Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A regional poison prevention education service-learning project,2008,72,4,87,Timpe Physiology of the autonomic nervous system,2007,71,4,78,McCorry Pharmacy students' perceptions and emotional responses to aggressive incidents in pharmacy practice,2010,74,4,61,Rahim A tool to teach communication skills to pharmacy students,2008,72,3,67,Hasan A case-based toxicology module on agricultural- and mining-related occupational exposures,2012,76,7,136,Brown Alcohol use behaviors among pharmacy students,2014,78,2,30,Correia Bullying in the clinical training of pharmacy students,2014,78,6,117,Chan Liability of faculty members in colleges of pharmacy,1982,46,3,223-26,Fink Assessment of emergency preparedness modules in introductory pharmacy practice experiences,2016,80,2,e23,von Waldner An assessment of state board of pharmacy legal documents for public health emergency preparedness,2016,80,2,e20,Ford Use of an auditory hallucination simulation to increase student pharmacist empathy for patients with mental illness,2016,80,8,e142,Skoy Motivations and predictors of cheating in pharmacy school,2016,80,8,e133,Ip Emphasizing bloom's affective domain to reduce pharmacy students' stigmatizing attitudes,2017,81,2,e35,Muzyk Pharmacy schools should be involved in disaster preparedness planning at the local and state levels,2019,83,1,6968,Monk Pharmacy students' ability to identify fall risk-increasing drugs using an innovative assessment tool,2019,83,10,e7461,Wahler Student pharmacists' attitudes toward suicide and the perceived role of community pharmacists in suicidal ideation assessment,2020,84,5,e7588,Mospan Training student pharmacists in suicide awareness and prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKeirnan The illusion of urgency,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kennedy A scoping review of suicide prevention training programs for pharmacists and student pharmacists,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lavigne Impact of a brief suicide prevention training with an interactive video case assessment on student pharmacist outcomes,2023,87,7,e100093,Lavigne Addressing an uncertain future with a culture of psychological safety,2023,87,7,e100032,Jones Implementing mental health first aid training in a doctor of pharmacy program,2023,87,8,e100006,McKeirnan Human simulators and standardized patients to teach difficult conversations to interprofessional health care teams,2010,74,7,e120,Kennedy Moral Distress and Moral Injury in Pharmacy and Why the Academy Needs to Care,2023,87,12,e100610,Schommer