Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Concerning Relative Value of a Physician's and a Taxi Driver's Services: Re California Industrial Accident Commission,1945,62,2,100,Ilsley Blast Injury of the Spine,1946,64,6,352-353,Cozen High Costs of Serious Illness or Injury - Are They Not Above All Else the Hospitalization Expenses?,1945,63,4,155-157, Diagnosis of Industrial Poisoning,1945,62,3,110-112,Hamilton SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE IN WARTIME-OR-THE WIDENING FIELD OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE: PART II: Treatment of Burns,1945,62,1,23-24,Rooney Burns,1944,61,4,187-190,Blackfield California Industrial Accident Fee Schedule,1944,61,2,67-68,Peart Carbon tetrachloride poisoning: report of cases,1944,61,1,16-20,Konwaler Poisoning in Childhood: Certain Significant Aspects of its Etiology and Treatment,1942,56,3,137-144,Mapes Concerning Traffic Accident Prevention,1942,56,2,107,Brennan Concerning Transportation of Narcotics over Mexican Border,1942,56,2,107,George Visual Disturbances Following Head Injury,1941,55,6,298-301,Grant Subject: Prevention of traffic accidents,1939,51,6,411-412,Parr Actinic Keratosis of the Left Forearm Due to Driving an Automobile,1939,51,6,359,Montgomery Physiological factors in accident prevention,1939,51,3,206, Suicide,1939,50,2,98-104,Lindemulder Use of Dogs in Development Treatment of War Gas Poisoning,1938,49,3,182-185,Hanzlik Carbon monoxide hazards in traffic accidents in california,1938,49,2,175, Concerning Coöperation of Major Disaster Emergency Council in recent Los Angeles floods,1938,48,4,295-296,Rice Sulfanilamide Poisoning Characterized by Dyspnea and Loss of Consciousness,1937,47,6,407-408,Geiger The So-Called "Straddle" Injury: Its Management,1937,46,4,234-240,Beach More Concerning Automobile Accidents and "Vehicides",1937,46,2,76-77, Protection of children first aim of federal caustic poison act,1937,46,1,68, Concerning automobile injuries,1936,45,6,515,Hanna Summary of mortality from automobile accidents,1936,45,5,447, Automobile Accidents and "Vehicides": Some Federal and California Statistics,1936,45,4,307-308, Poisoning Poisonous Spiders: An Experimental Investigation in the Control of the Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus Mactans),1936,45,1,31-38,Bogen Poisoning Due to the Ingestion of a Mixture of Sodium Bicarbonate-Sodium Fluorid,1936,44,2,81-83,Geiger Black Widow Spider Poisoning: Additional Discussion,1935,43,6,461, Black Widow Spider Poisoning: A Preliminary Report on the Bite of the Black Widow Spider: So-Called Hour-Glass or Shoe-Button Spider(Lactrodectus Moctans),1935,43,5,328-331,Gray Acute Mercury Poisoning,1935,43,1,52,Allen Mussel Poisoning,1935,42,6,423-426,Sommer An Unusual Brain Injury,1935,42,1,32,Tickell Mussel Poisoning,1934,41,1,26-28,Stegeman Chronic Carbon Monoxid Poisoning-A Present-Day Hazard,1934,40,1,19-22,Michael Santonin Poisoning,1933,39,6,409-410,Vinks Mussel and clam poisoning in california,1933,38,4,332-333, Mussels and Clams: A Seasonal Quarantine-Bicarbonate of Soda as a Factor in the Prevention of Mussel Poisoning,1932,37,5,327-328,Muller Mussels and Clams: A Seasonal Quarantine-Bicarbonate of Soda as a Factor in the Prevention of Mussel Poisoning,1932,37,4,263-264,Muller Dislocation of the Astragalus: Associated with Fracture of the Cuboid and Fibula Following Simple Injury Report of Case,1932,37,3,176-178,Haas Benzol poisoning: report of case,1931,35,5,361-366,Pulford Cinchophen poisoning: report of case,1931,35,4,269-270,Bogen Visual requirements for automobile drivers,1931,35,2,101-103,Weymann Clam and mussel poisoning,1930,32,6,382-385,Ebright Carbon monoxid poisoning,1928,29,6,401-403,Legge Unusually extensive injury: report of a case,1925,23,10,1318-1319,Sproat Bismuth subnitrate poisoning: report of a case,1925,23,6,757,Pierce They keep the home fires burning,1925,23,5,614, Adult delinquency: its prevention by mental hygiene in childhood,1925,23,2,170-171,Catton Mortality from certain diseases among children under fifteen years of age in California 1906-1934: part iii,1936,45,1,110-111,Dickie Mortality from certain diseases among children under fifteen years of age in California 1906-1934: part ii,1936,44,6,542-543,Dickie Mortality from certain diseases among children under fifteen years of age in California 1906-1934,1936,44,5,454-455,Dickie Electric Shock Drowning and Sunstroke,1938,49,4 Suppl,10, Constitutional psychopathic inferior personality--with or without psychosis,1929,30,2,78-83,Orbison Concerning new provisions and instructions regarding California narcotic laws,1941,55,3,161-162,Madden