Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aggressiveness and memory: subordinate crabs present higher memory ability than dominants after an agonistic experience,2007,87,1,140-148,Kaczer Retrieval per se is not sufficient to trigger reconsolidation of human fear memory,2012,97,3,338-345,Kindt The error in total error reduction,2014,108,,119-135,Miller The downside of strong emotional memories: how human memory-related genes influence the risk for posttraumatic stress disorder - a selective review,2014,112C,,75-86,Elbert Substance abuse memory and post-traumatic stress disorder,2014,112,,87-100,Tipps Pharmacological modulation of acute trauma memories to prevent PTSD: Considerations from a developmental perspective,2014,112,,122-129,Delahanty A window of vulnerability: impaired fear extinction in adolescence,2014,113C,,90-100,Baker Sex differences in extinction recall in posttraumatic stress disorder: A pilot fMRI study,2014,113,,101-108,Neria Affective and cognitive mechanisms of risky decision making,2014,117,,60-70,Setlow Role of sleep for encoding of emotional memory,2015,121,,72-79,Kaida The role of sleep timing in children's observational learning,2015,125,,98-105,Van Der Werf The effects of sleep wake activity and time-on-task on offline motor sequence learning,2015,127,,56-63,Anderson Daytime sleep has no effect on the time course of motor sequence and visuomotor adaptation learning,2016,131,,147-154,Hummel Sleep supports cued fear extinction memory consolidation independent of circadian phase,2016,132,,9-17,Melo Sex differences in learned fear expression and extinction involve altered gamma oscillations in medial prefrontal cortex,2016,135,,66-72,Bredy Sex differences in discriminating between cues predicting threat and safety,2016,133,,196-203,Stevenson Neural mechanisms of human temporal fear conditioning,2016,136,,97-104,Baños Deficient fear extinction memory in posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,136,,116-126,Flor The neurobiology of safety and threat learning in infancy,2016,143,,49-58,Dębiec The basolateral amygdala can mediate the effects of fear memory on sleep independently of fear behavior and the peripheral stress response,2016,137,,27-35,Wellman Acquisition and inhibition of conditioned fear is modulated by individual stimulus fear-relevance,2016,137,,114-122,Hamm Brief exercise enhances intrusive memories of traumatic stimuli,2017,141,,9-13,Bryant Social proximal and conditioned threat,2017,142,Pt B,236-243,Rosén A negative allosteric modulator of PDE4D enhances learning after traumatic brain injury,2018,148,,38-49,Titus Development of the fear regulation system from early adolescence to young adulthood in female mice,2018,150,,93-98,Shimizu Cannabinoid agonist administration within the cerebellar cortex impairs motor learning,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinmetz Blocking under stress: sustained attention to stimuli without predictive value?,2020,ePub,ePub,107158,Schwabe Sleep deprivation directly following eyeblink-conditioning impairs memory consolidation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Zeeuw The effects of acute cannabis smoke or Δ(9)-THC injections on the trial-unique nonmatching-to- location and five-choice serial reaction time tasks in male Long-Evans rats,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howland Effects of psilocybin on uncertain punishment learning,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moghaddam