2008,24,1,65-73,Perrone The therapeutic use of pets in private practice,2008,24,4,501-521,Sacks Treatment of personality disorder: limit setting and the use of benign authority,2007,23,2,231-246,McLean Vulnerable to depression,2007,23,4,547-562,Harris Infanticide matricide or suicide,2009,25,2,194-202,Minne Maintaining the tension between the classic seduction theory and the role of unconscious fantasies: a contemporary reconsideration,2020,36,2,216-231,Harel 'Slashing the teddy bear's tummy with a carving knife': the infanticidal roots of schizophrenia,2019,35,3,399-416,Kahr Advancing telecommunication technology and its impact on psychotherapy in private practice,2017,33,1,63-76,Sehgal Some reflections on Kleinian clinical technique in post-war Britain: the question of psychosis,2017,33,2,253-261,Watt Psychodynamic psychotherapy of a child with internalizing symptoms: a study of outcomes,2017,33,4,514-536,Gastaud Effectiveness trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents with severe anxiety symptoms in a naturalistic treatment setting,2018,34,2,300-318,Romer Encapsulated sadness: Iranian migrants and exiles in London,2020,36,1,76-92,Sekechi Attachment and trauma in groups and organizations,2019,35,2,263-272,Sarra Revisiting boarding school syndrome: the anatomy of psychological traumas and sexual abuse,2021,37,4,606-622,Schaverien Psychic security: Its origins development and disruption,1999,15,3,358-367,Garwood The petrified self: Esther Bick and her membership paper,2001,18,1,3-6,Willoughby Response to public attack on freud and his daughter Anna [1],2002,19,1,137-138,Hunter-Brown The concept of the death instinct: A clinical viewpoint,2002,18,4,568-570,Lucas Irreversible: Unbearable feelings,2004,20,3,281-293,Hamilton The last resort: Some notes on the suicide of a patient,2004,20,3,295-306,Valentine Sharing a heart: The dilemma of a fused couple,2007,23,3,411-429,Rosenthall Teaching and learning about psychoanalysis: Film as a teaching tool with reference to a particular film Morvern Callar,2010,26,1,80-99,Edwards Is there time enough? Ethical dilemmas inherent in offering time-limited work in the university,2012,28,2,249-263,Hallett The therapeutic alliance and suicide: When words are not enough,2013,29,3,315-328,Schechter Response to Moving Out - Disruption and Repair to the Internal Setting by Marie Bridge,2014,30,2,263-266,Polden Some consequences of being the wrong child: Effects of the intergenerational transmission of an ideal-ego,2014,30,2,181-196,Simpson The internal cohabitation model,2014,30,3,314-327,Richards Destructive groups: The role of projective identification in suicidal groups of young people,2015,31,1,38-53,Lindner Clinical Commentary 41,2019,35,4,508-522,Horne 'How Can Anyone Live Like That?' Exploring the Conscious and Unconscious Implications for Disabled People of any Change in Assisted Suicide Law,2019,35,2,195-214,Kane Life and Work: Unconscious Entanglements,2019,35,3,350-361,Tomarken Studying the Process of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Discursive and Embodied Aspects,2019,35,2,217-232,Avdi The Birth of a Political Self,2019,35,4,559-567,Davoine Transgender Expressions and Psychosis: Towards an Ethics of Sexual Difference,2019,35,3,417-430,Gherovici Conradian Horror: Suicide Loss and Heart of Darkness,2021,37,1,130-152,Davies Mortality and Finiteness,2021,37,1,70-83,Handa Time in Motion: Qualities of Temporality Within Psychotherapeutic Psychodynamic Counselling,2021,37,3,380-389,Howell Toxic Parents Addictions and Institutional Psychotherapy,2021,37,2,263-279,Evzonas Hollow Women Stuffed Women: Body Image and the Imagined Body in Patients with Eating Disorders,2022,38,1,61-78,Hamlin Isolation Loneliness and Aloneness in the Age of Covid-19: Reflections on Clinical Experiences,2022,38,4,738-753,Lindner Suicidal Acts Among Latency‐Age Children as an Expression of Internal Object‐Relations,1993,9,4,405-413,Cohen Shame and the Problem of Suicide: A Family Systems Perspective,1991,7,3,230-242,Lansky Which neurotic patients are offered which psychotherapy?,1990,6,4,401-410,Eagles A state of inbetweenness: the challenges of working with disavowal,2022,38,1,4-16,Blumenthal Brief psychotherapy and the validation of psychodynamic theory,1984,1,1,68-76,Pokorny A syncretic approach to the role of pathological organizations in violence,2013,29,3,329-345,Boyle AIDS anger and revenge,1991,8,1,36-38,Maharajh Abrupt terminations in the treatment of suicidal and self-harming young people: the negativel in the therapeutic relationship,2024,40,1,76-93,Goldblatt Analysing Muriel's wedding with reference to the story of 'Cinderella',2007,23,4,575-586,Valentine Borderline personality disorder and psychotherapeutic psychiatry: an integrative approach,1997,13,4,489-498,Bateman Assessment: a personal overview,2016,32,2,237-255,Carvalho Bullying as a traumatizing process: an investigation of the phenomenology of the bullying experiences and their dynamic effects,2022,38,3,572-588,Rosenbaum Anxiety symptoms and containment: a tale of two situations,2014,30,1,106-116,Bishop Assessment for psychotherapy: clinical indicators of self cohesion and self pathology,1994,10,3,317-330,Brooke Abdication of a father: some reflections on the freud-jung correspondence1,2008,24,3,273-298,Fisher 'And what rough beast …?': psychoanalytic thoughts on evil states of mind,2005,22,2,199-216,Ivey A psychodynamic perspective on a systematic review of online psychotherapy for adults,2016,32,1,79-108,Sfoggia Adolescent loneliness solitude and psychotherapy,1986,3,2,105-118,Holmes Behind locked doors: an exploration of therapeutic processes within a prison therapeutic community,2010,26,4,502-521,Polden Aspects of internal self and object representations in disorganized attachment: clinical considerations in the assessment and treatment of chronic and relapsing substance misusers,2013,29,2,154-167,Sweet A personal experience of growth as a therapist and reflections on a group experience,1994,10,4,533-539,Timimi Bion alpha-function and the unconscious mind,2016,32,2,215-225,Abel-Hirsch A man of achievement - Sophocles' Oedipus,1994,11,2,232-241,Williams Beyond understanding? Some thoughts on the meaning and function of the notion of'evil',1997,14,2,209-220,Hering A psychoanalytic perspective on ethics self-deception and the corrupt physician,2012,28,2,235-248,Gabbard Becoming neglected: a perverse relationship to care,2010,26,1,22-32,Ruszczynski Analytic intuition: a meeting place for jung and bion,2006,23,1,83-98,Williams Art as a defence mechanism against creativity,1990,7,1,5-14,Mann A psychoanalytic contribution to understanding the lack of professional involvement in psychotherapeutic work with families where there is psychosis,2017,33,2,224-238,Martindale A patient who could not allow himself to really get better,2013,29,1,25-40,Simpson Bingeing on sobriety: white holes black holes and time's arrow in the intra-psychic worlds of addicted and substance abusing patients,2016,32,2,159-174,Miller Breaking the circle,1993,10,1,7-17,Bridge A group psychoanalytic approach to the social dreaming matrix: a found-and-created device,2023,39,4,732-750,Salaam Abdel-Malek Analytic/Jungian psychotherapy and same-sex/queer desire: research findings and implications for theory practice and training,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Full An outline of our contemporary Freudian approach,2014,30,1,6-17,Sandler Avoiding the edge,1991,8,2,155-165,Jones A view from the battlefield,1994,10,4,540-542,Corcos Body hatred,2003,19,4,447-464,Parker A parallel development,1995,11,3,379-387,Grier Gay men and suicidality: the development and nature of the critical superego,2023,39,1,106-122,Spinks Mourning through poetry: discovering the lost love object and symbolization of desire,2023,39,2,290-304,Harel Connection and catastrophe hope and despair in our borderline world,2002,19,2,235-245,Campling Female perversion and hysteria,1995,11,3,406-414,Welldon Encountering self-harm in psychotherapy and counselling practice,1999,15,3,306-321,Turp Commentary by two therapists from the women's therapy centre,1998,15,1,112-116,Einhorn Commentary by a Kleinian psychotherapist,1998,15,1,116-119,Likierman Defiant resistance in the service of the impoverished self: Herman Melville's bBartleby: an illustration of clinical casework,2005,22,2,217-227,Mander Comments by a post Kleinian psychotherapist,1998,14,3,376-377,Mayers Discretion as power: in the situation called 'psychotherapy',1998,15,2,216-228,Szasz Commentary by a Child Psychotherapist and Psycho-Analyst,1996,12,3,392-396,Bronstein Expanding the clinical utility of the concept of developmental help to engage the severely disturbed adult patient in a psychoanalytic process,1994,10,4,521-532,Daldin Envy revisited,2003,20,2,195-218,Polledri Changes in health service utilization by patients with severe personality disorders before and after inpatient psychosocial treatment,1996,12,4,501-512,Chiesa Destructive narcissism and the obliteration of subject-object separation: various manifestations of an underlying psychodynamic configuration,1999,15,3,291-305,Seidler Developing a psychosomatic imagination in medical students and psychotherapy trainees,2020,36,4,597-609,Shoenberg Children of a mortal god: a therapy group's journey in the wake of their therapist's unexpected death,2011,27,1,93-110,Vlachos I was a Shoah child,1992,8,4,391-400,Gampel Non-borderline patients with mothers who manifest borderline pathology,1998,14,3,294-302,Glickauf-Hughes Commentary by a psycho-analyst,1996,12,3,386-389,Schachter Navigating language games around psychosis,2017,33,2,239-252,Watts Commentary by a child psychotherapist,1996,12,3,389-392,Flynn Creativity: a conscious imaginative approach,2022,38,4,666-677,Beazley Clinging on for dear life: adhesive identification and experience in the countertransference,2012,28,1,66-80,Turp Narcoleptic states in psychoanalytic psychotherapy,1995,11,4,546-556,Richards Cardiac self-disclosure: clinical and theoretical reflections,2023,39,3,448-465,Karbelnig Dancing with death,2009,25,2,149-182,Welldon Ethical dilemmas in the prison setting,2016,32,2,256-273,Bryan Donald Winnicott's Unique View of Depression with Particular Reference to his 1963 Paper on the Value of Depression,2018,34,3,358-375,Brogan Closed systems as metaphor for transference,2003,20,1,51-58,Summers Institutional impact of scientific research,2010,26,4,458-464,Chiesa From autonomy to dependency?,2010,26,2,213-218,Khaleelee Making space for god: religious experience in male anglican priests who have sought psychotherapy and/or spiritual direction,2009,25,1,56-76,Bingham Forensic psychotherapy with a potential serial killer,1997,13,4,473-488,Polledri How can we understand the demise of kids company?,2016,32,1,125-131,Foster Delinquency and being taken into care: a three-generational study,2000,16,4,424-433,Pitt-Aikens Dehumanization guilt and large group dynamics with reference to the west israel and the palestinians,2011,27,4,383-405,Kemp It is time we stopped colluding,2023,39,2,373-379,Atkinson Dissociation and the fragmentary nature of traumatic memories: overview,1996,12,3,352-361,van der Kolk Moving out - disruption and repair to the internal setting,2013,29,4,481-493,Bridge Enactment: some thoughts about the therapist's contribution,2006,22,4,497-508,Devereux Hopelessness in the analysis,2015,31,3,348-359,Gerrard Groupwork with mothers who have been sexually abused in childhood,2004,20,3,345-359,Baraitser Midwives foster-mothers stepmothers? Clinical psychologists teaching junior doctors psychotherapy,2001,17,4,530-544,Blackwell From wounded victims to scarred survivors,1996,12,4,513-520,Sabbadini Listening as a four-level activity,1985,1,4,274-285,Rowan Inhibited mourning in a latency age child,1989,5,4,523-531,Nilman Concrete people? Modes of imagination in psychotherapy fiction and neuroscience,2020,36,3,385-401,Robinson Ethical moments in psychotherapy: interpretation seduction or …?,1997,13,4,506-514,Clapham Is the Balint group an opportunity to mentalize?,2024,40,1,55-75,Fonagy Mentalization within intensive analysis with a borderline patient,2016,32,2,202-214,Target Inpatient psychotherapy and prenatal regression,2006,22,4,483-496,Ployé Confidentiality and professionalism in psychoanalysis,2003,20,2,157-178,Bollas Medical psychotherapy training and the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,38,2,338-352,Jones Feelings and their absence from the analytic setting,1995,12,2,212-221,Perelberg Loss of the loved object: tragic and moral motifs in Melanie Klein's concept of the depressive position,1995,12,2,147-159,Likierman Love in the time of psychotherapy,1996,13,2,163-173,Gerrard From emptiness to loss: a journey from the intrapersonal to the interpersonal,1994,10,3,331-343,Lamprell Freud and idealization,2022,38,3,595-609,Black Narcissism and the lure of grandiosity over reality: reflections on a narcissistic inhibition in creativity,2023,39,1,86-105,Mann Further thoughts on 'that which patients bring to analysis',1994,11,2,185,Rey Extreme risk seeking addiction: theory and treatment,2011,27,4,335-351,Ranieri Cancer in other words? The role of metaphor in emotion disclosure in cancer patients,2013,29,2,182-201,Lanceley Envy loveth not: a study of the origin influence and confluence of envy and narcissism,1985,1,3,171-186,Berke Introduction to 'further thoughts on "that which patients bring to analysis"' by J.H. Rey,2004,21,2,241-256,Magagna Jimmy Savile: abuse and a question of trust,2014,30,3,384-398,Silverstone 'NO' In hysteria,1992,9,2,188-206,Resnik Intergenerational transmission of influence and family pattern: some french perspectives,2013,29,1,75-97,Lassmann Gazing into Medusa's eyes: the fear of being seen and attacks on insight,1993,10,2,142-158,Ariv 'if only I were a boy …': psychotherapeutic explorations of transgender in children and adolescents,2022,38,2,269-285,Evans Inpatient treatment with patients with severe psychosomatic and neurotic disorders: a German perspective,1991,8,2,189-198,Herzog I am a central concept of Winnicott,2021,37,2,208-222,Brogan D.W. 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Recent British books on women and therapy reviewed,1988,4,4,427-430,Sayers The Lady of Shalott,1992,8,4,413-416,Klein Psychoanalytic Approaches to Psychotic Disorders in a Public Mental Health System,2019,35,4,577-585,Kapsambelis The saga of freud's dinner jacket,2008,24,1,91-97,Bourne Of Distance and Desire: The Many Metamorphoses of George Michael and the Origins of his Creativity,2020,36,1,127-144,Schultheis Sandor Ferenczi's Analysis of'R.N.': A Critically Important Case in the History of Psychoanalysis,1993,9,4,436-443,Fortune Un-free associatons: introductory remarks,2002,18,4,471-476,Williams Psychoanalysis and War,1992,8,3,300-306,Birkett Social Violence and Psychoanalysis in the Argentinian Context,1989,5,3,363-369,Puget Personal Therapy in the Training of the Psychotherapist: Is it Effective?,1988,4,3,219-226,Macaskill The Development of Attachment in Adult Life - The NEWPIN Experiment,1990,7,1,77-85,Pound Technology Transference and COVID-19 -- With Reference to Davanloo's Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy,2022,38,1,116-135,Hickey Penis Greed,1989,5,3,423-430,Berke What's in the Good Enough Integrative Introject? Emotional Ingredients in Settling Disturbed States of Mind,2018,34,1,46-60,Kapur The worm that flies in the night1,2007,23,3,343-364,Williams The Harmful Effects of Psychotherapy: When the Therapeutic Alliance Fails,2019,35,2,245-262,Knox Uncontained in Mind and Body: Eating Disorders in Final Year Students,1993,10,1,26-32,Hirsch Swansong: Can Hope Survive an Indeterminate Prison Sentence?,2019,35,3,373-381,Orrell Some thoughts on working with regression in psychoanalytic psychotherapy,2011,27,3,258-271,Berger The Imposter in the Land of Illusion,2013,29,2,245-253,Covington Supervision of the Beginning Therapist: Privileges and Problems,1993,10,2,170-177,Ashurst The Sexual Abuse of Children,1987,3,4,323-331,Scarlett Self-psychological treatment of a sex addict with sadomasochistic behaviours: a case report,2011,27,4,352-367,Giugliano The Way of Imperfection,1992,9,2,139-147,Field 'the visage of offence': a psychoanalytical view of forgiveness and repentance in shakespeare's plays,2006,23,1,27-36,Bishop Perdita and Oedipus: A Tale of Two Adoptions,2019,35,2,273-286,Holmes Shame and Envy,1986,2,4,262-270,Berke Shared Phantasy and Therapeutic Structure in a Brief Marital Psychotherapy,1986,3,2,124-132,Clulow Working Through Apocalyptic Times: When the Psychoanalytic Frame is Blown Up,2022,38,3,457-469,Salaam Abdel-Malek The value of revenge in analytic theory and practice,1998,14,4,502-512,Collens The Spectre at the Feast: An Exploration of the Relationship Between the Dead Mother Complex and Eating Disorders,2013,29,1,41-56,Pitcairn On childhood and violence,1998,14,4,420-428,Morrison The future of psychotherapy in the uk: discussing clinical governance,1999,16,2,197-207,Owen Overt and covert narcissism: turning points and mutative elements in two psychotherapies,2001,17,4,435-447,Revik Working with Trauma and Dissociation in the NHS,2023,39,1,170-181,Stubley The Absent Father in Psychotic Phantasy,1993,9,3,301-309,Mann Transference-focused Psychotherapy for Patients with Personality Disorders: Overview and Case Example with a Focus on the Use of Contracting,2019,35,1,4-23,Yeomans The Development of A Psychotic Countertransference in Work with Two Severely Disturbed Patients,2014,30,2,197-211,Curtis The Doll as a Catalyst in an Individuation Process in D.H. Lawrence's The Captain's Doll,1996,12,3,332-341,Pierloot Perverse females: their unique psychopathology,2003,19,3,285-296,Lloyd-Owen On the Experience of a Melancholic Gaze,2019,35,1,142-155,Bainbridge Relating and dissociating: a consideration of two variables in emotional development,2001,17,4,518-529,Wright Pictures on My Analyst's Walls: Reflections on the Art of Käthe Kollwitz the Nazis and the Art of Psychoanalysis,2016,32,4,475-490,Coulter The holocaust and the power of powerlessness: survivor guilt an unhealed wound,1996,13,2,243-258,Garwood Synthesis of photography art and neuropsychological concepts within psychoanalytic psychotherapy: an illustrated case study,2024,40,1,117-142,Wolf Problems with Transference Interpretations in Short-Term Dynamic Therapy,1995,12,1,37-48,Pearson Psychotherapy in the Third Age,1994,11,2,221-231,Orbach The Function of Work on the Countertransference in a Case with Constricted Discourse and Autistic Features,2020,36,4,548-562,O'Neill Symbolism in a Group,1989,6,2,133-142,Whyte The Limits of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy: Can it be Integrated with Psychodynamic Therapy?,1989,5,3,390-401,Douglas There is No Such Thing as an Abused Child - But There is a Phantom Hybrid of the Mind,1994,11,1,20-31,Balbernie Who speaks? who listens? different voices and different sexualities,1997,13,3,369-383,Ellis The Universality of Shame: A Psychoanalytic Approach,1995,11,3,346-357,Pines 'the lions are coming': the healing image in jungian dreamwork,2004,20,4,513-526,Henriques Working with a Twin: Implications for the Transference,1994,10,4,499-510,Lewin The therapist and the fool: an exploration of why some patients attend therapy in order to not be helped,1999,15,4,439-451,Lamprell Thomas Szasz Mental Illness and Psychotherapy,1991,7,3,283-294,Brown Of Sentiments and Sensations,1995,12,2,229-241,Luis Rodriguez de la The Mental Pain of Minorities,2014,30,2,136-153,Akhtar Unravelling Countertransference,1996,12,4,461-472,Wright 'Pulling the Bandage Off': Using Margaret Warner's 'Fragile Process' in the Psychodynamic Approach,2022,38,4,693-708,Hauser Rhythm blues affirmation and enactment: it's tough soloing without a rhythm section,2010,26,1,6-21,Horne 'Too early too late': endings in psychotherapy - an attachment perspective,1997,14,2,159-171,Holmes The burden of the ego-ideal and the refusal of development,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rigg Sulking as a declaration of dependence,2022,38,3,515-532,Wrottesley Reparation terminable and interminable,2005,21,4,559-575,Polden Sentenced to Life: Reflections on the Inability to Bear Vitality Following the Movie Turtles Can Fly,2021,37,3,493-510,Schellekes The Inpatient Psychotherapy of a Mother and Child at the Cassel Hospital: A Case of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy,1995,12,2,195-207,Coombe The Good the Bad and the Boring: Narcissism and the Rejection of the 'Nice but Boring' Relationship,2022,38,2,286-303,Mann THE OUTRAGEOUS PRINCE: WINNICOTT'S UNCURE OF MASUD KHAN Introduction,2003,19,4,483-500,Caldwell Productive and Unproductive Depression: Interference in the Adaptive function of the Basic Depressed Response,1985,2,2,95-113,Gut When is a Pervert Not a Pervert?,1991,8,1,48-70,Cunningham The Impact of Maternal Depression on Young Children,1988,4,3,240-252,Puckering The Analyst's Path to Development: Remembering Important Influences,2013,29,4,532-544,Zachary The Therapist as an Ally of Lost Good Objects,2023,39,1,69-85,Tolmacz Tradition psychoanalysis and the therapeutic community,2011,27,2,175-192,Gale Surviving Trauma - Dilemmas in the Psychotherapy of Traumatised Children,1985,2,1,50-62,Lanyado Putting the record straight,1999,15,4,514-515,Birtle Psychoanalysis And Homosexuality: Keeping The Discussion Moving,2013,29,3,276-291,Newbigin Stigma and Fear: The 'Psy Professional' in Cultural Artifacts,2019,35,2,233-244,Hopson On Meditation and the Development of the Internal Analytic Setting,2022,38,1,98-115,Ross The Psychical Realities of Modern Culture,1991,7,3,268-274,Weatherill Who let the boys in? discussion of an nhs mixed gender group for victims of childhood sexual abuse,2011,27,1,79-92,Valerio Response to 'The mental pain of minorities' By Salman Akhtar,2014,30,4,534-536,Mirvis The Use of the Analyst as a Dream Symbol,1988,5,1,5-17,Eyre The analytic relationship: integrating jungian attachment theory and developmental perspectives,2009,25,1,5-23,Knox Projective Identification and Maternal Misconception in Disturbed Mothers,1987,4,1,5-22,Apprey Some Aspects of the Psychotherapeutic Treatment of a Child in Care,1984,1,2,126-143,Pitchon The Baby Makers: An In-Depth Single-Case Study of Conscious and Unconscious Psychological Reactions to Infertility and 'Baby-Making' Technology,1992,8,3,278-294,Raphael-Leff Reminiscences of a Survivor: Psychoanalysis 1937-1993,1995,11,3,453-457,Rycroft Psychoanalysis and Feminism,1995,12,1,81-84,Waddell 'Though this be madness yet there is method in't',2006,22,4,463-470,Brown Setting the scene ii: the bcp working group on confidentiality,2003,20,2,141-147,Garvey Psychic and mental bisexuality in the development of a sense of self and mind,2009,25,4,520-532,Hurwood