Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Helicopter rescue and prehospital care for drowning children: two summer season case studies,2008,74,12,703-707,Barbieri Mixed poisoning caused by barbiturates and neuroleptics. Therapeutic considerations and presentation of a clinical case,1975,41,5,260-266,Fiandri Our experience in 404 cases of acute exogenous poisoning,1976,42,10,727-734,Cassiano Poisoning due to copper sulfate Clinical contribution,1976,42,6,470-475,Pelosi The crush syndrome. Experience in the earthquake of May 6 1976 in Friuli,1978,44,4,237-250,Favazza Strychnine poisoning. A clinical case,1990,56,1-2,41-42,Migliaccio "Drills of civil protection "Lunigiana '90" --technico-operative evaluation and analysis of the results,1991,57,12,1751-1755,Vignale Prevention and management of incidents in records of deep immersion,1991,57,12,1728,Banchini Prevention and management of emergencies in off-shore stations,1991,57,12,1727,Banchini Intervention of the Group of Civil Protection of the Misericordia di Pisa in the disaster of Moby Prince,1991,57,12,1725-1726,Poli Assistance intervention procedure in circuit races. Our experience at the motor-racing track of Monza during the athletic seasons of 1990 and 1991,1991,57,12,1691-1693,Pontecorvo Emergencies in alcoholism,1991,57,12,1665,Iannotti Recent advances in sea rescue,1991,57,11,1171-1172,Ruggiero Activity of the first aid service of the Italian Red Cross at the car race track of Monza in the 1990 agonistic season,1991,57,10,1063,Pusineri Statistical data on health emergencies in the province of Chieti,1991,57,10,1050-1051,Zocaro Vertebral injuries in emergencies in the mountains: first aid and early stabilization,1991,57,10,1046-1047,Bono Death and resuscitation in drowning,1970,36,7,381-478,Manni Changes in pulmonary alveoli beta-lipoprotein levels following fresh water drowning and cardiac resuscitation,1970,36,5,315-319,Bondoli Acute poisoning caused by an accidental fall into a cadmiature bath,1968,34,10,1171,Samele Acquaviva Electrocardiographic changes in traffic accident patients,1966,32,5,250-255,Legnani Prevention of and reanimation of drowning,1965,31,9,450-457,Barone Prevention of anesthesiologic explosions,1965,31,,246-248,Bellucci Anesthetic explosions. Risk and prevention,1965,31,,68-75,Moricca Acute poisoning due to hydrocarbons derived from petroleum distillation. Clinical and radiological study on 8 cases,1975,41,10,478-490,Colella Acute poisoning from arsenous anhydride ingestion. A clinical case,1993,59,6,339-341,Marcovigi Description of two cases of "crush syndrome" observed after the Stava catastrophe,1986,52,8-9,261-265,Berlanda Incidence of chronic alcoholism in 109 patients with cranial injuries. A 3-year study,1985,51,9,463-469,Herve Accidental hypothermia and coma states,1983,49,3,155-173,Mezzetti A case of attempted suicide by meprobamate,1959,25,,457-459,Fongo Acute poisoning by phosphoric esters and its therapy,1960,26,,499-500,Morello Considerations on the prognosis and treatment of some cases of poisoning due to barbiturates and carbon monoxide,1965,31,11,564-568,Damia Possibilities of use of an explosive gas detector in anesthesiology,1965,31,,237-240,Galletta Explosions and fires in the operating room. Personal experience,1965,31,,224-226,Bonagura On acute barbiturate poisoning (Clinical contribution),1967,33,1,25-28,Fabris Mushroom poisoning,1968,34,10,1148-1152,Balestra Pharmacological poisoning by quinine salicylates oral antidiabetics and diuretics,1968,34,10,1138-1144,Trazzi Acute poisoning by organophosphoric esters,1968,34,11,1258-1260,Cecconello Medical assistance for the head injury patient. Methods and delivery time in a regional hospital,1993,59,11,635-636,Bortolotti Intracranial pressure waves in head injury with incipient brain death,1993,59,11,623-625,Conci The organization of emergency services in the province of Bergamo. Do conditions exist for correct assistance for the head injury patient?,1993,59,11,621-622,Bortolotti An infrequent case of attempted suicide with colchicine,1994,60,1-2,71-75,Spina Acute amanita phalloides poisoning in the second pregnancy trimester,1994,60,3,153-154,Dolfi Foreign body inhalation in children. Report of a case,1994,60,3,149-151,Pellegrino Carbamate and organophosphate poisoning,1996,62,1-2,33-54,Peduto Silibinin and acute poisoning with Amanita phalloides,1996,62,5,187-193,Basile Survey carried out by land of the intervention time for territorial health care,1989,55,9,359-361,Vignale Proposal for a form to report accidents during transportation of patients in ambulances,1991,57,12,1841-1844,Piazza Eight months of emergency services by ambulance (with doctor on board) of the Emergency Department of Prato Italy,2002,68,11,849-52 852-4,Olia Trauma Centres: what role is played by the anesthesiologist-resuscitator in Italy?,2002,68,3,67-70,Latronico A case of Saridon poisoning,1969,35,4,448-451,Balestra Poisoning with cyanhydric acid. Clinico-therapeutic considerations and presentation of a case,1969,35,4,437-447,Castello Traumatic brain injury in pediatric patients,2010,76,12,1052-1059,Stocchetti A new therapeutic approach in the treatment of acute trichloroethylene poisoning. First clinical results,1988,54,6,291-295,Conti Paraquat poisoning; clinical toxicological aspects and a case description,1980,46,4,493-500,Soldani Therapeutic approach to caustic damage of the 1st segment of the digestive tube due to ingestion of strong acids and alkalies,1979,45,6,453-460,Barbieri A rare case of "secondary" drowning,1992,58,12,1339-1342,Spina Tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies in children. Criteria for choice of the bronchoscopic technic (direct peroral or tracheostomic) and anesthesia problems,1970,36,6,355-364,Pisanelli Age-related differences in mechanism cause and location of trauma deaths,2011,77,6,592-597,Theilade Reanimatology as a neurological science,1994,60,10,479-482,Negovsky Air crash simulation at the Torino-Caselle airport,1995,61,3,87-91,Morra Poisoning due to Amanita phalloides. I,1970,36,10,629-635,Delfino Secondary alveolitis following near-drowning,1970,36,12,768-770,Zaffiri Acute poisonings in childhood. Report of cases treated in the past year,1971,37,8,327-331,De Ninno Hemlock poisoning. Clinical contribution,1978,44,1,45-48,Russo Frostbite. Clinical note,1978,44,1,41-44,Pelizzo Cardiac contusion in closed injuries of the thorax,1980,46,1,45-51,Scrascia Observations on a case of frostbite,1984,50,1-2,13-18,D'Arcangelo Clinical and anatomo-pathological studies on long-term results obtained with thioctic acid in Amanita Phalloides poisoning,1974,40,2,61-70,Ciucci Unusual case of acute organophosphate ester poisoning by parenteral way,1974,40,7,331-336,Fratello Apropos of a case of organophosphate ester poisoning by the parenteral way,1974,40,7,387-388,Fiandri Acute poisoning caused by aniline. General aspects and a clinical case,1975,41,2,100-111,Giordano Trichloroethylene poisoning,1976,42,3,202-208,Canfora Cardiac rupture in thoracic trauma,2000,66,6,473-478,Rossi Pneumomediastinum and emphysema of the neck after a suicide attempt by hanging,2012,78,1,111,Picetti Comment on "Drowning",2012,78,8,971; author reply 972-3,Zasa Inhalation of foreign bodies,1999,65,5 Suppl 1,86-91,Gentili Cranial trauma and multiple trauma: from the street to the operating room,1999,65,6,353-356,Stocchetti Epidemiological study on high grade trauma. Friuli VG Major Trauma Study Group,1999,65,6,348-352,Nardi Giromitra syndrome caused by false morel,1999,65,11,811-813,Riva Our experience in resuscitation therapy of mushroom poisoning,1973,39,6,296-300,Della Valle Syndrome of post-traumatic fat embolism. Clinical study and presentation of 7 cases,1976,42,10,713-719,Fiandri Authors reply to "comment on drowning",2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schilling Impact of an integrated treatment approach of the severely injured patients (ISS =/> 16) on hospital mortality and quality of care,2002,68,1-2,25-35,Nardi On 2 interesting cases of resuscitation for acute drug intoxication,1966,32,5,231-234,Nanni Costa The management of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury: Italian guideline,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lubrano New therapeutic prospects in the management of acute poisoning due to surface-active agents,1977,43,6,351-356,Montanini A case of penetrating cranio-cerebral gunshot wound,1977,43,10,589-591,Pradella Trieline poisoning. Clinical cases,1977,43,11-12,643-653,Rossi Progressive pulmonary insufficiency in injured persons,1974,40,1,35-42,Di Concetto An epidemiological study of cardiac emergency cases in the province of Florence and the Southeast Florence Hospital area,1980,46,5,577-596,Pailli Experience in 50 case of drug poisoning,1979,45,5,357-362,Rocca Clinical aspects of the prognosis of skull and brain injuries. A study of 108 cases,1980,46,6,703-708,Gambacorta Biochemical changes in acute experimental ethanol intoxication,1982,48,4,227-232,Magalini Syndrome of post-traumatic pulmonary fat embolism. Clinical case,1982,48,5,347-354,Scherini Mushroom poisoning: clinical contribution,1980,46,12,1283-1294,Caione A case of fetal arsenous anhydride poisoning,1980,46,12,1273-1276,Di Sacco A rare case of acute mandragora poisoning. Diagnostic and therapeutic criteria,1980,46,12,1265-1272,Praticò A case of death from a bee sting,1981,47,11,761-763,Cassiano Identification of drugs in toxic doses in biological fluids using infrared Spectrophotometry,1981,47,12,821-825,Magalini Diffuse traumatic cerebral injuries in children,1989,55,4,177-181,Trazzi Cranial injury in children,1989,55,4,173-175,Barbieri Prospective evaluation of the role of abdominal echocardiography in the treatment of seriously traumatized patients,1989,55,7-8,313-317,Corbanese Acid-base equilibrium of the cerebrospinal fluid and blood in the cerebral circulation in drowning and resuscitation. (Experimental study),1970,36,3,214-219,Russo Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in avalanche victim with deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest,2015,82,3,371-372,Facchetti Hospital disaster preparedness in Italy: a preliminary study utilizing the World Health Organization hospital emergency response evaluation toolkit,2016,82,12,1259-1266,Della Corte Age-related outcome of patients after traumatic brain injury: a single-centre observation,2017,83,11,1169-1177,Erlebach Unusual method of administration of copper salts in a suicide,1982,48,6,411-418,Cassiano Are you "too old" to survive a traumatic brain injury?,2017,83,11,1121-1123,Taccone Are we at a turning point for disaster medicine education? The SIAARTI Academy Critical Emergency Medicine course experience,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Montrucchio Patient self-inflicted lung injury: implications for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS patients on non-invasive support,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grieco Paying attention to patient self-inflicted lung injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnal Oleander poisoning: an old toxic in the modern era,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Montrucchio Facing increased suicide attempts during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: the experience from the major trauma center in Lombardy Italy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Compagnone SARS-CoV-2 pandemic impact on traumatic brain injury epidemiology: an overview of the Veneto region,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Munari Toxicovigilance during the COVID-19: attention to poisoning related to disinfection,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berrino Pain management in victims of disasters,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell Antithrombin III. Key factor in extracorporeal circulation,2002,68,5,454-457,Ranucci Lipid therapy for serotonin syndrome after intoxication with venlafaxine lamotrigine and diazepam,2011,77,1,93-95,Marcus