Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol-induced suppression of BOLD activity during goal-directed visuomotor performance,2006,31,3,1209-1221,Van Horn Association between cerebral glutamate and human behaviour: The sensation seeking personality trait,2007,34,2,671-678,Gallinat Resilience after 9/11: multimodal neuroimaging evidence for stress-related change in the healthy adult brain,2008,40,2,788-795,Temple Neural substrates of driving behaviour,2007,36,1,245-255,Maguire FMRI adaptation during performance of learned arbitrary visuomotor conditional associations,2009,48,4,696-706,Chouinard Computational biology - modeling of primary blast effects on the central nervous system,2009,47,2,T10-20,Noels Neural correlates of culturally familiar brands of car manufacturers,2006,31,2,861-865,Heinze Doing the right thing: a common neural circuit for appropriate violent or compassionate behavior,2006,30,3,1069-1076,Dolan Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of motion sickness,2010,49,3,2862-2870,Lin Aberrant social and cerebral responding in a competitive reaction time paradigm in criminal psychopaths,2009,,,,Lotze Motor timing and motor sequencing contribute differently to the preparation for voluntary movement,2010,49,4,3338-3348,Bortoletto The Impact of Prior Risk Experiences on Subsequent Risky Decision-Making: The Role of the Insula,2010,50,2,709-716,Bechara Diffuse Damage in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Comparison of Automated versus Operator-controlled Quantification Methods,2010,50,3,1017-1026,McCauley Adolescent risky decision-making: Neurocognitive development of reward and control regions,2010,51,1,345-355,Crone Conflict and inhibition differentially affect the N200/P300 complex in a combined go/nogo and stop-signal task,2010,51,2,877-887,Enriquez-Geppert Visually induced gamma-band activity predicts speed of change detection in humans,2010,51,3,1162-1167,Hoogenboom Neurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performance,2010,51,4,1303-1309,Blankertz Decreased activation of lateral orbitofrontal cortex during risky choices under uncertainty is associated with disadvantageous decision-making and suicidal behavior,2010,51,3,1275-1281,Jollant Cognitive and brain consequences of conflict,2003,18,1,42-57,Thomas Pinning down response inhibition in the brain - conjunction analyses of the Stop-signal task,2010,52,4,1621-1632,Hopf Decoding the direction of auditory motion in blind humans,2011,56,2,681-687,Wolbers A Multimodal imaging study in U.S. veterans of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom with and without major depression after blast-related concussion,2011,54,Suppl 1,S69-S75,Simmons Mechanisms of blast induced brain injuries experimental studies in rats,2011,54,Suppl 1,S89-S97,Davidsson Working toward exposure thresholds for blast-induced traumatic brain injury: Thoracic and acceleration mechanisms,2011,54,Suppl 1,S55-S61,Courtney Blast-induced electromagnetic fields in the brain from bone piezoelectricity,2011,54,Suppl 1,S30-S36,Moore Experimental modeling of explosive blast related traumatic brain injuries,2011,54,Suppl 1,S45-54,Son Mechanisms and Pathophysiology of the Low-Level Blast Brain Injury in Animal Models,2011,54,Suppl 1,S83-8,Saljo Action relationships concatenate representations of separate objects in the ventral visual system,2010,52,4,1541-1548,Humphreys Perceiving threat from dynamic faces and bodies. An fMRI study,2011,54,2,1755-1762,Grèzes The Neural Correlates of Negative Prediction Error Signaling in Human Fear Conditioning,2011,54,3,2250-2256,Sturm Developmental influences on the neural bases of responses to social rejection: Implications of social neuroscience for education,2011,57,3,686-694,Viding Cognitive profile and brain morphological changes in obstructive sleep apnea,2011,54,2,787-793,Malhotra Top-down biases win against focal attention in the fusiform face area,2007,38,4,730-739,Koch Neural basis of generation of conclusions in elementary deduction,2007,38,4,752-762,Cherubini Am I safe? The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex 'detects' when an unpleasant event does not occur,2007,38,2,367-385,Resch Tit-for-tat: the neural basis of reactive aggression,2007,38,1,203-211,Münte Thoughts behaviour and brain dynamics during navigation in the real world,2006,31,4,1826-1840,Maguire Color changing photonic crystals detect blast exposure,2011,54,Suppl 1,S37-44,Browne D2 receptor genotype and striatal dopamine signaling predict motor cortical activity and behavior in humans,2011,54,4,2915-2921,Blasi Phasic and sustained fear in humans elicits distinct patterns of brain activity,2011,55,1,389-400,Chen Effects of alcohol on brain responses to social signals of threat in humans,2011,55,1,371-380,King Principles of recovery from traumatic brain injury: Reorganization of functional networks,2011,55,3,1189-1199,Castellanos Neurobehavioral mechanisms of human fear generalization,2011,55,4,1878-1888,Labar Alteration of Brain Functional Network at Rest and in Response to YMCA Physical Stress Test in Concussed Athletes: rsFMRI study,2011,55,4,1716-1727,Sebastianelli Fear and stop: A role for the amygdala in motor inhibition by emotional signals,2011,55,4,1825-1835,Sagaspe Developmental effects of reward on sustained attention networks,2011,56,3,1693-1704,Smith Altered directional connectivity in Parkinson's disease during performance of a visually guided task,2011,56,4,2144-2156,Tropini The neural basis of social tactics: An fMRI study,2006,32,2,913-920,Fukuyama Evidence for a different role of the ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex for social reactive aggression: An interactive fMRI study,2007,34,1,470-478,Lotze Association between lower P300 amplitude and smaller anterior cingulate cortex volume in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study of victims of Tokyo subway sarin attack,2005,25,1,43-50,Yamasue Reduced prefrontal cortical gray matter volume in young adults exposed to harsh corporal punishment,2009,47,Suppl 2,T66-71,Teicher Connectivity from the ventral anterior cingulate to the amygdala is modulated by appetitive motivation in response to facial signals of aggression,2008,43,3,562-570,Calder Conflict caused by visual feedback modulates activation in somatosensory areas during movement execution,2012,59,2,1501-1507,Kakigi Turning on the alarm: The neural mechanisms of the transition from innocuous to painful sensation,2012,59,2,1594-1601,Johnstone Stride-time variability and sensorimotor cortical activation during walking,2012,59,2,1602-1607,Kurz To wake or not to wake? The two-sided nature of the human K-complex,2012,59,2,1631-1638,Jahnke Culture modulates brain activity during empathy with anger,2012,59,3,2871-2882,Northoff Nothing to lose: Processing blindness to potential losses drives thrill and adventure seekers,2012,59,3,2850-2859,Paulus Biological motion processing: The left cerebellum communicates with the right superior temporal sulcus,2012,59,3,2824-2830,Sokolov An integrative model of the neural systems supporting the comprehension of observed emotional behavior,2012,59,3,3050-3059,Lieberman Don't look back in anger: Neural correlates of reappraisal analytical rumination and angry rumination during recall of an anger-inducing autobiographical memory,2012,59,3,2974-2981,Denson Putaminal activity is related to perceptual certainty,2008,41,1,123-129,Pastor Functional brain correlates of heterosexual paedophilia,2008,41,1,80-91,Forsting Differential sensitivity for viewpoint between familiar and unfamiliar faces in human visual cortex,2008,40,4,1857-1870,Ewbank Dynamic gray matter changes within cortex and striatum after short motor skill training are associated with their increased functional interaction,2012,59,4,3364-3372,Hamzei When do you grasp the idea? 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the reversed effects of space and time,2012,63,2,882-893,Chatterjee Effects of motor fatigue on human brain activity an fMRI study,2007,35,4,1438-1449,Renken Spatio-temporal information analysis of event-related BOLD responses,2007,34,4,1545-1561,D'Esposito The impact of processing load on emotion,2007,34,3,1299-1309,Mitchell Substantia nigra echomorphology in the healthy very old: Correlation with motor slowing,2007,34,3,1054-1059,Behnke Early cortical response to behaviorally relevant absence of anticipated outcomes: a human event-related potential study,2007,35,3,1348-1355,Schnider Parsing a sequence of brain activations at psychological times using fMRI,2007,35,2,655-668,Dehaene Cognitive neurophysiology: beyond averaging,2007,37,4,1069-1072,Fell Human visual and parietal cortex encode visual choices independent of motor plans,2012,63,3,1393-1403,Haynes A neural network reflecting individual differences in cognitive processing of emotions during perceptual decision making,2006,33,3,1016-1027,van der Meer Cerebellum and integration of neural networks in dual-task processing,2013,65,,466-475,Liu High and low sensation seeking adolescents show distinct patterns of brain activity during reward processing,2012,66,,184-193,Nagel Lost in thoughts: neural markers of low alertness during mind wandering,2011,54,4,3040-3047,Braboszcz The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence,2013,71,,275-283,Galvan Neural correlates of context memory with real-world events,2004,21,4,1596-1603,Yamaguchi Willed action and attention to the selection of action,2004,21,4,1407-1415,Lau Inhibitory control and trait aggression: Neural and behavioral insights using the emotional stop signal task,2013,79,,264-274,Gur Risk-taking and social exclusion in adolescence: Neural mechanisms underlying peer influences on decision-making,2013,82,,23-34,Dishion Tuning the brain for novelty detection under emotional threat: the role of increasing gamma phase-synchronization,2010,49,1,1038-1044,Garcia-Garcia White Matter Integrity in Physically Fit Older Adults,2013,82,,510-516,Khan From Vivaldi to Beatles and back: Predicting lateralized brain responses to music,2013,83,,627-636,Brattico Serotonin 2A receptors contribute to the regulation of risk-averse decisions,2013,83,,35-44,Paulson Cognitive control and brain resources in major depression: an fMRI study using the n-back task,2005,26,3,860-869,Dubois Methylphenidate-evoked changes in striatal dopamine correlate with inattention and impulsivity in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,2005,25,3,868-876,Rosa-Neto Disrupted modular organization of resting-state cortical functional connectivity in U.S. military personnel following concussive 'mild' blast-related traumatic brain injury,2014,84,,76-96,Flaherty Implicit emotion regulation in the presence of threat: neural and autonomic correlates,2014,85,Pt 1,372-379,Pauli Drawing lines while imagining circles: Neural basis of the bimanual coupling effect during motor execution and motor imagery,2013,88C,,100-112,Rabuffetti Developmental stages and sex differences of white matter and behavioral development through adolescence: A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) study,2014,92,,356-368,Hallquist Brain mechanisms underlying the effects of aging on different aspects of selective attention,2014,91,,52-62,Lorist Delineating the cortico-striatal-cerebellar network in implicit motor sequence learning,2014,94,,222-230,Münte Juggling revisited - 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Neurocognitive processes during the preparation-perception-action cycle and error-detection,2015,113,,320-328,Spinelli Brain structure correlates of emotion-based rash impulsivity,2015,115,,138-146,Lawrence Anticipating conflict: neural correlates of a Bayesian belief and its motor consequence,2015,119,,286-295,Zhang Controllability modulates the neural response to predictable but not unpredictable threat in humans,2015,119,,371-381,Knight Discriminant brain connectivity patterns of performance monitoring at average and single-trial levels,2015,120,,64-74,Chavarriaga Resting spontaneous activity in the default mode network predicts performance decline during prolonged attention workload,2015,120,,323-330,Rao Response control networks are selectively modulated by attention to rare events and memory load regardless of the need for inhibition,2015,120,,331-344,Spencer Comments and controversies: Piecing together the neurobiology of decision-making,2015,125,,1096-1098,Wand Violating body movement semantics: neural signatures of self-generated and external-generated errors,2015,124,Pt A,147-156,Rodriguez-Fornells The reliability of continuous brain responses during naturalistic listening to music,2015,124,Pt A,224-231,Sams Changes in functional connectivity dynamics associated with vigilance network in taxi drivers,2015,124,Pt A,367-378,Liu Adolescent neurodevelopment of cognitive control and risk-taking in negative family contexts,2015,124,Pt A,989-996,Telzer Segregating attention from response control when performing a motor inhibition task: segregating attention from response control,2015,126,,27-38,Chen Decoding negative affect personality trait from patterns of brain activation to threat stimuli,2016,145,Pt B,337-345,Volchan Statistical machine learning to identify traumatic brain injury (TBI) from structural disconnections of white matter networks,2016,129,,247-259,Mathias A selective review of simulated driving studies: Combining naturalistic and hybrid paradigms analysis approaches and future directions,2012,59,1,25-35,Calhoun Criticism hurts everybody praise only some: common and specific neural responses to approving and disapproving social-evaluative videos,2016,132,,138-147,Wilhelm Perception of actions performed by external agents presupposes knowledge about the relationship between action and effect,2016,132,,261-273,Raos Perceptual demand and distraction interactions mediated by task-control networks,2016,138,,141-146,Durgerian Spontaneous pupil dilations during the resting state are associated with activation of the salience network,2016,139,,189-201,Czisch Flexible modulation of risk attitude during decision-making under quota,2016,139,,304-312,Takahashi Age differences in the neural correlates of distraction regulation: a network interaction approach,2016,139,,231-239,Hasher Brain networks of temporal preparation: a multiple regression analysis of neuropsychological data,2016,142,,489-497,Humphreys Why don't you like me? 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